2005 South Top Prospect Showcase
Nance is a 6-1, 165 lb left handed hitting outfielder from Texas with a slender, medium build that should fill out well. Nance runs and throws solidly at the college level right now. He ran the 60 in 7.24 and was a quick 4.36 down to first base. He showed very nice arm strength at 84 mph and has all the tools to be a solid defensive outfielder. At the plate, Nance hits from a reverse toe tap trigger and does a good job keeping his weight and hands back. He likes to pull the ball and showed some power potential during batting practice, although he pressed some in games. Nace also pitched and threw 80 mph with a loose arm action and good downward plane to the plate. Follow him for strength gains and improvement at the plate. Nance is also a very good student.