2023 13U/14U Spring Southwest Showcase
Jose Andres Ruiz Rodriguez is a 2026 C/RHP, 1B with a 5-8 145 lb. frame from Chandler, AZ who attends Basha. Features a strong build. Primary catcher. Uses a low setup behind the plate. Shows quick footwork with the ability to replace feet well. Still developing consistent quickness through the transfer. Was accurate with most throws. Recorded a 2.21 pop time. Right-handed hitter. Utilizes a narrow, upright stance. Stays balanced well throughout simple swing. Swings on a direct path with good extension out front. Approach allows for the entire field to be used. Power will continue to develop as the swing path is refined. Right-handed pitcher. Shows an easy, repeatable delivery down the mound. Fastball sat 70-73 mph with slight armside run. Paired it with a low-60’s curveball. Still refining consistent feel for the offering. Very good student. Named to the 13u/14u Spring Southwest Showcase Top Prospects List.