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PLEASE NOTE: Registration and payment for this event will be closing down at 8AM on Friday, June 7th! We anticipate a release for the schedule no later than Monday June 10th.
Jun 14 - 16 |  Various Fields | Cumming, GA
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings 1 Event Article
FB Velocities
eXposure 17U LS Tate Daniels R86
eXposure 17U LS Hunter Caywood R85
eXposure 17U Prime Seth Coffelt L85
eXposure 17U Prime Brandon Lejeune R85
eXposure 17U Prime Gehrig Ebel R84
Georgia Stars Baseball Academy 18u Cody Gibson R83
eXposure 17U Prime Drew Patterson L83
eXposure 17U LS Noah Pridmore R83
eXposure 17U Demarini Chipper Kierce L82
Georgia Stars Baseball Academy 18u Nicolas Osorio R82
TC 18U Adam Featherstone R81
eXposure 17U Demarini Parker Long R81
Georgia Line Drive 18U Christian Pace R81
TC 18U Aj Ratchford L81
TC 18U Grant Smith R81
TC 18U John Hamilton Vaughan R81
eXposure 17U LS Taylor Flint R80
eXposure 17U LS Charlie Morgan R80
eXposure 17U LS Michael Stoltzfus R80
West Ga Jackets 18U Haidyn Abley R79
Georgia Line Drive 18U Clay Wilson R79
Red Stitches Connor Amitin R78
Red Stitches Jackson Arendt R78
eXposure 17U Demarini Garrett Dent R78
Georgia Stars Baseball Academy 18u Christopher McDowell R78
Georgia Line Drive 18U A.J. Preston R78
TC 18U Alex Kang R77
eXposure 17U Demarini Spencer Lewis R77
Georgia Line Drive 18U Christopher Shimer R77
TC 18U Nolan Williams L77
Georgia Stars Baseball Academy 18u Jeb Cook R76
eXposure 17U Demarini Charlie Swafford R76
Mill Creek Logan Aderholt R75
Mill Creek Tristen Haney R75
eXposure 17U Demarini Brendan McLeod L75
eXposure 17U Demarini Nicolas Ringhofer L75
eXposure 17U LS Payton Adkisson L74
Georgia Stars Baseball Academy 18u Jesus Castellanos R74
Red Stitches Sam Floyd R74
eXposure 17U Demarini Cooper Cavanagh R73
Georgia Line Drive 18U Thomas Gibson R73
eXposure 17U Demarini Michael Pels R73
Georgia Line Drive 18U Connor Highland R72
Mill Creek Jack Hipple R72
Georgia Stars Baseball Academy 18u Steven Young Ii R72
Georgia Stars Baseball Academy 18u Matt Newbern L71
West Ga Jackets 18U Martin Juarez R70
Georgia Line Drive 18U Caden Wilson L70
Mill Creek Logan Diamond R69
eXposure 17U LS Brant Bagley R68
Mill Creek Brandon Warbington R68
Mill Creek Dax Hickman L67