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All teams who need accommodations are REQUIRED to make hotel reservations through GroupHousing to insure their place in any in the event. GroupHousing guarantees the lowest rate available.  GroupHousing will make this process efficient and friendly for you, while providing exceptional hotel accommodations for all teams. Most hotels offer a breakfast, kid friendly services, budget conscious rates, and amenities to enhance your stay. Each hotel is strategically located just minutes from the event locations.

Please see the links for hotels.  You may also contact GroupHousing at 888-290-3210 to book your hotel as well.

Schedule/Scores Event Info   Pool Standings
Pool Standings
Pool seeding tie breaker
Standings are subject to be overridden by event director if other tie breaker proceedings are needed.
Pool A ST PCT W L T RA RS Run Diff
1 Premier Baseball Futures-Moore TX 1.000 3 0 0 1 23 14
2 15u Austin Banditos Black TX 0.667 2 1 0 10 20 8
3 Galena Park ISD TX 0.500 1 1 0 10 12 2
4 Storm Chasers 2020 TX 0.333 1 2 0 16 11 -5
5 Houston thunderbolts TX 0.333 1 2 0 16 11 -5
6 Cypress Crushers TX 0.000 0 2 0 26 2 -14
Pool B ST PCT W L T RA RS Run Diff
1 Premier Baseball Futures-Starling TX 1.000 3 0 0 9 23 12
2 Houston Banditos Grey TX 1.000 3 0 0 13 16 3
3 Team Houston III TX 0.333 1 2 0 12 12 0
4 D-BAT Wilson TX 0.167 0 2 1 13 11 -2
5 Banditos Kainer 15u TX 0.167 0 2 1 20 6 -12
6 Cypress Crushers TX 0.000 0 1 0 5 4 -1
Pool C ST PCT W L T RA RS Run Diff
1 Dallas Tigers Fleming TX 0.833 2 0 1 7 18 9
2 Batter's Box TX 0.667 2 1 0 10 13 3
3 Hunter Pence 15U - Calhoun TX 0.667 2 1 0 17 22 5
4 Houston Banditos White TX 0.500 1 1 1 19 16 -3
5 Velocity Lab Baseball 15U TX 0.333 1 2 0 18 14 -2
6 SETX Banditos 15u Jordan TX 0.000 0 3 0 19 7 -12
Pool D ST PCT W L T RA RS Run Diff
1 Dynasty TX 1.000 3 0 0 7 27 18
2 Stars TX 0.667 2 1 0 24 19 -5
3 Marucci Elite Texas-Kopycinski TX 0.500 1 1 1 17 29 6
4 Houston Bengals 15U TX 0.500 1 1 1 17 16 0
5 BPT Hurricanes White TX 0.333 1 2 0 21 13 -7
6 RTG Baseball Texas TX 0.000 0 3 0 38 20 -12