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All Teams must play up after August 1st (Considered a 2018 PGBA Event).

**WINNER receives a PAID invite to the 2018 Ohio Valley Regional**

Tournament Schedule - http://www.tourneymachine.com/R25254

Tournament Information Text Group - https://www.remind.com/join/f9ka7 
Event Info  
Attention coaches: Visit your team page to enter probable pitcher(s) for each game.
Participating Teams
National RankTeamClassificationFromCoach
Central KY Bulldogs (0-0-0 in 2018) Columbia, KY Ryan McQueary
Central KY Longhorns (0-0-0 in 2018) Sadieville, KY Ron Vaughn
Danville Mustangs (0-0-0 in 2018) NA, KY Lee Claunch
Indiana Fusion Elite (0-0-0 in 2018) Southern, IN Eric Raes
Indiana Rawlings Tigers Moravec (2-2-0 in 2018) Clarksville, IN Rick Moravec
Ironmen 12U Prime (0-0-0 in 2018) Louisville, KY Brett Huett
Ironmen South (0-0-0 in 2018) Southern, IN Shannon Christopher
Kentucky Mayhem (0-0-0 in 2018) Frankfort, KY Mark Hockensmith
KY Beast-Young (0-0-0 in 2018) Bowling Green, KY Kris Young
Louisville Speed MVP (0-2-0 in 2018) Louisville, KY Tony Renfro
Shox (0-0-0 in 2018) Lexington, KY Vincent Harris
Western Wizards (0-0-0 in 2018) Lexington, KY Mike Clark

Accepted Teams
*requested an invite and are approved to attend