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Please note that any pitcher that reaches the 20 pitch threshold is allowed to finish the batter - DiamondKast will show that pitcher is required one days rest.  However, we will allow these pitchers to remain eligible as long as they are removed from the mound once that threshold is reached and that current batter has completed his AB.  If you have any questions about this modification to the Pitch Smart rule please reach out to Rick Bale (859) 230-6180
Schedule/Scores Event Info   Pool Standings
Attention coaches: Visit your team page to enter probable pitcher(s) for each game.
Participating Teams
National RankPlaceTeamClassificationFromCoach
Champion Cincy Flames (14-3-0 in 2018) Cincinnati, OH Paul Melvin
Runner-Up Ironmen Prime (21-19-4 in 2018) Louisville, KY Eric Minzenberger
Third Place At The Yard (2-1-0 in 2018) Florence, KY Brandon Berger
  Evoshield Canes Midwest (3-7-1 in 2018) Indianapolis, IN Jeremy Sinsabaugh
  Indiana Elite (1-3-0 in 2018) Greewood, IN Steve Sawa

Accepted Teams
*requested an invite and are approved to attend