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Metal spikes/cleats are prohibited on all turf surfaces, including turf pitching mounds. Please make sure your athletes have alternate footwear this weekend.

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Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
Kba Patriots
10 Brayden Crowder 24 1 Windy City White 7/7/2022
7 Bryce Crowder 32 6 Spring Hill Mustangs 7/8/2022
20 3 SOAR Academy 13u Turpin 7/9/2022
Total 52 9
1 Max Hidalgo 45 9 Windy City White 7/7/2022
3 Max Klekacz 22 3 SOAR Academy 13u Turpin 7/7/2022
9 0 SOAR Academy 13u Turpin 7/9/2022
Total 31 3
26 Aidan Oldham 24 3 SOAR Academy 13u Turpin 7/7/2022
27 Will Pepper 37 6 Spring Hill Mustangs 7/8/2022
51 8 SOAR Academy 13u Turpin 7/9/2022
Total 88 14
36 Sam Porterfield 21 3 Windy City White 7/7/2022
2 Aiden Schuessler 28 6 NBA Marucci Jones 7/8/2022
37 4 SOAR Academy 13u Turpin 7/9/2022
Total 65 10
18 Stock Straley 29 9 NBA Marucci Jones 7/8/2022
14 Clayton Winder 40 9 SOAR Academy 13u Turpin 7/7/2022
NBA Marucci Jones
75 Bradley Acinelli 68 8 SOAR Academy 13u Turpin 7/7/2022
34 4 Spring Hill Mustangs 7/9/2022
Total 102 12
0 Bennett Ashby 39 6 Kba Patriots 7/8/2022
0 0 Spring Hill Mustangs 7/9/2022
Total 39 6
23 Isaac Colunga 52 4 Spring Hill Mustangs 7/7/2022
16 Hank Godderz 58 9 Windy City White 7/8/2022
0 Layne Hammett 73 9 Kba Patriots 7/8/2022
Christian Jewell 43 3 Windy City White 7/8/2022
0 Pierce Krumme 32 3 SOAR Academy 13u Turpin 7/7/2022
27 Griffin Reynolds 59 5 Spring Hill Mustangs 7/9/2022
8 Brennan Swanson 41 8 Spring Hill Mustangs 7/7/2022
92 Joe Woolington 6 1 SOAR Academy 13u Turpin 7/7/2022
Olathe A’S
99 Corbin Borchers 25 4 Prodigy Braves 7/7/2022
4 0 Team Warstic Okc 13u Cornforth 7/7/2022
Total 29 4
15 2 Prodigy Braves 7/9/2022
Total 44 6
13 Aidan Brannan 5 1 WDM Miners 7/8/2022
6 Brooks Glover 40 5 Team Warstic Okc 13u Cornforth 7/7/2022
44 Gavin Hale 47 5 Prodigy Braves 7/7/2022
16 0 Prodigy Braves 7/9/2022
Total 63 5
36 Max Masters 48 9 Team Warstic Okc 13u Cornforth 7/7/2022
38 6 Prodigy Braves 7/9/2022
Total 86 15
27 Aiden O’Neill 5 3 Prodigy Braves 7/7/2022
38 4 Prodigy Braves 7/9/2022
Total 43 7
11 Elliott Schoonover 49 7 Windy City Black 7/8/2022
15 Hunter Tolson 27 1 Prodigy Braves 7/7/2022
76 10 WDM Miners 7/8/2022
Total 103 11
54 Barrett Yahn 11 3 Team Warstic Okc 13u Cornforth 7/7/2022
63 7 Windy City Black 7/8/2022
Total 74 10
Prodigy Braves
7 Alexander Chelsey 41 5 Windy City Black 7/7/2022
21 Grant Duffie 76 9 Windy City White 7/9/2022
11 Julian Dunlap 94 15 Olathe A’S 7/7/2022
Anthony Lakin 85 12 Windy City Black 7/7/2022
1 Chase Lavine 29 6 WDM Miners 7/8/2022
27 Tucker Lee 57 9 WDM Miners 7/8/2022
55 Jacob Lieberknecht 90 12 Team Warstic Okc 13u Cornforth 7/8/2022
0 Brody Mulch 38 6 Windy City White 7/9/2022
5 Cade Pierson 17 3 Team Warstic Okc 13u Cornforth 7/8/2022
33 6 Olathe A’S 7/9/2022
Total 50 9
34 Cameron Tierney 50 9 Olathe A’S 7/9/2022
SOAR Academy 13u Turpin
12 Cohen Dray 53 5 Kba Patriots 7/7/2022
16 2 Spring Hill Mustangs 7/8/2022
Total 69 7
1 Hayden Fritter 26 3 NBA Marucci Jones 7/7/2022
16 3 Spring Hill Mustangs 7/8/2022
Total 42 6
13 Grady Ham 77 12 NBA Marucci Jones 7/7/2022
27 Norman Herndon 68 11 Kba Patriots 7/9/2022
6 Evan House 47 8 Kba Patriots 7/7/2022
54 5 Windy City Black 7/9/2022
Total 101 13
24 Dane Meinert 53 3 Windy City White 7/8/2022
15 Jake Pratt 38 3 Windy City White 7/8/2022
5 Kale Tucking 77 9 Spring Hill Mustangs 7/8/2022
9 Luke Tucking 50 9 Windy City Black 7/9/2022
12 4 Kba Patriots 7/9/2022
Total 62 13
Spring Hill Mustangs
21 Brayden Bell 11 2 SOAR Academy 13u Turpin 7/8/2022
6 3 Kba Patriots 7/8/2022
Total 17 5
9 1 NBA Marucci Jones 7/9/2022
Total 26 6
13 Eli Cowsert 18 6 NBA Marucci Jones 7/7/2022
42 7 SOAR Academy 13u Turpin 7/8/2022
Total 60 13
27 5 NBA Marucci Jones 7/9/2022
Total 87 18
23 Ethan Hill 33 6 NBA Marucci Jones 7/9/2022
58 12 Windy City White 7/9/2022
Total 91 18
10 Ty McFarland 16 2 SOAR Academy 13u Turpin 7/8/2022
11 Grady Meyer 47 4 Windy City White 7/7/2022
27 Colton Northup 37 3 Windy City White 7/7/2022
15 Easton Schulte 5 3 NBA Marucci Jones 7/7/2022
26 3 Windy City White 7/7/2022
Total 31 6
15 4 Kba Patriots 7/8/2022
Total 46 10
11 1 SOAR Academy 13u Turpin 7/8/2022
Total 57 11
0 0 NBA Marucci Jones 7/9/2022
Total 57 11
8 Brody VanHouten 42 7 NBA Marucci Jones 7/7/2022
46 5 Windy City White 7/9/2022
Total 88 12
9 Calahan Wyse 60 5 Kba Patriots 7/8/2022
Team Warstic Okc 13u Cornforth
12 Knox Cornforth 8 0 Windy City Black 7/8/2022
10 Trey Debusk 27 3 WDM Miners 7/7/2022
24 1 Windy City Black 7/8/2022
Total 51 4
48 14 WDM Miners 7/9/2022
Total 99 18
1 Ethan Garcia 8 3 Olathe A’S 7/7/2022
6 Karson Harris 70 10 Windy City Black 7/8/2022
5 Michael Hernandez 49 6 Prodigy Braves 7/8/2022
24 Caden Minchew 35 6 Olathe A’S 7/7/2022
43 5 Windy City Black 7/9/2022
Total 78 11
28 Jaxon Patterson 47 9 Prodigy Braves 7/8/2022
18 Cash Reyes 17 0 Olathe A’S 7/7/2022
22 Talen Saldivar 49 12 WDM Miners 7/7/2022
7 Ethan Whitener 55 9 Olathe A’S 7/7/2022
20 3 Windy City Black 7/9/2022
Total 75 12
WDM Miners
42 Luca Leon 10 0 Team Warstic Okc 13u Cornforth 7/7/2022
11 Maceo Leon 47 5 Prodigy Braves 7/8/2022
20 Paxton McNeley 31 6 Windy City Black 7/7/2022
1 Adnan Saadi 7 3 Team Warstic Okc 13u Cornforth 7/7/2022
28 2 Olathe A’S 7/8/2022
Total 35 5
34 Aiden Smith 46 6 Team Warstic Okc 13u Cornforth 7/7/2022
0 0 Prodigy Braves 7/8/2022
Total 46 6
40 4 Team Warstic Okc 13u Cornforth 7/9/2022
Total 86 10
3 Henry Stamets 0 0 Team Warstic Okc 13u Cornforth 7/7/2022
34 3 Olathe A’S 7/8/2022
Total 34 3
33 John Rohan Tiedt 53 9 Windy City Black 7/7/2022
46 8 Team Warstic Okc 13u Cornforth 7/9/2022
Total 99 17
34 Daniel Wiebelhaus 66 9 Prodigy Braves 7/8/2022
25 Taj Williams 44 6 Team Warstic Okc 13u Cornforth 7/7/2022
29 6 Olathe A’S 7/8/2022
Total 73 12
Windy City Black
24 Jayden Alicea 75 10 Windy City White 7/9/2022
25 Hunter Aylward 29 8 WDM Miners 7/7/2022
61 9 SOAR Academy 13u Turpin 7/9/2022
Total 90 17
5 Nicky Cozzi 22 6 Team Warstic Okc 13u Cornforth 7/9/2022
27 Vinnie Cozzi 28 6 WDM Miners 7/7/2022
30 Mason Hopkins 25 6 Olathe A’S 7/8/2022
15 Jeremy Ildefonso 48 9 Prodigy Braves 7/7/2022
52 9 SOAR Academy 13u Turpin 7/9/2022
Total 100 18
8 Ivan Luna 14 3 Team Warstic Okc 13u Cornforth 7/8/2022
20 Jeremy Muñoz 61 9 Olathe A’S 7/8/2022
45 Graham Spilman 37 9 Team Warstic Okc 13u Cornforth 7/8/2022
34 6 Team Warstic Okc 13u Cornforth 7/9/2022
Total 71 15
33 Antonio Ventura 67 9 Prodigy Braves 7/7/2022
33 5 Windy City White 7/9/2022
Total 100 14
Windy City White
40 Tommy Bauman 45 9 Kba Patriots 7/7/2022
6 Brandon Beasley 31 6 Kba Patriots 7/7/2022
49 9 NBA Marucci Jones 7/8/2022
Total 80 15
9 Alex Caldwell 97 13 Prodigy Braves 7/9/2022
31 Leir Dierdorff 79 20 Spring Hill Mustangs 7/9/2022
41 Gavin Hartigan 38 5 Windy City Black 7/9/2022
4 Zak Milchhoefer 0 0 Spring Hill Mustangs 7/7/2022
9 3 NBA Marucci Jones 7/8/2022
Total 9 3
23 Joseph Mueller 33 5 Spring Hill Mustangs 7/7/2022
88 Aj Myers 72 9 Windy City Black 7/9/2022
26 Christopher Petitpren 69 6 Spring Hill Mustangs 7/7/2022
66 Reinis Velkme 11 2 Prodigy Braves 7/9/2022
10 Marco Villardito 39 8 SOAR Academy 13u Turpin 7/8/2022
5 1 Windy City Black 7/9/2022
Total 44 9