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10U (AA) 12U (AA) 13U (AA) (54/80) 14U (AA) (60/90)
Chesterfield Valley Athletic Complex now has all-turf infields
Metal spikes/cleats are prohibited on all turf surfaces, including turf pitching mounds. Please make sure your athletes have alternate footwear this weekend.


Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
Canes Central Illinois 14u - Meischner
4 Blake Bruner 95 17 S.I. Shockers 7/9/2023
25 Cooper Burnside 23 3 S.I. Shockers 7/9/2023
33 2 Windy City White 7/9/2023
Total 56 5
2 Bo Hoops 43 1 Windy City Black 7/8/2023
6 Carter Lippens 46 8 Windy City Black 7/9/2023
54 8 Windy City White 7/9/2023
Total 100 16
35 Blake Meischner 74 10 Windy City Black 7/8/2023
7 Connor Munson 95 15 Midwest Rebels 14U House 7/7/2023
55 Mason Phillips 45 6 Midwest Rebels 14U House 7/7/2023
13 1 S.I. Shockers 7/9/2023
Total 58 7
20 Jacob Schulz 85 15 Rawlings Tigers - Steinmann 7/8/2023
33 Brody Smith 97 17 Windy City Black 7/9/2023
0 Kade Zimmerlein 42 4 Windy City White 7/9/2023
Future Swings Black 14u
42 Nick Brown 76 13 Scorpions Midwest -Gwin 7/8/2023
24 Ryker Ford 5 0 Scorpions Midwest -Gwin 7/8/2023
17 0 Windy City White 7/9/2023
Total 22 0
10 Anthony Hance 11 3 Windy City White 7/9/2023
4 Caleb Hobrock 58 5 Midwest Rebels 14U House 7/8/2023
22 Logan Kroeger 53 8 Midwest Rebels 14U House 7/8/2023
27 Zach Meyer 27 6 Windy City White 7/9/2023
16 Kade Parker 30 3 Windy City Black 7/8/2023
34 Trey Riddell 20 5 Windy City Black 7/7/2023
40 4 Windy City White 7/9/2023
Total 60 9
6 Azariah Tucker 47 5 Windy City Black 7/8/2023
Midwest Rebels 14U House
18 Carter Holm 42 7 Future Swings Black 14u 7/8/2023
33 1 Scorpions Midwest -Gwin 7/8/2023
Total 75 8
5 Kohen House 40 5 Scorpions Midwest -Gwin 7/8/2023
27 Mason Kozinski 17 4 Future Swings Black 14u 7/8/2023
47 8 Scorpions Midwest -Gwin 7/8/2023
Total 64 12
2 Tommy Santry 11 3 Future Swings Black 14u 7/8/2023
54 13 Scorpions Midwest -Gwin 7/9/2023
Total 65 16
47 Lucas Zwicky 71 18 Canes Central Illinois 14u - Meischner 7/7/2023
O3 Baseball
15 Brett Alkire 10 1 Windy City White 7/7/2023
1 Cameron Harris 43 6 Rawlings Tigers Underwood 7/8/2023
27 4 Windy City White 7/9/2023
Total 70 10
11 TJ Heatherly 10 2 S.I. Shockers 7/7/2023
26 6 Windy City White 7/9/2023
Total 36 8
23 Gavin Kerker 16 3 Rawlings Tigers Underwood 7/8/2023
17 Brady Larson 29 4 S.I. Shockers 7/7/2023
99 Tristan Pittenger 28 6 S.I. Shockers 7/7/2023
56 8 Windy City White 7/9/2023
Total 84 14
12 Nolan Placher 45 6 S.I. Shockers 7/7/2023
9 Jonah Welker 96 10 Windy City White 7/7/2023
Rawlings Tigers - Steinmann
41 Avery Bortner 26 5 Canes Central Illinois 14u - Meischner 7/8/2023
10 Eli Boss 75 16 Rawlings Tigers Underwood 7/9/2023
7 Jonic Donatelli 37 2 Windy City Black 7/8/2023
1 Ben Fischer 23 2 Windy City Black 7/8/2023
17 Austin Ford 64 7 Canes Central Illinois 14u - Meischner 7/8/2023
22 Blake Landsbaum 47 5 Scorpions Midwest -Gwin 7/7/2023
33 Brady McGuire 18 4 Scorpions Midwest -Gwin 7/7/2023
11 Uriah Reardon 62 8 Windy City Black 7/8/2023
21 Henry Steinmann 40 9 Scorpions Midwest -Gwin 7/7/2023
4 1 Rawlings Tigers Underwood 7/9/2023
Total 44 10
Rawlings Tigers Underwood
45 Doss Gibson 45 5 O3 Baseball 7/8/2023
99 Kamden Lebon 52 8 S.I. Shockers 7/7/2023
50 14 Rawlings Tigers - Steinmann 7/9/2023
Total 102 22
12 Jack Overby 24 5 S.I. Shockers 7/7/2023
40 1 O3 Baseball 7/8/2023
Total 64 6
15 Kaleb Rohlfing 3 1 S.I. Shockers 7/7/2023
14 Kyle Runyon 60 8 Windy City White 7/7/2023
23 2 Windy City Black 7/9/2023
Total 83 10
18 Charlie Ryan 3 1 Windy City White 7/7/2023
40 9 Rawlings Tigers - Steinmann 7/9/2023
Total 43 10
11 Gray Underwood 28 2 O3 Baseball 7/8/2023
3 Christian Washington 40 2 S.I. Shockers 7/7/2023
21 3 Windy City White 7/7/2023
Total 61 5
4 Max Williams 23 6 Windy City White 7/7/2023
59 14 Windy City Black 7/9/2023
Total 82 20
S.I. Shockers
1 Easton Fowler 19 0 Rawlings Tigers Underwood 7/7/2023
23 Hunter Gaither 43 9 Windy City White 7/8/2023
39 9 Canes Central Illinois 14u - Meischner 7/9/2023
Total 82 18
3 Ty Galloway 50 5 Rawlings Tigers Underwood 7/7/2023
2 Colin Jenkins 92 13 O3 Baseball 7/7/2023
15 Brian Mann 35 6 Rawlings Tigers Underwood 7/7/2023
70 11 Canes Central Illinois 14u - Meischner 7/9/2023
Total 105 17
9 Braxton Martin 37 6 O3 Baseball 7/7/2023
4 Jordan Murphy 15 3 Rawlings Tigers Underwood 7/7/2023
71 Rylan Palmer 33 4 Windy City White 7/8/2023
27 Jacob Potts 24 5 Windy City White 7/8/2023
Scorpions Midwest -Gwin
13 Brandt Bell 39 7 Midwest Rebels 14U House 7/8/2023
4 Gavin Caudel 34 8 Rawlings Tigers - Steinmann 7/7/2023
28 Kade Clary 37 5 Midwest Rebels 14U House 7/8/2023
18 Collin Dortch 18 6 Rawlings Tigers - Steinmann 7/7/2023
39 6 Windy City Black 7/9/2023
Total 57 12
22 Kasen Fuemmeler 68 13 Future Swings Black 14u 7/8/2023
6 Justus Lovelady 60 15 Midwest Rebels 14U House 7/9/2023
50 Judd Robinson 35 1 Rawlings Tigers - Steinmann 7/7/2023
27 2 Future Swings Black 14u 7/8/2023
Total 62 3
27 Rion Tenchavez 2 1 Midwest Rebels 14U House 7/8/2023
6 1 Future Swings Black 14u 7/8/2023
Total 8 2
59 12 Windy City Black 7/9/2023
Total 67 14
Windy City Black
40 Tommy Bauman 11 3 Rawlings Tigers - Steinmann 7/8/2023
24 0 Canes Central Illinois 14u - Meischner 7/8/2023
Total 35 3
63 17 Rawlings Tigers Underwood 7/9/2023
Total 98 20
6 Brandon Beasley 65 6 Canes Central Illinois 14u - Meischner 7/8/2023
6 1 Scorpions Midwest -Gwin 7/9/2023
Total 71 7
8 Noah Collins 49 7 Canes Central Illinois 14u - Meischner 7/8/2023
33 6 Canes Central Illinois 14u - Meischner 7/9/2023
Total 82 13
23 Joseph Mueller 2 1 Canes Central Illinois 14u - Meischner 7/8/2023
7 1 Rawlings Tigers Underwood 7/9/2023
Total 9 2
29 3 Canes Central Illinois 14u - Meischner 7/9/2023
Total 38 5
22 Aj Myers 48 10 Rawlings Tigers - Steinmann 7/8/2023
71 20 Scorpions Midwest -Gwin 7/9/2023
Total 119 30
4 Hunter Ochstein 28 6 Canes Central Illinois 14u - Meischner 7/10/2023
33 Antonio Ventura 59 12 Canes Central Illinois 14u - Meischner 7/9/2023
66 Adam Vogt 66 15 Future Swings Black 14u 7/7/2023
Windy City White
18 Elliott Bastedo 63 9 O3 Baseball 7/7/2023
17 Adam Cormier 24 0 O3 Baseball 7/7/2023
26 4 Canes Central Illinois 14u - Meischner 7/9/2023
Total 50 4
28 Peter Hanrahan 37 3 Rawlings Tigers Underwood 7/7/2023
15 Jeremy Ildefonso 80 12 Rawlings Tigers Underwood 7/7/2023
30 Will Kellam 72 21 S.I. Shockers 7/8/2023
14 Peter Laplaca 42 8 Future Swings Black 14u 7/9/2023
33 6 Canes Central Illinois 14u - Meischner 7/9/2023
Total 75 14
Ivan Luna 31 3 Canes Central Illinois 14u - Meischner 7/9/2023
0 Alex Rodriguez 70 12 O3 Baseball 7/9/2023
77 Jayden Sanchez 18 3 Rawlings Tigers Underwood 7/7/2023
11 0 Canes Central Illinois 14u - Meischner 7/9/2023
Total 29 3
29 6 O3 Baseball 7/9/2023
Total 58 9
Graham Spilman 20 1 O3 Baseball 7/7/2023
58 7 Future Swings Black 14u 7/9/2023
Total 78 8