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Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
5 Star Velo 11u Black
14 Eason Blair 77 15 EBC 11u-Holt 3/16/2024
27 Grayson Gilmore 12 2 EBC 11u-Holt 3/16/2024
9 Jackson Guiltner 13 3 Wow Factor Midsouth Lockhart 3/16/2024
89 15 Wow Factor Midsouth Lockhart 3/17/2024
Total 102 18
8 Blake Jackson 0 0 EBC 11u-Holt 3/16/2024
75 8 EBC 11u-Rushing 3/17/2024
Total 75 8
10 Preston McQuilliams 13 4 EBC 11u-Rushing 3/17/2024
4 Sam Starrett 69 11 Wow Factor Midsouth Lockhart 3/16/2024
5 Star Velo- Mafia
17 Landon Ashton 25 3 EBC 11u-Holt 3/16/2024
50 Walker Brown 21 5 Batters Box White 11u 3/15/2024
16 Gage Fowler 15 6 Batters Box White 11u 3/15/2024
13 Kyle Gentry 25 3 EBC 11u-Holt 3/16/2024
53 9 Clarksville Orioles 11u 3/16/2024
Total 78 12
12 Graham King 37 6 EBC 11u-Holt 3/16/2024
99 Quinton McCloud 33 2 EBC 11u-Holt 3/16/2024
14 Jekhi Shaw 46 5 Clarksville Orioles 11u 3/16/2024
Arkansas Knights
1 Christopher Grey Clark 64 4 Memphis Tigers Bennett 3/17/2024
8 Jaydon Gentry 46 5 Memphis Tigers Bennett 3/16/2024
12 Hykeem Gibson 33 6 Canes Kentucky West Premier 3/16/2024
3 David Kifer 32 6 Memphis Tigers Bennett 3/17/2024
13 Bradyn King 19 3 Canes Kentucky West Premier 3/16/2024
36 9 Memphis Tigers Bennett 3/16/2024
Total 55 12
35 6 Memphis Tigers Bennett 3/17/2024
Total 90 18
Jack Maness 30 4 Memphis Tigers Bennett 3/16/2024
1 Brody Parks 10 0 Canes Kentucky West Premier 3/16/2024
Arlington Arsenal 11u Cathey
8 Ripken Cannon 43 5 EBC 11u-Rushing 3/16/2024
2 Camden Cathey 11 5 EBC 11u-Holt 3/17/2024
17 Colby Creswell 47 4 EBC 11u-Holt 3/17/2024
3 Hayden House 58 9 Wow Factor Midsouth Lockhart 3/16/2024
4 Taylor Maclin 19 6 Wow Factor Midsouth Lockhart 3/16/2024
31 6 EBC 11u-Holt 3/17/2024
Total 50 12
13 Emerson Parker 58 9 EBC 11u-Rushing 3/16/2024
Batters Box White 11u
7 Cannon Clemmer 11 1 Wow Factor Midsouth Lockhart 3/17/2024
10 Harrison Grear 51 9 Memphis Tigers Bennett 3/16/2024
13 3 Wow Factor Midsouth Lockhart 3/17/2024
Total 64 12
22 Logan King 71 11 Wow Factor Midsouth Lockhart 3/17/2024
1 Hayes Morris 42 5 5 Star Velo- Mafia 3/15/2024
13 Tate Smith 40 8 Memphis Tigers Bennett 3/16/2024
23 Walt Smith 19 0 5 Star Velo- Mafia 3/15/2024
0 Asher Wilson 42 4 5 Star Velo- Mafia 3/15/2024
Canes Kentucky West Premier
4 Brayton Burrow 69 7 Clarksville Orioles 11u 3/16/2024
6 Wade Faulkner 14 4 Clarksville Orioles 11u 3/16/2024
18 3 EBC 11u-Rushing 3/17/2024
Total 32 7
8 2 Memphis Tigers Bennett 3/17/2024
Total 40 9
22 Carson Hays 50 5 EBC 11u-Rushing 3/17/2024
10 Luke Herring 20 2 Arkansas Knights 3/16/2024
2 Easton Riggs 71 9 EBC 11u-Rushing 3/17/2024
14 Cooper Romine 56 10 Memphis Tigers Bennett 3/17/2024
18 Davin Smith 36 9 Arkansas Knights 3/16/2024
20 3 EBC 11u-Holt 3/17/2024
Total 56 12
11 Cooper Tolbert 79 12 EBC 11u-Holt 3/17/2024
Clarksville Orioles 11u
25 Daniel Esquilin 32 5 Canes Kentucky West Premier 3/16/2024
40 6 EBC 11u-Rushing 3/17/2024
Total 72 11
1 Kash Haneline 47 3 EBC 11u-Rushing 3/16/2024
3 Benjamin Heimpel 38 6 EBC 11u-Rushing 3/16/2024
22 3 5 Star Velo- Mafia 3/16/2024
Total 60 9
34 Hudson Knight 32 5 EBC 11u-Rushing 3/16/2024
8 2 5 Star Velo- Mafia 3/16/2024
Total 40 7
99 Bo Parcells 25 1 5 Star Velo- Mafia 3/16/2024
15 1 EBC 11u-Rushing 3/17/2024
Total 40 2
4 Trevor Snow 45 3 Canes Kentucky West Premier 3/16/2024
27 4 EBC 11u-Rushing 3/17/2024
Total 72 7
2 Braylon Wallace 51 9 5 Star Velo- Mafia 3/16/2024
25 3 EBC 11u-Rushing 3/17/2024
Total 76 12
12 Colin White 17 3 Canes Kentucky West Premier 3/16/2024
EBC 11u-Holt
22 William Armes 57 8 Canes Kentucky West Premier 3/17/2024
93 Braxton Betts 20 2 Canes Kentucky West Premier 3/17/2024
7 Owen Bogenreif 59 8 Arlington Arsenal 11u Cathey 3/17/2024
2 Oliver Burnett 59 12 5 Star Velo- Mafia 3/16/2024
13 Cooper Holt 53 9 Arlington Arsenal 11u Cathey 3/17/2024
9 Dylan Oswald 56 12 5 Star Velo 11u Black 3/16/2024
24 Cohen Smith 17 3 5 Star Velo- Mafia 3/16/2024
15 3 Canes Kentucky West Premier 3/17/2024
Total 32 6
99 Ry Winders 38 6 5 Star Velo 11u Black 3/16/2024
EBC 11u-Rushing
0 Marcel Cox Jr. 27 5 5 Star Velo 11u Black 3/17/2024
26 0 Canes Kentucky West Premier 3/17/2024
Total 53 5
6 Emari Depriest 32 6 Arlington Arsenal 11u Cathey 3/16/2024
23 Jaylen Frye 15 1 5 Star Velo 11u Black 3/17/2024
46 9 Canes Kentucky West Premier 3/17/2024
Total 61 10
13 Baelan Jines 78 15 Clarksville Orioles 11u 3/17/2024
5 Cayson Kiestler 30 6 Clarksville Orioles 11u 3/16/2024
3 0 Canes Kentucky West Premier 3/17/2024
Total 33 6
15 Brody Speaker 41 9 Arlington Arsenal 11u Cathey 3/16/2024
34 6 5 Star Velo 11u Black 3/17/2024
Total 75 15
1 Rhet Williams 39 9 Clarksville Orioles 11u 3/16/2024
27 6 Canes Kentucky West Premier 3/17/2024
Total 66 15
Memphis Tigers Bennett
28 Wyatt Burkey 43 6 Batters Box White 11u 3/16/2024
19 Austin Burnett 83 16 Arkansas Knights 3/17/2024
24 Zayden Guardiola 54 6 Canes Kentucky West Premier 3/17/2024
46 Doak Hurley 70 14 Arkansas Knights 3/16/2024
27 Lucas Kelso 13 2 Arkansas Knights 3/17/2024
12 3 Canes Kentucky West Premier 3/17/2024
Total 25 5
26 Sawyer Pullen 67 12 Batters Box White 11u 3/16/2024
Wow Factor Midsouth Lockhart
11 Jacob Green 0 0 5 Star Velo 11u Black 3/16/2024
21 5 Batters Box White 11u 3/17/2024
Total 21 5
9 Emerson Hancock 50 4 5 Star Velo 11u Black 3/16/2024
8 Bryson Hayes 76 10 Batters Box White 11u 3/17/2024
30 Jacoby Howell 16 1 5 Star Velo 11u Black 3/17/2024
32 Payton Lockhart 24 3 5 Star Velo 11u Black 3/17/2024
12 Brantley Mackling 20 3 Arlington Arsenal 11u Cathey 3/16/2024
49 8 5 Star Velo 11u Black 3/17/2024
Total 69 11
5 Devin Parker 61 9 5 Star Velo 11u Black 3/16/2024
34 Preston Rose 52 4 Arlington Arsenal 11u Cathey 3/16/2024
25 Thomas Stultz 45 8 Arlington Arsenal 11u Cathey 3/16/2024