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At the request of Seminole County and in partnership with them, the following policies will be enforced at the Boombah Sports Complex:

* Metal Spikes are strictly not allowed inside of the complex. Pitchers will be checked when they come to the mound and batters will be checked when they step into the batters' box. Please be sure your athlete is not wearing metal spikes. They will be required to remove immediately.
* Alcohol inside of any county park is prohibited.
* All coolers and wagons will be inspected. Anything with alcohol will not be allowed into the Hubs.
* All cups and open containers will be subject to inspection and ask to be disposed of.
* No Gum or Seed allowed.
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
Canes Fl Brevard 14u
10 Perry Cameron III 31 5 Hr14-14u Red 9/27/2024
12 1 Scorpions 14u Purple 9/29/2024
Total 43 6
16 Alex Colbert 6 2 Winter Park Diamond Dawgs 9/28/2024
29 2 Scorpions 14u Purple 9/29/2024
Total 35 4
99 Brayden Howard 21 2 Winter Park Diamond Dawgs 9/28/2024
0 Yediel Rivera 49 5 Winter Park Diamond Dawgs 9/28/2024
11 2 Scorpions 14u Purple 9/29/2024
Total 60 7
24 Brayden Scarberry 46 6 Winter Park Diamond Dawgs 9/28/2024
27 Mauricio Urdaneta 9 2 Hr14-14u Red 9/27/2024
36 6 Scorpions 14u Purple 9/29/2024
Total 45 8
23 Jose Vellon 77 8 Hr14-14u Red 9/27/2024
17 2 Scorpions 14u Purple 9/29/2024
Total 94 10
CBU 14u Chappell
53 Calvin Blas 18 3 Central Florida Nationals 9/29/2024
22 Jackson Caputo 42 9 Central Florida Nationals 9/29/2024
4 Austin Harth 62 15 Gulf Coast Knights 14u - Daubmann 9/28/2024
23 Lincoln McBride 16 3 Central Florida Nationals 9/29/2024
12 Lucas Ossi 16 0 Central Florida Nationals 9/29/2024
2 Colton Sambito 45 9 Lbi Swarm 14u Lamacchia 9/28/2024
48 Brooks Vaughan 23 6 Lbi Swarm 14u Lamacchia 9/28/2024
CBU 14u Fontaine
Aaron Ches 111 21 Regulators Baseball 9/29/2024
Beau Crews 39 2 Sport Academy Orlando 14u 9/28/2024
Bowden Davis 57 15 Sport Academy Orlando 14u 9/28/2024
Yadiel Dominguez 44 8 Scorpions 14u Purple 9/28/2024
Caleb Kahn 48 9 Scorpions 14u Purple 9/28/2024
Jack Stancin 20 3 Sport Academy Orlando 14u 9/28/2024
CBU 14u United Thomas
38 Tyce Bahnsen 1 3 Florida Canes Terror Squad 9/28/2024
64 11 Florida Canes Terror Squad 9/29/2024
Total 65 14
Ricky Fernandez 24 1 Florida Canes Terror Squad 9/29/2024
Ayden McCracken 18 0 Florida Canes Terror Squad 9/29/2024
Eddie Neilson 98 20 Florida Canes Terror Squad 9/28/2024
Justin Sadler 96 21 Central Florida Nationals 9/27/2024
Central Florida Nationals
42 Ah'kino Adams 39 7 CBU 14u Chappell 9/29/2024
4 Colton Cornell 71 17 Tampa Heat 9/28/2024
13 Engerberth Finol Medina 14 0 CBU 14u Chappell 9/29/2024
0 Jackson Klenner 4 0 CBU 14u United Thomas 9/27/2024
6 2 CBU 14u Chappell 9/29/2024
Total 10 2
3 Ryan McKinney 43 12 CBU 14u United Thomas 9/27/2024
17 Kayner Mejia 16 0 CBU 14u Chappell 9/29/2024
52 Adam Ramirez 30 4 CBU 14u Chappell 9/29/2024
33 Jason Roble 16 3 Tampa Heat 9/28/2024
13 0 CBU 14u Chappell 9/29/2024
Total 29 3
69 Seth Vasquez 41 4 CBU 14u United Thomas 9/27/2024
Dme Academy 14u National
Baron Brownlee 22 3 Ostingers Baseball 14u Davis 9/27/2024
34 4 Florida Canes Terror Squad 9/29/2024
Total 56 7
Colt Cast 55 10 Ostingers Baseball 14u Davis 9/27/2024
Shiloh Gallimore 79 15 Sports Academy Legends 14u - Corns Jr 9/29/2024
Jace Hartley 48 6 Scorpions 14u 9/28/2024
Daniel Lucas 52 15 Scorpions 14u 9/28/2024
Jack Martin 40 7 Florida Canes Terror Squad 9/29/2024
21 2 Sports Academy Legends 14u - Corns Jr 9/29/2024
Total 61 9
Reed McFarland 45 5 Ostingers Baseball 14u Davis 9/27/2024
Kade Nemitz 88 18 Jr7 Baseball 9/27/2024
Alex Schmidt 16 3 Florida Canes Terror Squad 9/29/2024
Florida Canes Terror Squad
18 Wyatt Bogen 87 21 Tampa Heat 9/28/2024
10 Matthew Cambert 77 11 CBU 14u United Thomas 9/28/2024
Ivan Carballo 53 13 Winter Park Diamond Dawgs 9/29/2024
2 Bengie Del Nodal 15 3 CBU 14u United Thomas 9/28/2024
13 Jacob Perez 27 3 Ostingers Baseball 14u Davis 9/28/2024
9 Louis Prieto 64 12 CBU 14u United Thomas 9/29/2024
30 Rolando Rodriguez III 1 0 CBU 14u United Thomas 9/28/2024
34 5 Winter Park Diamond Dawgs 9/29/2024
Total 35 5
1 Joseph Slattery 16 3 CBU 14u United Thomas 9/28/2024
62 12 Ostingers Baseball 14u Davis 9/28/2024
Total 78 15
11 Jayden Taylor 13 6 CBU 14u United Thomas 9/28/2024
45 15 Dme Academy 14u National 9/29/2024
Total 58 21
Florida Dodgers - Suriel
33 Reggie Ansley Iii 50 9 Sport Academy Orlando 14u 9/28/2024
10 Jackson Arnold 52 4 Team Orlando 14u 9/29/2024
1 Henry Dillard 23 6 Jbr Academy 9/28/2024
33 4 Team Orlando 14u 9/29/2024
Total 56 10
18 Alexander Hernandez 45 9 Jbr Academy 9/28/2024
24 7 Sport Academy Orlando 14u 9/28/2024
Total 69 16
24 Fabian Madriz 5 0 Team Orlando 14u 9/28/2024
50 6 Sport Academy Orlando 14u 9/28/2024
Total 55 6
25 Kors Matthews 74 15 Team Orlando 14u 9/28/2024
11 Jose Quiñonez 35 4 Team Orlando 14u 9/29/2024
3 Carter Terryn 30 3 Team Orlando 14u 9/28/2024
8 1 Sport Academy Orlando 14u 9/28/2024
Total 38 4
Gulf Coast Knights 14u - Daubmann
Ronan Carroll 40 6 Tbt North Palm Beach 9/29/2024
Cooper Ehrlich 72 15 Lbi Swarm 14u Lamacchia 9/28/2024
Walker Hoke 55 12 CBU 14u Chappell 9/28/2024
Trey Little 41 9 Tbt North Palm Beach 9/29/2024
Brendin Norman 31 6 Lbi Swarm 14u Lamacchia 9/28/2024
Hr14-14u Red
Jose Daniel Concepcion 74 12 Winter Park Diamond Dawgs 9/27/2024
Abdiel Cotto-Munoz 8 0 Canes Fl Brevard 14u 9/27/2024
39 6 Tampa Heat 9/29/2024
Total 47 6
Alvaro Diaz 27 6 Canes Fl Brevard 14u 9/27/2024
27 2 Tampa Heat 9/29/2024
Total 54 8
Kaleth Fradera 10 0 Winter Park Diamond Dawgs 9/27/2024
Juan Mencia 20 2 Canes Fl Brevard 14u 9/27/2024
Fernado Noguera 22 1 Winter Park Diamond Dawgs 9/27/2024
Ramziel Osorio 30 7 Canes Fl Brevard 14u 9/27/2024
36 7 Tampa Heat 9/29/2024
Total 66 14
Jbr Academy
Albi Abraham Alvarado 14 1 Team Orlando 14u 9/27/2024
Jaiden Breton 63 8 Florida Dodgers - Suriel 9/28/2024
Javier Lozano 80 11 Team Orlando 14u 9/27/2024
1 1 Timbers Baseball Topshelf 9/29/2024
Total 81 12
Jose Rivas 23 2 Timbers Baseball Topshelf 9/29/2024
Santiago Rodriguez 21 3 Florida Dodgers - Suriel 9/28/2024
68 9 Timbers Baseball Topshelf 9/29/2024
Total 89 12
Jr7 Baseball
98 Cristian Capellan 12 0 Dme Academy 14u National 9/27/2024
77 17 Ostingers Baseball 14u Davis 9/28/2024
Total 89 17
8 Daniel Galindez 12 1 Dme Academy 14u National 9/27/2024
14 4 Ostingers Baseball 14u Davis 9/28/2024
Total 26 5
20 Jeremiah Guerra 84 14 Dme Academy 14u National 9/27/2024
25 John Martinez 8 0 Dme Academy 14u National 9/27/2024
48 4 South Florida Burn 9/29/2024
Total 56 4
41 Luis Molina 19 5 South Florida Burn 9/29/2024
13 Andres Perez 18 5 Dme Academy 14u National 9/27/2024
26 Genaro Santana 18 6 South Florida Burn 9/29/2024
Lbi Swarm 14u Lamacchia
13 Owen Andonian 38 5 Zt Prospects Florida 9/28/2024
26 6 Gulf Coast Knights 14u - Daubmann 9/28/2024
Total 64 11
44 Trindon Baker 66 10 Zt Prospects Florida 9/28/2024
20 3 Gulf Coast Knights 14u - Daubmann 9/28/2024
Total 86 13
9 3 CBU 14u Chappell 9/28/2024
Total 95 16
19 Mason Foster 34 5 CBU 14u Chappell 9/28/2024
34 Trevor Gates 19 5 CBU 14u Chappell 9/28/2024
4 James Kelly 22 6 Gulf Coast Knights 14u - Daubmann 9/28/2024
11 Andrew LaMacchia 24 6 Gulf Coast Knights 14u - Daubmann 9/28/2024
99 Chace Medeiros 54 5 CBU 14u Chappell 9/28/2024
Ostingers Baseball 14u Davis
10 Easton Collins 47 7 Florida Canes Terror Squad 9/28/2024
34 Jeremy Hoff Jr 73 17 Jr7 Baseball 9/28/2024
30 Zalan Meri 9 2 Jr7 Baseball 9/28/2024
23 2 Florida Canes Terror Squad 9/28/2024
Total 32 4
25 Jj Shreve 43 5 Florida Canes Terror Squad 9/28/2024
23 Kole Walker 86 13 Dme Academy 14u National 9/27/2024
13 Owen Windham 33 5 Dme Academy 14u National 9/27/2024
Regulators Baseball
3 Kevin Bailey 40 6 Scorpions 14u 9/27/2024
42 8 CBU 14u Fontaine 9/29/2024
Total 82 14
21 Harper Benton 41 7 CBU 14u Fontaine 9/29/2024
99 Braxton Cintron 26 9 Tbt North Palm Beach 9/28/2024
6 David Gundel 72 12 Scorpions 14u 9/27/2024
13 Ethan Negron 28 6 CBU 14u Fontaine 9/29/2024
26 Braden Scutero 67 12 Tbt North Palm Beach 9/28/2024
Scorpions 14u
3 Cade DePriest 80 14 Regulators Baseball 9/27/2024
5 Whitt Martindale 30 6 Regulators Baseball 9/27/2024
1 Cade Niles 65 15 Tbt North Palm Beach 9/28/2024
39 Tanner Russell 39 7 Dme Academy 14u National 9/28/2024
Titus Sprague 42 6 Tbt North Palm Beach 9/28/2024
22 Antonio Villalona 75 14 Dme Academy 14u National 9/28/2024
Scorpions 14u Purple
35 Reid Alberti 65 16 CBU 14u Fontaine 9/28/2024
73 Zaid Basco 52 9 Sport Academy Orlando 14u 9/27/2024
33 Andrew Ferradaz 48 9 Sport Academy Orlando 14u 9/27/2024
7 Jaxon Hosford 32 9 Canes Fl Brevard 14u 9/29/2024
25 Claytin Olmstead 27 4 CBU 14u Fontaine 9/28/2024
32 6 Canes Fl Brevard 14u 9/29/2024
Total 59 10
6 Xavier Rivera 0 0 Sport Academy Orlando 14u 9/27/2024
South Florida Burn
2 Alexander Cipolla 27 3 Sports Academy Legends 14u - Corns Jr 9/28/2024
15 Brandon Ingram 14 4 Zt Prospects Florida 9/28/2024
22 Matthew Liebowitz 77 16 Sports Academy Legends 14u - Corns Jr 9/28/2024
8 Davin Petrucci 79 17 Zt Prospects Florida 9/28/2024
24 Owen Sackman 23 2 Jr7 Baseball 9/29/2024
28 Mason Wagner 31 6 Jr7 Baseball 9/29/2024
64 Tyler White 43 6 Jr7 Baseball 9/29/2024
Sport Academy Orlando 14u
26 Cesar Calzadilla Marcano 25 2 CBU 14u Fontaine 9/28/2024
12 Peter Isaac 53 10 CBU 14u Fontaine 9/28/2024
0 Maven Leman 81 12 Scorpions 14u Purple 9/27/2024
27 Roberto Torres 43 9 Scorpions 14u Purple 9/27/2024
83 18 Florida Dodgers - Suriel 9/28/2024
Total 126 27
19 Mauricio Zaa 40 6 CBU 14u Fontaine 9/28/2024
38 3 Florida Dodgers - Suriel 9/28/2024
Total 78 9
Sports Academy Legends 14u - Corns Jr
17 Xavier Andrade 42 5 Dme Academy 14u National 9/29/2024
25 Tyson Brown 32 3 South Florida Burn 9/28/2024
28 Logan Chen 22 6 Dme Academy 14u National 9/29/2024
Elijah Sevilla 86 13 South Florida Burn 9/28/2024
23 Cristian Torres 49 9 Timbers Baseball Topshelf 9/27/2024
Jax Yuzzolin 23 3 South Florida Burn 9/28/2024
64 7 Dme Academy 14u National 9/29/2024
Total 87 10
Tampa Heat
5 Orben Bryce Calderon 1 0 Central Florida Nationals 9/28/2024
25 Luca Giacomino 13 2 Central Florida Nationals 9/28/2024
41 6 Hr14-14u Red 9/29/2024
Total 54 8
1 Keagan Libby 32 4 Florida Canes Terror Squad 9/28/2024
22 3 Hr14-14u Red 9/29/2024
Total 54 7
4 Christian Loebel 51 9 Central Florida Nationals 9/28/2024
7 2 Hr14-14u Red 9/29/2024
Total 58 11
3 Ty Nixon 44 8 Florida Canes Terror Squad 9/28/2024
21 Logan Robertson 5 0 Hr14-14u Red 9/29/2024
99 Joel Salinas, Jr. 43 9 Florida Canes Terror Squad 9/28/2024
39 4 Hr14-14u Red 9/29/2024
Total 82 13
8 Owen Schmitt 30 6 Central Florida Nationals 9/28/2024
Tbt North Palm Beach
3 Aaron Chevere 25 1 Scorpions 14u 9/28/2024
6 Alejandro Cordero 35 9 Scorpions 14u 9/28/2024
39 6 Gulf Coast Knights 14u - Daubmann 9/29/2024
Total 74 15
0 Allen Fernandez 20 3 Regulators Baseball 9/28/2024
25 1 Gulf Coast Knights 14u - Daubmann 9/29/2024
Total 45 4
0 Marqus Gauff 40 8 Scorpions 14u 9/28/2024
10 1 Gulf Coast Knights 14u - Daubmann 9/29/2024
Total 50 9
0 Henry Reynolds 2 2 Scorpions 14u 9/28/2024
0 Gedreyl Rodriguez 24 1 Scorpions 14u 9/28/2024
49 7 Gulf Coast Knights 14u - Daubmann 9/29/2024
Total 73 8
35 Milo Walker 90 18 Regulators Baseball 9/28/2024
Team Orlando 14u
24 Connor "CJ" Ashley 89 15 Florida Dodgers - Suriel 9/28/2024
7 Eli Hamel 27 3 Florida Dodgers - Suriel 9/28/2024
57 12 Winter Park Diamond Dawgs 9/29/2024
Total 84 15
3 Lucas Howell 27 2 Winter Park Diamond Dawgs 9/29/2024
34 Connor Jernigan 46 7 Florida Dodgers - Suriel 9/29/2024
44 Carter Lewis 62 8 Florida Dodgers - Suriel 9/29/2024
11 Journey Milgrom 0 0 Winter Park Diamond Dawgs 9/29/2024
27 Kaden Ramsey 27 3 Florida Dodgers - Suriel 9/28/2024
10 Wyatt Sheppard 63 12 Jbr Academy 9/27/2024
66 Carson Williams 7 0 Winter Park Diamond Dawgs 9/29/2024
Timbers Baseball Topshelf
20 Kylan Carroll 37 6 Sports Academy Legends 14u - Corns Jr 9/27/2024
21 Chase Kirk 90 14 Zt Prospects Florida 9/28/2024
8 Brantley Merritt 16 1 Sports Academy Legends 14u - Corns Jr 9/27/2024
1 Lincoln Parker 4 0 Zt Prospects Florida 9/28/2024
33 Bryce Turner 76 7 Jbr Academy 9/29/2024
9 Lucas White 36 2 Sports Academy Legends 14u - Corns Jr 9/27/2024
27 2 Jbr Academy 9/29/2024
Total 63 4
Winter Park Diamond Dawgs
22 Adrian Camejo 64 10 Hr14-14u Red 9/27/2024
34 Juan Duque Crespo 18 5 Hr14-14u Red 9/27/2024
72 15 Team Orlando 14u 9/29/2024
Total 90 20
20 Parker Hodgins 56 15 Canes Fl Brevard 14u 9/28/2024
11 Massimo Mena 82 21 Florida Canes Terror Squad 9/29/2024
0 Santiago Montero 82 15 Zt Prospects Florida 9/29/2024
Zt Prospects Florida
3 Sebastain Cordova 26 3 South Florida Burn 9/28/2024
19 3 Winter Park Diamond Dawgs 9/29/2024
Total 45 6
6 Flint McCullough 64 14 Timbers Baseball Topshelf 9/28/2024
63 17 South Florida Burn 9/28/2024
Total 127 31
11 Levi Myers 90 18 Lbi Swarm 14u Lamacchia 9/28/2024
8 Christian Prinz 59 6 Winter Park Diamond Dawgs 9/29/2024
10 Gabriel Toro 14 3 Winter Park Diamond Dawgs 9/29/2024