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Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
Bpa Arkansas 2029
1 Jackson Cook 31 9 Columbia Aces 3/16/2024
22 Bryce Curry 68 15 Illinois Prospects 13u Murphy 3/17/2024
27 Tylan Florey 66 9 EBC 13u-Mungle 3/17/2024
13 Carter Hayes 20 4 Giants 13u-Hill 3/15/2024
34 Karson Pankey 27 6 Illinois Prospects 13u Murphy 3/17/2024
29 3 EBC 13u-Mungle 3/17/2024
Total 56 9
31 Tucker Robinson 41 6 Columbia Aces 3/16/2024
5 Noal Timmons 57 8 Giants 13u-Hill 3/15/2024
Columbia Aces
7 Dane Bremer 28 6 Bpa Arkansas 2029 3/16/2024
28 John Carroz 25 5 Memphis Tigers 13u - Johnson 3/16/2024
4 Chase Cook 33 3 Oi Cardinals 3/17/2024
3 Carson Kruger 24 3 Bpa Arkansas 2029 3/16/2024
8 Wyatt Metz 24 5 Oi Cardinals 3/17/2024
23 Owen Nolte 54 10 Memphis Tigers 13u - Johnson 3/16/2024
12 Owen Peterson 28 1 Bpa Arkansas 2029 3/16/2024
17 Brendan Romanetto 18 3 Bpa Arkansas 2029 3/16/2024
22 Noah Schwartz 35 6 Oi Cardinals 3/17/2024
East Cobb Astros 13U Grey
11 Sawyer Ferguson 58 9 Stl Klutch 13u - Kranawetter 3/16/2024
21 2 Knights Knation 2029-Mississippi 3/16/2024
Total 79 11
Patric Henry 65 9 Knights Knation 2029-Mississippi 3/16/2024
44 Mason LaRue 23 3 Stl Klutch 13u - Kranawetter 3/16/2024
13 Cooper Moreland 38 5 Stl Klutch 13u - Kranawetter 3/16/2024
27 Brody Payton 58 6 Stl Klutch 13u - Kranawetter 3/16/2024
15 Jack Penticuff 41 5 Stl Klutch 13u - Kranawetter 3/16/2024
25 Collin Roland 21 2 Knights Knation 2029-Mississippi 3/16/2024
99 Beckham Tsang 20 1 Stl Klutch 13u - Kranawetter 3/16/2024
EBC 13u-Fly
12 Corbin Ace Downen 52 8 Fury Baseball Club 3/15/2024
18 3 Stl Klutch 13u - Kranawetter 3/17/2024
Total 70 11
10 Kane Fly 14 3 Stl Klutch 13u - Kranawetter 3/17/2024
7 Michael Fudge 24 6 Oi Cardinals 3/16/2024
63 13 Stl Klutch 13u - Kranawetter 3/17/2024
Total 87 19
18 Kurt Sheets 16 3 Oi Cardinals 3/16/2024
8 Carter White 10 3 Oi Cardinals 3/16/2024
13 Ryan Winters 7 0 Stl Klutch 13u - Kranawetter 3/17/2024
EBC 13u-Mungle
99 Jack Faber 78 12 Knights Knation 2029-Mississippi 3/16/2024
22 Carter Flee 44 6 Sports Academy 12U Legends 3/16/2024
43 6 Bpa Arkansas 2029 3/17/2024
Total 87 12
88 Beckett Haley 80 12 Extreme Major 3/17/2024
7 Cannon Jewell 25 3 Knights Knation 2029-Mississippi 3/16/2024
25 Carsten Kent 82 15 Sports Academy 12U Legends 3/16/2024
2 Brett Little 18 0 Knights Knation 2029-Mississippi 3/16/2024
1 Cullen Messer 22 1 Bpa Arkansas 2029 3/17/2024
5 Jake Ponnath 57 11 Stl Klutch 13u - Kranawetter 3/17/2024
20 2 Bpa Arkansas 2029 3/17/2024
Total 77 13
17 Zane Ray 28 6 Sticks Lambert 3/16/2024
6 2 Bpa Arkansas 2029 3/17/2024
Total 34 8
56 6 Stl Klutch 13u - Kranawetter 3/17/2024
Total 90 14
0 Kaysen Wiggins 70 8 Sticks Lambert 3/16/2024
15 3 Stl Klutch 13u - Kranawetter 3/17/2024
Total 85 11
EBC 13u-Turner
33 Forrest Brawner 29 5 Faultline McCarty 3/17/2024
18 Iver Gardner 73 7 Knights Knation 2029-Mississippi 3/15/2024
21 Graham Goold 23 3 Faultline McCarty 3/17/2024
2 Griffin Goold 11 2 Knights Knation 2029-Mississippi 3/15/2024
22 Jake Hall 33 3 Knights Knation 2029-Mississippi 3/15/2024
23 3 Faultline McCarty 3/17/2024
Total 56 6
24 Cullen Hayden 43 7 Faultline McCarty 3/17/2024
27 Brayden Pegram 22 3 Knights Knation 2029-Mississippi 3/15/2024
13 3 Stl Klutch 13u - Kranawetter 3/16/2024
Total 35 6
99 Rhett Tomey 66 11 Stl Klutch 13u - Kranawetter 3/16/2024
Extreme Major
20 Ian Behl 35 3 EBC 13u-Mungle 3/17/2024
34 Connor Gray 67 12 Sticks Lambert 3/16/2024
4 Brooks Madigan 39 6 Sticks Lambert 3/16/2024
12 3 EBC 13u-Mungle 3/17/2024
Total 51 9
23 Lucas McNamer 49 3 EBC 13u-Mungle 3/17/2024
3 Julian Trujillo 34 6 Faultline McCarty 3/16/2024
9 Lavin Tull 46 3 EBC 13u-Mungle 3/17/2024
8 Seamus Welch 36 9 Faultline McCarty 3/16/2024
Faultline McCarty
4 Japheth Caldwell 37 9 EBC 13u-Turner 3/17/2024
28 Preston Creswell 27 3 Ohio Hit Dogs- Hall 3/16/2024
8 3 EBC 13u-Turner 3/17/2024
Total 35 6
24 Sebashtion Grindle 20 1 Extreme Major 3/16/2024
1 Timothy Grissom 41 6 Extreme Major 3/16/2024
12 Bryan Hernandez 1 2 Extreme Major 3/16/2024
34 Evan McClain 1 3 Extreme Major 3/16/2024
19 Graham McGruder 9 1 Extreme Major 3/16/2024
35 Lucas McIntyre 0 0 EBC 13u-Turner 3/17/2024
31 Warren Moriarty 42 3 Extreme Major 3/16/2024
52 8 EBC 13u-Turner 3/17/2024
Total 94 11
22 Cooper Vanhoozer 79 12 Ohio Hit Dogs- Hall 3/16/2024
18 Bo Westmoreland 20 1 Extreme Major 3/16/2024
99 Peyton Worsham 6 1 Extreme Major 3/16/2024
Fury Baseball Club
50 Jacob Edwards, Ii 27 3 Illinois Prospects 13u Murphy 3/16/2024
99 Claytain Jackson 49 4 EBC 13u-Fly 3/15/2024
37 6 Sticks Lambert 3/17/2024
Total 86 10
17 Cameron Joyner 36 6 Illinois Prospects 13u Murphy 3/16/2024
10 Braydon Lambert 27 5 Illinois Prospects 13u Murphy 3/16/2024
18 Jaydon Lucas 6 1 EBC 13u-Fly 3/15/2024
11 Bryshun Miller 80 8 Sticks Lambert 3/17/2024
1 Gavin Willis 30 1 EBC 13u-Fly 3/15/2024
Giants 13u-Hill
34 Paul Cordell 27 1 Memphis Tigers 13u - Johnson 3/15/2024
77 8 Sports Academy 12U Legends 3/17/2024
Total 104 9
3 Nolan Ferguson 56 5 Bpa Arkansas 2029 3/15/2024
12 2 Memphis Tigers 13u - Johnson 3/15/2024
Total 68 7
5 Dylan Floyd 72 6 Memphis Tigers 13u - Johnson 3/15/2024
17 Preston Lloyd 22 1 Bpa Arkansas 2029 3/15/2024
30 Kash Parker 28 6 Bpa Arkansas 2029 3/15/2024
44 Jayden Taitano 23 1 Sports Academy 12U Legends 3/17/2024
9 Hobson Tashie 0 0 Bpa Arkansas 2029 3/15/2024
Illinois Prospects 13u Murphy
4 Carter Borah 73 11 Fury Baseball Club 3/16/2024
44 Harken Clutts 14 1 Fury Baseball Club 3/16/2024
13 Max Johnson 53 12 Oi Cardinals 3/16/2024
2 Cameron Murphy 32 5 Bpa Arkansas 2029 3/17/2024
19 Jacob Scheffler 1 2 Fury Baseball Club 3/16/2024
70 15 Bpa Arkansas 2029 3/17/2024
Total 71 17
Knights Knation 2029-Mississippi
6 Easton Cox 41 9 EBC 13u-Turner 3/15/2024
10 1 EBC 13u-Mungle 3/16/2024
Total 51 10
5 John Randall Cunningham 0 0 EBC 13u-Mungle 3/16/2024
7 Eli Hardesty 55 9 EBC 13u-Mungle 3/16/2024
10 Tate Hill 25 6 EBC 13u-Turner 3/15/2024
20 3 East Cobb Astros 13U Grey 3/16/2024
Total 45 9
25 Asher Parks 19 2 East Cobb Astros 13U Grey 3/16/2024
13 0 EBC 13u-Mungle 3/16/2024
Total 32 2
9 Brack Payne 26 3 EBC 13u-Mungle 3/16/2024
27 John Carson Taylor 64 9 East Cobb Astros 13U Grey 3/16/2024
7 0 EBC 13u-Mungle 3/16/2024
Total 71 9
19 Gibbs Wade 8 1 East Cobb Astros 13U Grey 3/16/2024
Memphis Tigers 13u - Johnson
27 John Beasley 62 12 Columbia Aces 3/16/2024
19 Zachary Byrd 68 13 Ohio Hit Dogs- Hall 3/17/2024
15 Reed Chapman 15 3 Columbia Aces 3/16/2024
11 Hunter Cowell 33 3 Giants 13u-Hill 3/15/2024
9 McClain Garner 23 4 Giants 13u-Hill 3/15/2024
2 Jace Scoggins 12 2 Ohio Hit Dogs- Hall 3/17/2024
0 Jacob Townson 35 5 Giants 13u-Hill 3/15/2024
Ohio Hit Dogs- Hall
16 Ethan Babineaux 27 3 Faultline McCarty 3/16/2024
3 Tony Cannistra 22 3 Stl Klutch 13u - Kranawetter 3/17/2024
23 Ethan Hall 20 3 Sports Academy 12U Legends 3/16/2024
38 3 Stl Klutch 13u - Kranawetter 3/17/2024
Total 58 6
21 3 Memphis Tigers 13u - Johnson 3/17/2024
Total 79 9
2 Kayden Hall 22 3 Sports Academy 12U Legends 3/16/2024
37 5 Stl Klutch 13u - Kranawetter 3/17/2024
Total 59 8
19 Grant Klemann 6 2 Faultline McCarty 3/16/2024
10 Braylen Murray 84 13 Faultline McCarty 3/16/2024
32 Carter Strong 37 9 Sports Academy 12U Legends 3/16/2024
21 2 Stl Klutch 13u - Kranawetter 3/17/2024
Total 58 11
6 Einosuke Tsunoda 13 3 Sports Academy 12U Legends 3/16/2024
89 11 Memphis Tigers 13u - Johnson 3/17/2024
Total 102 14
Oi Cardinals
4 Axel Bingham 23 3 Columbia Aces 3/17/2024
9 Griffin Dugan 55 6 Columbia Aces 3/17/2024
1 Caden Evans 16 0 Illinois Prospects 13u Murphy 3/16/2024
46 Justice Gill 53 7 EBC 13u-Fly 3/16/2024
8 Owen Hayden 25 2 Columbia Aces 3/17/2024
27 Knox Mason 42 5 EBC 13u-Fly 3/16/2024
15 Cooper Samsil 40 6 Illinois Prospects 13u Murphy 3/16/2024
3 Connor Simmons 36 3 Columbia Aces 3/17/2024
26 Aiden Sims 29 3 Illinois Prospects 13u Murphy 3/16/2024
Sports Academy 12U Legends
11 Zayn Azzaline 27 1 Giants 13u-Hill 3/17/2024
4 Ayden Baez 38 6 EBC 13u-Mungle 3/16/2024
Christian Baker 21 3 EBC 13u-Mungle 3/16/2024
44 Liam Campos 39 3 Ohio Hit Dogs- Hall 3/16/2024
7 Cooper Funderburk 40 6 Ohio Hit Dogs- Hall 3/16/2024
23 Cooper Gear 0 0 EBC 13u-Mungle 3/16/2024
22 Jonah Gipson 16 3 EBC 13u-Mungle 3/16/2024
72 Cole Henderlight 43 5 Ohio Hit Dogs- Hall 3/16/2024
13 Brendon Hill 7 3 Ohio Hit Dogs- Hall 3/16/2024
24 Hayden Jones 41 8 Giants 13u-Hill 3/17/2024
2 Quinn Moran 31 6 EBC 13u-Mungle 3/16/2024
Ignacio Rodriguez 55 3 Giants 13u-Hill 3/17/2024
27 Donnie Rollin 0 0 EBC 13u-Mungle 3/16/2024
Sticks Lambert
4 Ace Brooks 17 3 EBC 13u-Mungle 3/16/2024
26 3 Fury Baseball Club 3/17/2024
Total 43 6
7 Jace Brower 29 6 Fury Baseball Club 3/17/2024
32 Quinn Gartman 48 7 Fury Baseball Club 3/17/2024
5 Brayden Grooms 14 2 Extreme Major 3/16/2024
27 Trace Hyslip 35 5 EBC 13u-Mungle 3/16/2024
17 Preston Lambert 51 6 Extreme Major 3/16/2024
22 Layton Miller 30 2 EBC 13u-Mungle 3/16/2024
10 Layton Spencer 40 8 Extreme Major 3/16/2024
20 Ryder Starr 35 5 EBC 13u-Mungle 3/16/2024
Stl Klutch 13u - Kranawetter
16 Chris Barrow 33 3 EBC 13u-Mungle 3/17/2024
0 Brody Dekok 75 14 Ohio Hit Dogs- Hall 3/17/2024
16 Ty Hester 28 6 East Cobb Astros 13U Grey 3/16/2024
22 Andrew McCutchen 60 12 East Cobb Astros 13U Grey 3/16/2024
22 4 EBC 13u-Mungle 3/17/2024
Total 82 16
23 Jeremy McIntosh 12 3 EBC 13u-Turner 3/16/2024
30 6 EBC 13u-Fly 3/17/2024
Total 42 9
36 4 EBC 13u-Mungle 3/17/2024
Total 78 13
24 Brayan O’Hara 65 12 EBC 13u-Turner 3/16/2024
8 Anthony Rodrigue 56 12 EBC 13u-Fly 3/17/2024
7 Brody Spielberg 64 12 East Cobb Astros 13U Grey 3/16/2024
10 Brady Whorton 25 3 EBC 13u-Turner 3/16/2024
7 3 East Cobb Astros 13U Grey 3/16/2024
Total 32 6
27 Keelan Wurth 48 8 EBC 13u-Mungle 3/17/2024