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East Cobb Yankees 18u (0-0-0)
Tournament Roster
15 Sam Allen RHP 6-3190 R/R 2007Roswell Roswell, GA 230 Duke
16 Kevin Bishop OF 6-2180 R/R 2006Lassiter Marietta, GA 608 Kentucky
12 Ryan Ellis RHP OF 6-1170 R/R 2007Gordon Lee Chickamauga, GA Follow Middle Georgia State University
8 Mark Fleury C 6-1190 L/R 2006Pope Roswell, GA 160 North Carolina
33 Kyle Heckathorn RHP 6-6220 R/R 2006Ringgold Ringgold, GA 258 Kennesaw State
18 Thomas Hickman LHP OF 6-1165 L/L 2006Pepperell Rome, GA  
4 Cedric Hunter OF 6-1170 L/L 2006Martin Luther King Jr. Decatur, GA 77  
3 Brett Kennedy SS RHP 6-2175 R/R 2007Mceachern Dallas, GA Follow  
17 Brett Maxwell OF 6-1192 R/R 2006Chapel Hill Douglasville, GA 796 Georgia Southern
3 Brandon May SS 2B, 3B 6-1185 R/R 2006Lassiter Marietta, GA 130 Alabama
24 Mike Meschke 1B 6-2215 L/R 2006Pope Marietta, GA 261 Alabama
9 Danny Petro C 5-11185 R/R 2006Campbell Atlanta, GA 834 Tennessee
21 Brodie Pullen RHP IF 5-10185 R/R 2007Calhoun Lindale, GA 960 Georgia
32 J.B. Skees RHP 5-10185 R/R 2006Kell Marietta, GA  
25 Nathan Vineyard LHP 6-3200 L/L 2007Woodland Emerson, GA 27 Chipola College
22 Dean Weaver RHP 6-3190 R/R 2006Chapel Hill Douglasvile, GA 148 Georgia
5 Taylor Whitenton RHP SS 6-2175 R/R 2007Heritage Conyers, GA 93 Chipola College
14 James Wiley LHP 1B 6-3185 R/L 2006  Atlanta, GA 617 Mississippi
34 Taylor Wood LHP 1B 6-6165 R/L 2007Greater Atlanta Christian Suwanee, GA 718 Georgia Tech
Pool Standings
Pool seeding tie breaker