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Daily Leaders  | Playoff Bracket

Cages Available at: 
Terry Park, 5-Plex Player Development Complex, and JetBlue Complex (down by fields).  No other complex has cages available.

City of Palms Parking info: Please park in the Grass lot across the street from the Stadium. If you park in paved parking lot next to the grass lot, you will be towed.
Schedule/Scores Event Info   Pool Standings 13 Event Articles
Memphis Tigers Green (3-1-0)
3-1-0 Overall 3-1-0 vs. Non-classified
Tournament Schedule Enter Probable Pitchers
Gm# 381
10/8/2016    2:45 PM
Gm# 432
10/9/2016    8:00 AM
Tournament Roster
8 Cameron Berry OF SS 5-6130 R/R 2018Bolton Arlinton, TN High Follow  
10 Reagan Burford SS 2B, 3B 6-0165 R/R 2020St. George's Germantown, TN 500 Mississippi/Northwest Florida State College
20 Sam Das LHP 6-4175 R/L 2018Valley View Jonesboro, AR  
4 James Dodd C 1B, OF 6-3170 R/R 2018McCracken County Paducah, KY  
12 Will Dunlap RHP 1B, C, OF 6-0160 R/R 2018Brighton Mason, TN  
21 Dalton Fowler LHP 6-5175 L/L 2018Arlington Arlington, TN 500 Oklahoma/Northwest Mississippi CC
3 AJ Green MIF OF, UT 5-9170 R/R 2018Bolton Millington, TN  
7 Nicholas Johnson LHP OF 5-11170 R/L 2018Munford Munford, TN Follow Southwest Tennessee CC
11 Steven Kendrick 3B 2B, RHP, SS 5-10175 R/R 2018Munford Atoka, TN Top 1000 Southwest Tennessee CC
9 Lofton Pigg LHP 1B, OF 6-3220 R/L 2018Calloway County Murray, KY High Follow  
5 Will Portera SS 2B, 3B, C 5-9155 S/R 2020Memphis University Memphis, TN 500 Alabama
13 Jacob Simmons RHP 6-6165 R/R 2018Harding Academy Of Memphis Arlington, TN High Follow  
14 Blake Wimberley RHP SS 6-1170 R/R 2018First Assembly Christian Eads, TN 500 Memphis
Pool Standings
Pool seeding tie breaker
Pool JJJ
Phenom Texas TX1.000300615
Memphis Tigers Green TN0.6672101114
Elite Squad Underclass Red FL0.33312087
Flood City Elite 2018 PA0.000030176