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Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
Batters Box 12u Black
8 Caleb Naffziger 99 18 Cfs Elite Nuts 2027 6/19/2022
9 Hudson Parker 87 15 Sticks George 6/18/2022
2 Owen Robinson 37 5 Canes Southeast Ms 13u Black 6/17/2022
49 Zane Savko 51 6 Canes Southeast Ms 13u Black 6/17/2022
46 9 Semo Tropics 6/19/2022
Total 97 15
44 Brady Thomas 49 5 Semo Tropics 6/19/2022
Canes Southeast Ms 13u Black
17 Merritt Owens 77 11 Batters Box 12u Black 6/17/2022
44 Dylan Porter 29 6 Jaguars 13U 6/18/2022
28 Jake Romero 16 3 Jaguars 13U 6/18/2022
5 Jaxson Shive 20 6 Jaguars 13U 6/18/2022
22 Jack Slay 37 8 Oxford Rebels 6/19/2022
38 Tucker Woodruff 56 6 Oxford Rebels 6/19/2022
10 Maddox Young 10 0 Batters Box 12u Black 6/17/2022
Cfs Elite Nuts 2027
John-Baker Brown 25 1 Mississippi Bucks 6/18/2022
9 Stewart Coon 63 7 Twitty City Pirates Orange 6/18/2022
25 Dawson Eftink 52 5 Batters Box 12u Black 6/19/2022
9 Connor Hankins 15 1 Mississippi Bucks 6/18/2022
17 9 Twitty City Pirates Orange 6/18/2022
Total 32 10
3 Duncan Mills 5 1 Mississippi Bucks 6/18/2022
42 8 Batters Box 12u Black 6/19/2022
Total 47 9
Judd Robinson 32 5 Mississippi Bucks 6/18/2022
2 Strykar Scott 29 3 Mississippi Bucks 6/18/2022
7 Sam Self 4 1 Batters Box 12u Black 6/19/2022
Dc Tigers
Zaxton Aldridge 47 5 Germantown Giants Moore 6/17/2022
Brantley Burress 31 3 Germantown Giants Moore 6/17/2022
0 Jackson Holliday 11 3 DINGERS 6/17/2022
6 Jakavion Jackson 0 0 Germantown Giants Moore 6/17/2022
Landon Lay 18 3 DINGERS 6/17/2022
11 Kennon Smith 40 9 DINGERS 6/17/2022
Peeler Vandergrift 24 4 Germantown Giants Moore 6/17/2022
105 18 Semo Tropics 6/19/2022
Total 129 22
11 Malachi Dyer 18 3 Mississippi Bucks 6/18/2022
6 Luke Hall 64 9 Oxford Rebels 6/18/2022
8 Braden Hodge 17 3 Oxford Rebels 6/18/2022
2 Ty Kemp 31 6 Dc Tigers 6/17/2022
60 6 Mississippi Bucks 6/18/2022
Total 91 12
4 Parker Williams 57 7 Dc Tigers 6/17/2022
15 1 Mississippi Bucks 6/18/2022
Total 72 8
EBC 13u-Fesmire
44 Easton Dickson 30 1 Germantown Giants Moore 6/19/2022
8 Rylan Fesmire 18 1 Semo Tropics 6/18/2022
12 Easton Fitzwater 43 8 Mississippi Bucks 6/17/2022
30 5 Germantown Giants Moore 6/19/2022
Total 73 13
17 Louis Gautreau 21 0 Germantown Giants Moore 6/19/2022
3 Wyatt Gmetro 2 1 Germantown Giants Moore 6/19/2022
4 Christian Hare 42 9 Semo Tropics 6/18/2022
34 Caleb Hoseney 48 8 Mississippi Bucks 6/17/2022
19 3 Germantown Giants Moore 6/19/2022
Total 67 11
10 Cohen Knighton 56 7 Sticks George 6/19/2022
44 Caleb Ruetten 51 6 Semo Tropics 6/18/2022
18 0 Germantown Giants Moore 6/19/2022
Total 69 6
11 Brody Wright 10 2 Semo Tropics 6/18/2022
61 8 Sticks George 6/19/2022
Total 71 10
Germantown Giants Moore
10 Anson Bright 15 0 Oxford Rebels 6/18/2022
17 3 EBC 13u-Fesmire 6/19/2022
Total 32 3
44 Jack Fuller 13 2 Oxford Rebels 6/18/2022
25 Parker Israel 26 3 Dc Tigers 6/17/2022
38 4 Mississippi Bucks 6/19/2022
Total 64 7
2 Collin Moore 24 1 Dc Tigers 6/17/2022
64 11 Mississippi Bucks 6/19/2022
Total 88 12
34 Luke Russell 64 13 Oxford Rebels 6/18/2022
25 Hunter Skarstad 47 8 Dc Tigers 6/17/2022
58 9 EBC 13u-Fesmire 6/19/2022
Total 105 17
Jaguars 13U
23 Chase Borawski 4 1 Swingcheck Baseball Austin 6/18/2022
15 Kaiden Brutcher 38 3 Swingcheck Baseball Austin 6/18/2022
19 Evan Deane 74 5 Swingcheck Baseball Austin 6/18/2022
28 Wyatt Green 1 3 Canes Southeast Ms 13u Black 6/18/2022
12 2 Sticks George 6/18/2022
Total 13 5
2 Jonathan Griffin 37 3 Sticks George 6/18/2022
34 Jackson Ijames 55 6 Sticks George 6/18/2022
1 Lucas Perry 45 8 Canes Southeast Ms 13u Black 6/18/2022
27 Colin Zufall 64 6 Canes Southeast Ms 13u Black 6/18/2022
Mississippi Bucks
16 John Bolden 10 2 EBC 13u-Fesmire 6/17/2022
25 3 DINGERS 6/18/2022
Total 35 5
3 Ryan Cox 56 12 EBC 13u-Fesmire 6/17/2022
21 Addison Liston 43 2 Cfs Elite Nuts 2027 6/18/2022
59 8 Germantown Giants Moore 6/19/2022
Total 102 10
6 Jones Ross 60 6 Cfs Elite Nuts 2027 6/18/2022
26 3 Germantown Giants Moore 6/19/2022
Total 86 9
5 John Stewart 33 4 EBC 13u-Fesmire 6/17/2022
29 6 DINGERS 6/18/2022
Total 62 10
12 Grayson Vanderburg 7 3 DINGERS 6/18/2022
Oxford Rebels
5 Andrew Farmer 18 3 DINGERS 6/18/2022
59 15 Semo Tropics 6/19/2022
Total 77 18
16 3 Twitty City Pirates Orange 6/19/2022
Total 93 21
7 Cade Ferguson 21 6 Germantown Giants Moore 6/18/2022
75 12 Twitty City Pirates Orange 6/19/2022
Total 96 18
2 2 Canes Southeast Ms 13u Black 6/19/2022
Total 98 20
3 Hayes Huggins 23 3 Germantown Giants Moore 6/18/2022
70 12 Canes Southeast Ms 13u Black 6/19/2022
Total 93 15
17 Asa Martin 32 2 DINGERS 6/18/2022
30 Javin Mitchell 62 9 Germantown Giants Moore 6/18/2022
35 4 Canes Southeast Ms 13u Black 6/19/2022
Total 97 13
21 Slay Smith 47 4 DINGERS 6/18/2022
23 3 Semo Tropics 6/19/2022
Total 70 7
Semo Tropics
2 Jase Anglin 21 3 EBC 13u-Fesmire 6/18/2022
75 15 Dc Tigers 6/19/2022
Total 96 18
1 Jordan Essner 19 2 Swingcheck Baseball Austin 6/18/2022
35 6 Batters Box 12u Black 6/19/2022
Total 54 8
29 4 Dc Tigers 6/19/2022
Total 83 12
32 Nolan Fowler 50 6 Batters Box 12u Black 6/19/2022
11 Jameson Hamlin 26 3 Oxford Rebels 6/19/2022
13 Kaden Lowery 19 3 Swingcheck Baseball Austin 6/18/2022
14 3 Batters Box 12u Black 6/19/2022
Total 33 6
5 2 Dc Tigers 6/19/2022
Total 38 8
61 12 Oxford Rebels 6/19/2022
Total 99 20
7 Dane McMullin 66 11 EBC 13u-Fesmire 6/18/2022
3 Rolen Reischman 38 2 EBC 13u-Fesmire 6/18/2022
27 2 Oxford Rebels 6/19/2022
Total 65 4
47 Adam Swinford 2 0 Oxford Rebels 6/19/2022
24 Braeden Walton 69 9 Swingcheck Baseball Austin 6/18/2022
Sticks George
1 Dawson Flye 28 3 Twitty City Pirates Orange 6/18/2022
19 1 Batters Box 12u Black 6/18/2022
Total 47 4
25 Will Marlin 30 2 Jaguars 13U 6/18/2022
25 3 Batters Box 12u Black 6/18/2022
Total 55 5
6 Slade Melton 34 3 Twitty City Pirates Orange 6/18/2022
16 1 Jaguars 13U 6/18/2022
Total 50 4
13 Seth Neal 70 8 Batters Box 12u Black 6/18/2022
77 Clay Olson 62 4 Twitty City Pirates Orange 6/18/2022
3 Jacob Ray 9 0 Twitty City Pirates Orange 6/18/2022
8 Jaxson Ray 21 4 Twitty City Pirates Orange 6/18/2022
31 2 EBC 13u-Fesmire 6/19/2022
Total 52 6
9 Hudson Tedder 21 0 Jaguars 13U 6/18/2022
16 Luke Weatherley 35 8 Jaguars 13U 6/18/2022
70 9 EBC 13u-Fesmire 6/19/2022
Total 105 17
Swingcheck Baseball Austin
10 Aiden Austin 0 0 Twitty City Pirates Orange 6/19/2022
7 Jacob Bateman 9 3 Jaguars 13U 6/18/2022
Carson Bridger 29 6 Jaguars 13U 6/18/2022
2 Clayton Garner Jr 48 7 Twitty City Pirates Orange 6/19/2022
0 Parker Grant 45 6 Semo Tropics 6/18/2022
8 Carlos Hines 20 2 Twitty City Pirates Orange 6/19/2022
5 Ross Hopper 51 6 Semo Tropics 6/18/2022
77 Gabriel Pullen 24 3 Jaguars 13U 6/18/2022
Twitty City Pirates Orange
21 Vincent Alexander 19 6 Sticks George 6/18/2022
10 3 Oxford Rebels 6/19/2022
Total 29 9
32 Grady Callaway 60 9 Cfs Elite Nuts 2027 6/18/2022
7 Ben Dillehay 40 7 Sticks George 6/18/2022
34 Preston Mullins 44 12 Swingcheck Baseball Austin 6/19/2022
41 5 Oxford Rebels 6/19/2022
Total 85 17
19 Gregory Blayne Richardson 55 8 Oxford Rebels 6/19/2022
36 Brock Vadner 64 9 Cfs Elite Nuts 2027 6/18/2022
4 Gunner Warren 19 1 Sticks George 6/18/2022