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Lady Expos Houselog Lydia Ettema R63
Lights Out Fastpitch Jordyn Beck R59
Expos 'Simon Piper Isbell R59
Iowa Gold - 16u Elli Jensen R59
GP Select Iowa Katie Murphy R59
Lady Expos Houselog Olivia Young R59
GP Select Iowa Shani Yount-Wheels R59
Lights Out Fastpitch Addesyn Abel R58
Iowa Bandits Tess Boorn R58
North Iowa Heat Cooper Klaahsen R58
Iowa Elite Red Lily Knutson R58
Iowa Bandits Madison Oetzmann R58
Iowa Bandits Zadie Wadle R58
Lady Expos Houselog Kate Green R57
Iowa Elite Red Jade Hynek R57
Iowa Elite Red Ella Wetjen R57
Iowa Gold - 16u Lily Bauch R56
GP Select Iowa Izzy Sloan R56
Iowa Elite Red Haileigh Smith R56
Expos 'Simon Kenzie Tomkins R56
North Iowa Heat Libby Trewin R56
Lights Out Fastpitch Alayna Ballard R55
Expos 'Simon Meredith Gatto R55
Iowa Gold - 16u Kenady Ridout R53
Expos 'Simon Hailey Anderson R48
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