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10U (Major) 12U (Major) 13U (Major) (54/80) 14U (Major)
All payments need to be paid ASAP as the payment deadline is only the deadline if the tournament is not full. So if it fills before the deadline your team will be waitlisted IF NOT PAID. You are only fully in the tournament when payment is made. We cannot put any team on the schedule unless they are paid.
Please contact Tyler Fiala with any questions Sept 7-14th as Robert Guerrero will be out of service for the week and will have limited access to wifi.

Tyler Fiala - (346)266-8738 TFiala@perfectgame.org
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
FB Velocities
Canes SB Futures Bryce Thurber R86
Canes SB Futures Jake Cevallos R80
Canes SB Futures Daniel Alvarez R79
Canes SB Futures Ashton Rigg L78
Armory Westin Meyers R77
5 Star Mafia West 2029 (Brooks) Luke Reed R77
Armory David Verduzco R77
Armory Jasiah Muse R76
Armory Matthew Noriega R76
5 Star Mafia West 2029 (Brooks) Gavin Carcelen R75
5 Star Mafia West 2029 (Brooks) Adrian Fonseca R75
5 Star Mafia West 2029 (Brooks) Cruz Monroy R75
Firehawks Baseball Academy-Black Ben Quezada R75
5 Star Mafia West 2029 (Brooks) Ethan Arrata L74
5 Star Mafia West 2029 (Brooks) David Thauberger R74
Firehawks Baseball Academy-Black Joseph Urenda R74
Crush Baseball Academy Liam Victor R74
Armory Vincent Guerra R73
Armory Marquis Johnson R73
Firehawks Baseball Academy-Black Isaac Munoz R72
5 Star Mafia West 2029 (Brooks) Elijah Solis R72
Firehawks Baseball Academy-Black Jesse Zavala R72
Crush Baseball Academy Zac Carlsen R71
Canes SB Futures Nicholas Nava R71
Armory Julian Negrete R71
Firehawks Baseball Academy-Black Francisco Barrera R70
Armory Alfredo Delgado R69
Firehawks Baseball Academy-Black Joseph Flores R69
Armory Sebastian Ruan R69
Crush Baseball Academy Ricardo Parra R68
Canes SB Futures John Flores R67
Crush Baseball Academy Ryan Allphin R66
Crush Baseball Academy Gunnar Hooten R66
Armory Antonio Doumerc L64
Crush Baseball Academy Trevor Milling L64
Crush Baseball Academy Desean Hillery R63