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Schedule has been posted. Each team is scheduled to play two pool games on Saturday (at either Trinity Univ or Cornerstone HS); one pool game Sunday at the DBAT Complex in Kerrville; with Championship to follow @ 2:30.

Reminder: $15 two day tournament pass/writband or $10 daily pass/wristband each day (cash only). Wristbands must be worn.

*please be advised there is rain in the forecast for Friday. In the event games Saturday morning are affected by wet field conditions we will determine if A) start times can be reasonably pushed back B) cancel the first scheduled game and move it to the end of the schedule/end of day and keep remaining schedule "as is". All inclement weather updates will be posted in real time @PGBAcentex. Please use this as your primary resource for up to the minute updates regarding inclement weather issues.

General rules: 1hr 50min time limit or 7 innings. Game can end in a tie (championship game modification: 7 innings, no time limit. Game cannot end in a tie) EH/XH/DH allowed. NFHS rules except MLB mound visit rule (pitcher must be removed upon second trip in an inning). PGBA will provide 3 official stamped Perfect Game baseballs for each game. Additional balls are the responsibility of each team. This info will be pinned to the top of @pgbacentex
Schedule/Scores Event Info   Pool Standings
Field Locations (3)
Cornerstone Christian School  
17702 NW Military Hwy San Antonio, TX 78257 Map   

DBAT Kerrville  
111 Home Run Dr Kerrville, TX 78028 Map   

Trinity University  
1 Trinity Pl San Antonio, TX 78212 Map