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15U 16U 17U 18U
All games will have 2 hour time limit except for Gold Championship (untimed)
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Field Locations (4)
Bessemer Academy  
1705 4th Ave Sw Bessemer, AL 35022 Map   

Hoover Met Sports Complex  
900 Champions Way Hoover, AL 35244 Map   
Facility Requirements:

- No metal spikes on Fields 2-5

- No weighted ball throws or bands on chainlink fences, please use dedicated plyo walls and ibolts that are located adjacent to each bullpen

- Cooler/drinks permitted

- Cashless concessions available

- Based on the City of Hoover's guidelines, players, coaches and spectators must exit and seek shelter in their cars when the lightning detection siren sounds. 

-Please do NOT park behind the Finley Center / above Field 1.

Leeds High School  
1771 Whitmire Street Leeds, AL 35094 Map   
Facility Requirements:

Field is behind the Middle School to the right of football stadium

-Only Turfs or Tennis Shoes in the batting cages

-No Seeds in the batting cages

Rickwood Field  
1137 2nd Ave W Birmingham, AL 35204 Map   
Facility Requirements:

No cleats until GAME TIME . All warmups to be done in flats - stretching, agility, throwing, ect). EXCEPTION - starting pitcher may be in cleats to throw before game - if a toe hole is created in the grass there will be a fine. 

Batting cages in building down the left field line.

Remain off of the grass surface between dugouts and baselines.

No candy, gum, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, pistachio seeds, ect. allowed.

No trash, debris, ect. is to be stuffed in the dugout drains.

Field access will not be granted to teams until 30 minutes prior to alotted game time.

Pitcher is to remain in pitching circle when recieving the throw back from the catcher. 

No hitting practice balls from the grass surface. Swings must be conducted from the warning track area. 

No hitting or throwing balls into netting. 

Standing or jumping off dugout rail and padding is prohibited. 

Keep cleats out and off of dugout netting. 

Only 1 bullpen mound may be used per day. 

No climbing on wall pads.

Teams are responsible for picking up dugouts after each game. 

Pictures are allowed postgame, no excessive grass surface access when taking pictures. (Stay on warning track as much as possible.) 

Do not climb on scaffolding behind the outfield wall or the batters eye