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*Order of seeds 1-4 to be determined after morning games. All consolation games other than one are scheduled.

Format: 2 pool play games.  (3) pool winners and (1) wild-card advance. All others receive a consolation game.

Sign up for the text alert system for this event. It is essential to receive information on timely basis as it is impossible to call all teams.  Text "HoustonOpen2" to 84483

Also, at the Crosby field locations only, teams will be allowed to bring one cooler in dugout for players only! All other sites will be providing water in dugouts. NO outside drinks are allowed at any sites for this event other than the one cooler at Crosby. (Crosby field is located behind Crosby High School)
Schedule/Scores Event Info   Pool Standings
Ranked Players
Only available with Crosschecker Rankings & Scouting Reports or Scout level access.
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18 players ranked in 2021 class for this event