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Participating Teams
National RankTeamClassificationFromCoach
Ac Fury (20-9-0 in 2021) 14B Savannah, MO Tim Miller
Bandits (16-17-1 in 2021) 14B Overland Park, KS Alyson Clark
Cowgirls (1-5-0 in 2021) 14B Basehor, KS Jeremy Unruh
Iowa Blitz Kimberley (0-0-0 in 2021) 14B Des Moines, IA Kristine Kimberly
Kansas Heat Wave 14u (0-3-0 in 2021) 14B Delia, KS John Nitsch
KC Bandits - Black (15-8-1 in 2021) 14B Olathe, KS Chris Crawford
KC Fusion (27-18-2 in 2021) 14B Kansas City, KS Darrin Dillard
Kc Legends 06 (10-10-0 in 2021) 14B Kansas City, KS Landon Roth
Kc Rebels 14B (Splittorff) (8-10-0 in 2021) 14B Overland Park, KS Chris Olsen
Mid Mo Outkasts (9-3-0 in 2021) 14C Auxvasse, MO Ann Schmidt
Nemesis (4-3-0 in 2021) 14B Salina, KS Kam Xaysongkham
Steam Northland 14u (4-16-0 in 2021) 14B Liberty, MO Tim Wigginton
Swat 07 (20-5-0 in 2021) 14B St. Joseph, MO Katy Fox
Team Kansas - Joles (8-11-1 in 2021) 14B Olathe, KS Kevin Joles
Team Kansas-Hooper (14-14-1 in 2021) 12B Overland Park, KS Dave Hooper
Trojanettes 14U B (4-1-0 in 2021) 14B Maitland, MO Bryce George
Twisters - Smith (18-13-0 in 2021) 14B Westmoreland, KS Kindra Smith

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