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Attention coaches: Visit your team page to enter probable pitcher(s) for each game.
Participating Teams
National RankTeamClassificationFromCoach
14u Offseason Baseball - Lozano (26-16-3 in 2022) 14AAA Houston, TX Jason Lozano
14u Offseason Baseball - Woloson (14-21-3 in 2022) 14AAA Houston, TX Eric Woloson
Banditos 14u Gold (30-39-1 in 2022) 14AA The Woodlands, TX Joseph Podolski
Batter'S Box (23-25-1 in 2022) 14AA Brenham, TX Clint Kuecker
Cat 5 Baseball (30-18-0 in 2022) 14AAA LEAGUE CITY, TX Shawn Floyd
Fb Spartans 14u (34-29-3 in 2022) 14AAA Richmond, TX Armando Perez
Five Tool Players-West (6-18-1 in 2022) 14AAA Houston, TX Brian Schmitt
Houston Legends (31-49-3 in 2022) 14AAA Humble, TX Jon McDonald
M2 Baseball 14u (20-17-3 in 2022) 14AA waller, TX Cody Morgan
Nation Elite NAVY (1-8-0 in 2022) 14AAA Missouri City, TX Calvin Medlock
Nation Elite RED (1-8-1 in 2022) 14AAA Missouri City, TX Calvin Medlock
Pba Stars 14u Navy (10-10-0 in 2022) 14AA Texas City, TX Mike Basso
Rake City Cypress 2026 (16-28-4 in 2022) 14AAA Cypress, TX Scott Messmer
Team Houston- Blue (12-29-1 in 2022) 14AA Kingwood, TX Earl "Lucky" Luckett
Texas Bluechips Grey 14u (23-39-2 in 2022) 14AA Missouri City, TX Joshua Jones
Texas Drillers 13u (44-29-2 in 2022) 13Major Houston, TX Tim Belk
Texas Generals 14u (7-36-3 in 2022) 14AA Rosenberg, TX Stephen Castillo
Tsb-Gonzales (21-27-1 in 2022) 14AA Houston, TX Chris Gonzales
Zt Elite Chapa (18-25-5 in 2022) 14AAA Houston, TX Rene Chapa
ZT Elite Ortiz (26-24-3 in 2022) 14AA Houston, TX Nick Ortiz

Accepted Teams
*requested an invite and are approved to attend