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Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
Five Tool Players
13 Austin Beadel 12 3 Houston Bengals-13u (Watson) 6/20/2021
43 6 Pride 13u 6/20/2021
Total 55 9
11 Zachery Caldwell 22 4 Gps Legends 13u Fry 6/19/2021
Travis Eggleston 41 9 Houston Bengals-13u (Watson) 6/20/2021
18 Matthew Hodge 0 0 Gps Legends 13u Fry 6/19/2021
50 12 New Braunfels Elite Red 6/19/2021
Total 50 12
12 Landon Tracy 52 8 Gps Legends 13u Fry 6/19/2021
4 Brayden Veach 29 5 Pride 13u 6/20/2021
Gps Legends 13u Fry
34 Hoyt Brown 6 2 Five Tool Players 6/19/2021
12 Jake Carter 57 4 Five Tool Players 6/19/2021
22 Max Min 36 5 New Braunfels Elite Red 6/20/2021
19 West Morgan 43 3 Five Tool Players 6/19/2021
12 3 New Braunfels Elite Red 6/20/2021
Total 55 6
99 Joseph Ribaudo 23 3 Houston Royals Blue 6/20/2021
6 Braden Rogers 69 9 Houston Royals Blue 6/20/2021
8 John Salas 8 3 Pride 13u 6/19/2021
37 6 New Braunfels Elite Red 6/20/2021
Total 45 9
1 Craig Waibel 72 16 Pride 13u 6/19/2021
Houston Bengals-13u (Watson)
45 Kolten Cantrell 55 6 Texas Power House 13u 6/19/2021
23 2 Five Tool Players 6/20/2021
Total 78 8
27 Josh Cupitt 10 2 Five Tool Players 6/20/2021
4 DeMari Faggins 25 3 Houston Royals Blue 6/19/2021
0 Mason Goodale 28 1 Five Tool Players 6/20/2021
28 1 Five Tool Players 6/20/2021
Total 56 2
34 Brady Helm 25 4 Houston Royals Blue 6/19/2021
RYAN LEE 34 6 Houston Royals Blue 6/19/2021
11 Caden Lilley 28 2 Houston Royals Blue 6/19/2021
32 3 Five Tool Players 6/20/2021
Total 60 5
83 Rich Scarborough 38 6 Texas Power House 13u 6/19/2021
19 1 Five Tool Players 6/20/2021
Total 57 7
Houston Royals Blue
8 Max Agee 78 9 Gps Legends 13u Fry 6/20/2021
11 Jake Chenoweth 63 15 Houston Bengals-13u (Watson) 6/19/2021
0 0 Texas Power House 13u 6/19/2021
Total 63 15
22 Jackson Clark 87 12 Pride 13u 6/20/2021
27 Kalino Lehaun 9 3 Texas Power House 13u 6/19/2021
30 3 Pride 13u 6/20/2021
Total 39 6
0 0 Gps Legends 13u Fry 6/20/2021
Total 39 6
28 Ben Marshall 6 1 Texas Power House 13u 6/19/2021
79 14 Offseason Baseball 13u 6/20/2021
Total 85 15
9 6 Gps Legends 13u Fry 6/20/2021
Total 94 21
Cash Scarborough 49 5 Texas Power House 13u 6/19/2021
New Braunfels Elite Red
56 Casey Cloud 16 4 Gps Legends 13u Fry 6/20/2021
33 Jacob Cruz 29 2 Five Tool Players 6/19/2021
13 Elijah Delgado 27 4 Pride 13u 6/19/2021
8 Grant Franklin 40 6 Pride 13u 6/19/2021
88 Wade Hill 19 1 Five Tool Players 6/19/2021
37 Noah Rosas 43 9 Five Tool Players 6/19/2021
29 4 Gps Legends 13u Fry 6/20/2021
Total 72 13
23 Huck Schoenvogel 33 4 Gps Legends 13u Fry 6/20/2021
Offseason Baseball 13u
99 Cooper Bayne 55 9 Usa Prime Houston - Limonta 6/19/2021
6 Bode Bromley 30 3 Houston Royals Blue 6/20/2021
16 Braden Comstock 22 3 Usa Prime Houston - Limonta 6/19/2021
Joe Meloy 66 9 Houston Royals Blue 6/20/2021
8 Reid Sasser 49 9 Usa Prime Houston - Limonta 6/20/2021
27 Hayden Summers 45 9 PROSPECT U HOUSTON 6/19/2021
2 Nick Verducci 43 8 PROSPECT U HOUSTON 6/19/2021
Pride 13u
7 Chase Faust 34 4 New Braunfels Elite Red 6/19/2021
12 Owen Horrell 24 2 Gps Legends 13u Fry 6/19/2021
68 9 Five Tool Players 6/20/2021
Total 92 11
17 Joshua Lopez 18 3 Gps Legends 13u Fry 6/19/2021
21 3 Five Tool Players 6/20/2021
Total 39 6
4 Conor McDaniel 79 15 Houston Royals Blue 6/20/2021
1 Carson Melder 9 3 New Braunfels Elite Red 6/19/2021
50 12 Gps Legends 13u Fry 6/19/2021
Total 59 15
3 Cutter Warren 8 1 Gps Legends 13u Fry 6/19/2021
68 15 Texas Power House 13u 6/20/2021
Total 76 16
11 Braxton Zeig 32 5 New Braunfels Elite Red 6/19/2021
25 Joseph Banasik 37 9 Usa Prime Houston - Limonta 6/19/2021
6 Cavan Crain 31 6 Texas Power House 13u 6/20/2021
28 Luke Hoepfl 35 4 Usa Prime Houston - Limonta 6/19/2021
12 Grant O'Beirne 17 2 Usa Prime Houston - Limonta 6/19/2021
2 Brandon Stoebner 53 6 Offseason Baseball 13u 6/19/2021
33 Garrett Wright 41 9 Offseason Baseball 13u 6/19/2021
59 9 Texas Power House 13u 6/20/2021
Total 100 18
Texas Power House 13u
10 Joseph Elizondo 12 3 Houston Royals Blue 6/19/2021
9 1 PROSPECT U HOUSTON 6/20/2021
Total 21 4
7 Aaron Fernandez 23 3 Houston Bengals-13u (Watson) 6/19/2021
9 2 PROSPECT U HOUSTON 6/20/2021
Total 32 5
50 6 Pride 13u 6/20/2021
Total 82 11
79 Diego Gutierrez 23 1 Houston Royals Blue 6/19/2021
17 Dorian Gutierrez 18 2 Houston Bengals-13u (Watson) 6/19/2021
25 3 Pride 13u 6/20/2021
Total 43 5
13 Luke Hoagland 27 3 Houston Royals Blue 6/19/2021
2 Braylen McCray 23 1 Houston Bengals-13u (Watson) 6/19/2021
0 Corbin Orton 20 1 Houston Bengals-13u (Watson) 6/19/2021
6 Doroteo Ruiz 3 30 5 Houston Bengals-13u (Watson) 6/19/2021
10 3 Pride 13u 6/20/2021
Total 40 8
12 Isaac Trevino 59 11 PROSPECT U HOUSTON 6/20/2021
Usa Prime Houston - Limonta
Kyle Baldwin 32 3 Offseason Baseball 13u 6/19/2021
0 Dylan Caudill 44 2 Offseason Baseball 13u 6/19/2021
0 Logan Davis 38 7 Offseason Baseball 13u 6/19/2021
11 0 Offseason Baseball 13u 6/20/2021
Total 49 7
Justyn Nolan 81 8 Offseason Baseball 13u 6/20/2021
Davin Sodolak 38 6 PROSPECT U HOUSTON 6/19/2021
Dustin Sodolak 0 0 PROSPECT U HOUSTON 6/19/2021
Coltin Spiess 55 9 PROSPECT U HOUSTON 6/19/2021