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Kason Deupeau - Canes 
Allen Moore - Houston Hard Hitters 

Jay Garza - Kings 
Danyal Abdullah - Mambas 

Texas Milita 
Mambas & Kings TIE

Houston Hard Hitters 
Premier Futures 
Jul 7 - 10 |  Baseball USA | Houston, TX
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
Baseball Starz 10u Grey
26 Javier Arteaga 0 0 Lone Star Brewers Nb (Perry) 7/8/2022
40 3 Pearland Expos - Alpha Red 7/9/2022
Total 40 3
2 Jonah Heinze 35 6 Pearland Expos - Alpha Red 7/9/2022
10 Evan Lane 6 3 Lone Star Brewers Nb (Perry) 7/8/2022
12 Lyndon Pierite 31 2 Houston Hard Hitters 10u 7/9/2022
27 Noah Rocha 33 9 Lone Star Brewers Nb (Perry) 7/8/2022
65 12 Pirates 9u 7/10/2022
Total 98 21
11 Nolan Tang 0 0 Lone Star Brewers Nb (Perry) 7/8/2022
29 3 Scorpions Team Easton (Red) 7/8/2022
Total 29 3
59 Caleb Trahan 41 5 Scorpions Team Easton (Red) 7/8/2022
31 8 Houston Hard Hitters 10u 7/9/2022
Total 72 13
0 Everett Webb 26 3 Lone Star Brewers Nb (Perry) 7/8/2022
Bay Area Express Black
34 Roel (Roy) Basaldua 59 8 Tx Militia 9u 7/8/2022
10 2 Texas Force 10u Blue 7/8/2022
Total 69 10
7 Sebastian Farias 54 3 Lone Star Brewers Nb (Perry) 7/9/2022
47 Mason Lull 18 1 Tx Militia 9u 7/8/2022
0 Isaiah McMahon 21 1 Texas Force 10u Blue 7/8/2022
30 Matthew Puckly 48 8 Pirates 9u 7/9/2022
12 Jaxon Stuckey 54 9 Texas Force 10u Blue 7/8/2022
Maddox Williams 11 1 Lone Star Brewers Nb (Perry) 7/9/2022
Bay Area Express Red
1 Sam Abernathy 25 0 BLBA WHITE 7/10/2022
11 Christian Arenz 17 9 Pearland Expos - Alpha Red 7/8/2022
30 5 Texas Force 10u Blue 7/9/2022
Total 47 14
4 James Benefield 43 9 SA Kings 9u 7/8/2022
3 Wyatt Conrad 30 3 Mambas 7/9/2022
6 Eli Dickson 37 6 Mambas 7/9/2022
14 Lex Farkas 12 2 Texas Force 10u Blue 7/9/2022
10 Colt Rendon 12 1 Pearland Expos - Alpha Red 7/8/2022
40 0 BLBA WHITE 7/10/2022
Total 52 1
22 Adam Salazar 31 2 Texas Force 10u Blue 7/9/2022
2 0 BLBA WHITE 7/10/2022
Total 33 2
9 Ryan Villanueva 27 3 Pearland Expos - Alpha Red 7/8/2022
2 Mason Williams 18 2 Pearland Expos - Alpha Red 7/8/2022
Black Gold
13 Gilbert Celestino 29 0 Dynasty Blue 7/8/2022
15 1 SA Kings 9u 7/9/2022
Total 44 1
3 Merrick (Grayson) Deville 37 6 Mambas 7/9/2022
22 Cody Parrish 45 6 Lone Star Brewers Nb (Perry) 7/8/2022
43 8 SA Kings 9u 7/9/2022
Total 88 14
11 Jeffery Prince 28 0 Dynasty Blue 7/8/2022
26 Kash Starkey 30 3 Lone Star Brewers Nb (Perry) 7/8/2022
17 0 Mambas 7/9/2022
Total 47 3
5 Jesse Tanner 22 0 Dynasty Blue 7/8/2022
16 2 Mambas 7/9/2022
Total 38 2
10 Maverik Bloom 23 3 Pearland Expos - Alpha Red 7/8/2022
3 Liam Clendening 30 4 Pearland Expos - Alpha Red 7/8/2022
George Findling 27 2 Pearland Expos - Alpha Red 7/8/2022
Colt Gambacurta 18 0 Texas Force 10u Blue 7/9/2022
25 1 SA Kings 9u 7/9/2022
Total 43 1
Camryn Gastmyer 34 5 SA Kings 9u 7/9/2022
Benton See 48 6 Texas Force 10u Blue 7/9/2022
12 Davis Shore 61 0 Mambas 7/8/2022
Blueclaw Baseball
27 Korben Cronce 38 5 Mambas 7/8/2022
62 11 Texas .22s 7/10/2022
Total 100 16
30 Harris Dennis 36 3 SA Kings 9u 7/8/2022
3 Sam Galloway 6 2 Mambas 7/8/2022
5 1 Texas .22s 7/10/2022
Total 11 3
4 Collin Quave 25 3 SA Kings 9u 7/8/2022
10 Lane Willis 33 2 Mambas 7/8/2022
Canes Southwest Okc 10u
23 Kaden Daugherty 25 9 Pirates 9u 7/8/2022
28 0 Pirates 10u 7/9/2022
Total 53 9
23 5 Pearland Expos - Alpha Red 7/10/2022
Total 76 14
17 Kason Drapeau 28 0 Pirates 10u 7/9/2022
4 Trace Gann 30 6 Scorpions Team Easton (Red) 7/8/2022
18 0 Pirates 10u 7/9/2022
Total 48 6
9 Cameron Johnson 51 6 Scorpions Team Easton (Red) 7/8/2022
2 Robert Salas 27 6 Pirates 9u 7/8/2022
41 7 Pearland Expos - Alpha Red 7/10/2022
Total 68 13
Dynasty Blue
5 Jose Alvarez 75 0 Premier Futures - Hulsey 7/8/2022
45 Wyatt Baker 30 0 Premier Futures - Hulsey 7/8/2022
26 Cade Cuppernell 26 6 Texas .22s 7/9/2022
2 Ethan Fergurgur 20 0 Black Gold 7/8/2022
28 Daniel Garza 15 0 Black Gold 7/8/2022
3 Adrian Lizalde 59 7 Texas .22s 7/9/2022
9 Alex Lizalde 10 0 Premier Futures - Hulsey 7/8/2022
23 0 Black Gold 7/8/2022
Total 33 0
Dynasty Htx
12 Chandler Blakley 29 6 Texas Force 10u Blue 7/8/2022
75 Jaxon Shealy 28 6 Texas Force 10u Blue 7/8/2022
34 Hank Thomas 31 3 Pirates 10u 7/8/2022
59 0 Bay Area Express Red 7/10/2022
Total 90 3
2 Tyler Vogelsang 13 3 Pirates 10u 7/8/2022
4 1 Texas Force 10u Blue 7/8/2022
Total 17 4
47 Lucas Weaver 32 6 Pirates 10u 7/8/2022
Houston Hard Hitters 10u
44 Cartier Guillory 56 6 Texas Soldiers Baseball Club 10u 7/8/2022
25 Parker Houston 16 3 Baseball Starz 10u Grey 7/9/2022
10 6 SA Kings 9u 7/10/2022
Total 26 9
42 Allen Moore 55 9 SA Kings 9u 7/10/2022
8 Manuel Sachez 56 9 Pirates 10u 7/8/2022
23 Zhyrian Simpson 55 9 Baseball Starz 10u Grey 7/9/2022
22 Jordan Thomas 15 3 Pirates 10u 7/8/2022
Lone Star Brewers Nb (Perry)
38 Wyatt Baier 29 3 Black Gold 7/8/2022
21 Hector Campos 32 3 Premier Futures - Hulsey 7/9/2022
6 Ejay Chavez 10 3 Baseball Starz 10u Grey 7/8/2022
1 Pierce Facundo 18 3 Bay Area Express Black 7/9/2022
64 18 Texas Soldiers Baseball Club 10u 7/10/2022
Total 82 21
18 Easton Flynn 33 1 Baseball Starz 10u Grey 7/8/2022
21 Jeremiah Hernandez 27 3 Bay Area Express Black 7/9/2022
1 Jackson Holbrook 26 5 Baseball Starz 10u Grey 7/8/2022
0 Wyatt Merendino 17 3 Baseball Starz 10u Grey 7/8/2022
8 Jeremy Perez 21 3 Bay Area Express Black 7/9/2022
7 Caleb Perry 51 6 Premier Futures - Hulsey 7/9/2022
17 Landon Perry 43 6 Black Gold 7/8/2022
41 Logan Weinand 24 3 Bay Area Express Black 7/9/2022
31 Jared Avella 15 0 BLBA WHITE 7/8/2022
8 1 Blueclaw Baseball 7/8/2022
Total 23 1
2 Joaquin Bosquez 27 6 Blueclaw Baseball 7/8/2022
7 2 Bay Area Express Red 7/9/2022
Total 34 8
7 Andrew Bustos 20 1 BLBA WHITE 7/8/2022
38 3 Baseball Starz 10u Grey 7/10/2022
Total 58 4
77 Mason Celedon 22 0 BLBA WHITE 7/8/2022
42 6 Baseball Starz 10u Grey 7/10/2022
Total 64 6
Hayden Do 34 4 Black Gold 7/9/2022
3 Gilbert Gomez Lll 21 2 Blueclaw Baseball 7/8/2022
Carson Gracia 65 7 Bay Area Express Red 7/9/2022
11 Leo Rodriguez 12 0 BLBA WHITE 7/8/2022
22 5 Black Gold 7/9/2022
Total 34 5
Pearland Expos - Alpha Red
1 Nathan Christopoulos 33 4 Baseball Starz 10u Grey 7/9/2022
11 Kaleb Jacques 35 5 Baseball Starz 10u Grey 7/9/2022
15 Landyn Lucas 52 0 Bay Area Express Red 7/8/2022
7 Mason Ned 23 6 BLBA WHITE 7/8/2022
27 Weston Owen 21 6 BLBA WHITE 7/8/2022
12 Lane Roberts 23 0 Premier Futures - Hulsey 7/9/2022
24 John Timmons 41 6 Premier Futures - Hulsey 7/9/2022
15 4 Canes Southwest Okc 10u 7/10/2022
Total 56 10
10 Joe Valle 8 3 Bay Area Express Red 7/8/2022
52 11 Canes Southwest Okc 10u 7/10/2022
Total 60 14
3 Dylan Webb 19 3 Premier Futures - Hulsey 7/9/2022
Pirates 10u
9 Jiovanny Chapa 26 4 Dynasty Htx 7/8/2022
16 Brody Heerwald 49 0 Canes Southwest Okc 10u 7/9/2022
27 Tildyn Hosek 13 0 Houston Hard Hitters 10u 7/8/2022
11 Rhett Mainz 53 0 Canes Southwest Okc 10u 7/9/2022
44 Bo McBee 57 8 Dynasty Htx 7/8/2022
18 Jackson Urbanczyk 58 9 Houston Hard Hitters 10u 7/8/2022
12 Steel Urbanczyk 13 3 Houston Hard Hitters 10u 7/8/2022
Pirates 9u
77 Case Cooke 12 3 Premier Futures - Hulsey 7/8/2022
27 Diesel Jansky 21 3 Premier Futures - Hulsey 7/8/2022
18 Conner Korb 18 3 Canes Southwest Okc 10u 7/8/2022
23 Connor Pruski 24 6 Canes Southwest Okc 10u 7/8/2022
7 Trace Tackitt 45 5 Bay Area Express Black 7/9/2022
20 Joey Ulrich 27 6 Premier Futures - Hulsey 7/8/2022
54 6 Texas Soldiers Baseball Club 10u 7/9/2022
Total 81 12
10 Jack Wiatrek 24 6 Canes Southwest Okc 10u 7/8/2022
42 3 Texas Soldiers Baseball Club 10u 7/9/2022
Total 66 9
Premier Futures - Hulsey
99 Quinn Blackford 33 0 Dynasty Blue 7/8/2022
7 Luke Bowen 10 0 Dynasty Blue 7/8/2022
11 Tyler Bowen 25 0 Dynasty Blue 7/8/2022
45 Ryland Colt 15 2 Pearland Expos - Alpha Red 7/9/2022
24 Noah Cormier 44 7 Pirates 9u 7/8/2022
10 Alden Garcia 33 6 Lone Star Brewers Nb (Perry) 7/9/2022
12 3 Texas Force 10u Blue 7/10/2022
Total 45 9
33 Gavin Garza 35 6 Lone Star Brewers Nb (Perry) 7/9/2022
5 Leiam Huffmeister 34 3 Pirates 9u 7/8/2022
47 12 Texas Force 10u Blue 7/10/2022
Total 81 15
10 Curtis King 47 5 Pearland Expos - Alpha Red 7/9/2022
2 Austin Rimpler 10 2 Pirates 9u 7/8/2022
11 1 Pearland Expos - Alpha Red 7/9/2022
Total 21 3
SA Kings 9u
0 Kaleb Christ 13 3 Black Gold 7/9/2022
15 3 BLBA WHITE 7/9/2022
Total 28 6
24 Richard De La Rosa 20 3 Bay Area Express Red 7/8/2022
42 Julian Garza 48 6 Black Gold 7/9/2022
10 Julian Herrera 45 6 BLBA WHITE 7/9/2022
20 6 Dynasty Blue 7/10/2022
Total 65 12
2 Dezmin Montalvo 20 0 BLBA WHITE 7/9/2022
61 6 Dynasty Blue 7/10/2022
Total 81 6
6 Jerry Rendon 10 3 Bay Area Express Red 7/8/2022
9 Brandon Reyes 33 6 Blueclaw Baseball 7/8/2022
7 Drew Zimmerhanzel 49 6 Bay Area Express Red 7/8/2022
Scorpions Team Easton (Red)
15 Matias Garay 32 6 Texas .22s 7/9/2022
Caleb Gilbert 41 6 Baseball Starz 10u Grey 7/8/2022
Hunter Hight 17 3 Canes Southwest Okc 10u 7/8/2022
Weston Hight 21 6 Canes Southwest Okc 10u 7/8/2022
18 Anthony Indemaio 35 6 Texas .22s 7/9/2022
Bryce Leasure 56 2 Texas Soldiers Baseball Club 10u 7/9/2022
27 Will Resendez 23 2 Texas Soldiers Baseball Club 10u 7/9/2022
Maddox Weatherly 23 3 Baseball Starz 10u Grey 7/8/2022
Texas .22s
23 Landon Corl 48 3 Tx Militia 9u 7/8/2022
4 Rhett Evans 53 8 Texas Soldiers Baseball Club 10u 7/8/2022
45 Colt Knippa 77 10 Scorpions Team Easton (Red) 7/9/2022
27 Cooper Smith 36 4 Texas Soldiers Baseball Club 10u 7/8/2022
1 Wyatt Wadyka 49 6 Tx Militia 9u 7/8/2022
24 1 Scorpions Team Easton (Red) 7/9/2022
Total 73 7
Texas Force 10u Blue
2 Noah Bridges 13 3 Bay Area Express Black 7/8/2022
27 Grady Byrd 17 3 Bay Area Express Black 7/8/2022
12 3 Bay Area Express Red 7/9/2022
Total 29 6
99 Cooper Cartwright 32 6 Bay Area Express Red 7/9/2022
98 John Carver 47 5 Dynasty Htx 7/8/2022
11 Brody Hacker 12 0 BLBA WHITE 7/9/2022
12 Hayes Lowers 13 3 Bay Area Express Red 7/9/2022
22 Eli Nelson 28 7 Dynasty Htx 7/8/2022
23 Anden Sameei 29 3 Dynasty Htx 7/8/2022
13 Blaine Sarno 37 6 BLBA WHITE 7/9/2022
99 Kellen Wittenberg 23 6 Bay Area Express Black 7/8/2022
Texas Soldiers Baseball Club 10u
1 Matthew Canales 8 1 Texas .22s 7/8/2022
15 1 Pirates 9u 7/9/2022
Total 23 2
11 Draedyn Daniels 26 6 Scorpions Team Easton (Red) 7/9/2022
2 Jordan Deleon 37 9 Texas .22s 7/8/2022
22 2 Scorpions Team Easton (Red) 7/9/2022
Total 59 11
5 2 Pirates 9u 7/9/2022
Total 64 13
0 Sarius Fonseca 33 6 Pirates 9u 7/9/2022
10 Alexander Gonzalez 31 0 Houston Hard Hitters 10u 7/8/2022
7 Joaquin Rodriguez 37 2 Texas .22s 7/8/2022
23 1 Scorpions Team Easton (Red) 7/9/2022
Total 60 3
18 Demarcus Sconiers 24 0 Houston Hard Hitters 10u 7/8/2022
3 Jacob Ybarra 48 5 Houston Hard Hitters 10u 7/8/2022
Tx Militia 9u
44 Carlos Garcia 25 4 Texas .22s 7/8/2022
Blake Richardson 45 9 Bay Area Express Black 7/8/2022
22 Elijah Torres 18 4 Texas .22s 7/8/2022