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8U (AA) (CP) 9U (AA) 13U (Open) (54/80) 14U (Open) 15U (Open)
No Metal Spikes allowed on the Portable Mounds at Burnt Hickory or Mt Tabor Complex
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
Atlanta Fuego Black
Anderson Easom 14 3 Nsa 5/21/2022
14 3 East Cobb Braves 5/21/2022
Total 28 6
Nathan Grijalva 26 5 Baseball Lab Comanche Columbia 5/22/2022
Ayden Grubel 23 2 Baseball Lab Comanche Columbia 5/22/2022
Everett Hart 0 0 Nsa 5/21/2022
44 4 Baseball Lab Comanche Columbia 5/22/2022
Total 44 4
James Huey 58 9 Nsa 5/21/2022
3 Rory Lichtman 96 18 Charlie Culberson Baseball Prime 5/22/2022
10 Avett Monfalcone 36 6 Nsa 5/21/2022
Luke Roath 77 14 East Cobb Braves 5/21/2022
Baseball Lab Comanche Columbia
21 Alex Bemus 10 1 Team Elite 13U Select 5/21/2022
79 14 Atlanta Fuego Black 5/22/2022
Total 89 15
29 Dylan Clark 28 6 Team Elite 13U Select 5/21/2022
70 18 Charlie Culberson Baseball Elite 5/22/2022
Total 98 24
11 Braeden Derk 32 3 Team Elite 13U Select 5/21/2022
2 ShaMario Johnson 29 4 The Hood 13u - White 5/21/2022
30 Kristian Kiselewski-Buckner 30 3 Team Elite 13U Select 5/21/2022
15 Jason Porter 32 5 Team Elite 13U Select 5/21/2022
15 1 Atlanta Fuego Black 5/22/2022
Total 47 6
50 Brenden Sholar 21 2 The Hood 13u - White 5/21/2022
27 Rylan Terry 14 2 The Hood 13u - White 5/21/2022
5 Kaden Tunison 36 4 The Hood 13u - White 5/21/2022
Charlie Culberson Baseball Elite
4 Finn Dean 21 1 Warriors Baseball Academy 13u Baker 5/21/2022
21 Davis Denny 9 4 TRPL DMND Baseball - 13u 5/21/2022
12 3 Southwest Sox 5/22/2022
Total 21 7
40 3 Baseball Lab Comanche Columbia 5/22/2022
Total 61 10
36 Andre Hodges 77 11 TRPL DMND Baseball - 13u 5/21/2022
77 13 Baseball Lab Comanche Columbia 5/22/2022
Total 154 24
7 Parker Jordan 11 0 TRPL DMND Baseball - 13u 5/21/2022
3 Jackson McCrary 17 2 Warriors Baseball Academy 13u Baker 5/21/2022
24 Drew Meriwether 28 3 Warriors Baseball Academy 13u Baker 5/21/2022
96 18 Southwest Sox 5/22/2022
Total 124 21
22 Trevor Nugent 31 6 Warriors Baseball Academy 13u Baker 5/21/2022
9 Harrison Tidwell 39 6 Warriors Baseball Academy 13u Baker 5/21/2022
Charlie Culberson Baseball Prime
23 Liam McGraw 7 0 Atlanta Fuego Black 5/22/2022
7 Sam Musterer 35 7 Nsa 5/21/2022
13 3 Atlanta Fuego Black 5/22/2022
Total 48 10
42 Cole Pemberton 27 4 East Cobb Braves 5/21/2022
34 6 Atlanta Fuego Black 5/22/2022
Total 61 10
26 Max Sigourney 0 0 Nsa 5/21/2022
35 6 Atlanta Fuego Black 5/22/2022
Total 35 6
30 Liam Simpson 20 2 East Cobb Braves 5/21/2022
24 Asher Smith 51 6 East Cobb Braves 5/21/2022
3 Benjamin Southern 0 0 East Cobb Braves 5/21/2022
11 Kingston Wright 26 4 Nsa 5/21/2022
East Cobb Braves
24 Hayden Alley 42 6 Charlie Culberson Baseball Prime 5/21/2022
77 Eli Beam 93 15 FCA Newnan Naturals 13U - Ukleja 5/22/2022
9 Chase Greenwood 57 9 Atlanta Fuego Black 5/21/2022
21 Xavier Howard 26 6 Charlie Culberson Baseball Prime 5/21/2022
13 3 FCA Newnan Naturals 13U - Ukleja 5/22/2022
Total 39 9
19 Max Maher 42 9 Atlanta Fuego Black 5/21/2022
FCA Newnan Naturals 13U - Ukleja
5 Will Downing 86 14 Warriors Baseball Academy 13u Baker 5/21/2022
26 Braxton Johnson 59 9 East Cobb Braves 5/22/2022
7 Knox Lofstad 26 4 Warriors Baseball Academy 13u Baker 5/22/2022
28 Jd Raney 68 7 Warriors Baseball Academy 13u Baker 5/22/2022
84 Hudson Reed 15 3 Warriors Baseball Academy 13u Baker 5/21/2022
39 9 East Cobb Braves 5/22/2022
Total 54 12
64 Carson Roberts 12 6 TRPL DMND Baseball - 13u 5/21/2022
10 4 Warriors Baseball Academy 13u Baker 5/22/2022
Total 22 10
9 Remy Rogers 74 17 TRPL DMND Baseball - 13u 5/21/2022
Georgia Drip
71 Luke Bennett 45 9 The Hood 13u - White 5/21/2022
7 2 Southwest Sox 5/21/2022
Total 52 11
12 Brody Gabriel 37 9 Southwest Sox 5/21/2022
49 9 Warriors Baseball Academy 13u Baker 5/22/2022
Total 86 18
99 Tyson Hawke 40 4 Southwest Sox 5/21/2022
26 3 Warriors Baseball Academy 13u Baker 5/22/2022
Total 66 7
1 Jacob Hirzel 11 1 The Hood 13u - White 5/21/2022
7 Declan Hollifield 24 2 The Hood 13u - White 5/21/2022
26 Kolby Inskeep 10 1 The Hood 13u - White 5/21/2022
6 Gage Ayers 25 9 Charlie Culberson Baseball Prime 5/21/2022
3 Grant Bartell 55 10 The Hood 13u - White 5/22/2022
41 5 Team Elite 13U Select 5/22/2022
Total 96 15
4 William Caldwell 38 9 Atlanta Fuego Black 5/21/2022
34 7 Warriors Baseball Academy 13u Baker 5/22/2022
Total 72 16
31 Austin Davenport 45 6 Charlie Culberson Baseball Prime 5/21/2022
23 Savon Harper 39 9 Warriors Baseball Academy 13u Baker 5/22/2022
13 Kaden Jimerson 40 6 Atlanta Fuego Black 5/21/2022
16 0 Team Elite 13U Select 5/22/2022
Total 56 6
9 Alan Majoros 11 3 Atlanta Fuego Black 5/21/2022
52 9 Team Elite 13U Select 5/22/2022
Total 63 12
14 2 Warriors Baseball Academy 13u Baker 5/22/2022
Total 77 14
15 2 The Hood 13u - White 5/22/2022
Total 92 16
12 Cayson Webb 17 5 Warriors Baseball Academy 13u Baker 5/22/2022
24 6 Team Elite 13U Select 5/22/2022
Total 41 11
34 6 The Hood 13u - White 5/22/2022
Total 75 17
Southwest Sox
9 Landon Blair 20 2 Team Elite 13U Select 5/21/2022
13 Jacob Courson 22 2 Georgia Drip 5/21/2022
5 Chase Kemp 81 15 Charlie Culberson Baseball Elite 5/22/2022
35 Ethan Lower 31 3 Georgia Drip 5/21/2022
12 Brayden Mathis 49 7 Georgia Drip 5/21/2022
1 3 Charlie Culberson Baseball Elite 5/22/2022
Total 50 10
1 Seth Mika 57 9 Team Elite 13U Select 5/21/2022
7 Brayden Robinson 36 3 Team Elite 13U Select 5/21/2022
Team Elite 13U Select
George Dickinson 43 8 Baseball Lab Comanche Columbia 5/21/2022
17 2 Nsa 5/22/2022
Total 60 10
Grady Hansen 11 2 Southwest Sox 5/21/2022
16 3 Nsa 5/22/2022
Total 27 5
Reed Jackson 18 3 Baseball Lab Comanche Columbia 5/21/2022
48 9 Nsa 5/22/2022
Total 66 12
Grant Sagro 43 6 Baseball Lab Comanche Columbia 5/21/2022
Brice Stone 31 5 Southwest Sox 5/21/2022
David Wagner 29 8 Southwest Sox 5/21/2022
34 4 Nsa 5/22/2022
Total 63 12
The Hood 13u - White
24 Matthew Branicki 62 15 Georgia Drip 5/21/2022
6 Alex Burke 66 9 Baseball Lab Comanche Columbia 5/21/2022
98 Max Lopez 81 18 TRPL DMND Baseball - 13u 5/22/2022
13 Logan Mayers 83 12 Nsa 5/22/2022
27 Matthew Pastor 30 3 Baseball Lab Comanche Columbia 5/21/2022
9 3 Nsa 5/22/2022
Total 39 6
TRPL DMND Baseball - 13u
27 Jayden Gaddis 12 1 The Hood 13u - White 5/22/2022
22 Matthew Syken 86 18 FCA Newnan Naturals 13U - Ukleja 5/21/2022
13 Travis Tatom 77 12 Charlie Culberson Baseball Elite 5/21/2022
4 Jory Wardlaw 106 15 The Hood 13u - White 5/22/2022
16 Joseph Werling 38 6 Charlie Culberson Baseball Elite 5/21/2022
13 0 The Hood 13u - White 5/22/2022
Total 51 6
Warriors Baseball Academy 13u Baker
17 Trevor Baker 23 6 Charlie Culberson Baseball Elite 5/21/2022
37 5 Nsa 5/22/2022
Total 60 11
5 Jude Blessington 32 6 FCA Newnan Naturals 13U - Ukleja 5/22/2022
50 12 Nsa 5/22/2022
Total 82 18
8 Aaron Childress 35 9 FCA Newnan Naturals 13U - Ukleja 5/21/2022
51 9 FCA Newnan Naturals 13U - Ukleja 5/22/2022
Total 86 18
4 Lawson Ferguson 13 3 FCA Newnan Naturals 13U - Ukleja 5/21/2022
49 6 Nsa 5/22/2022
Total 62 9
2 Parker Hope 49 12 Georgia Drip 5/22/2022
3 Hunter Long 16 2 Charlie Culberson Baseball Elite 5/21/2022
10 James Manring 31 8 FCA Newnan Naturals 13U - Ukleja 5/21/2022
13 Kaleb Trowell 39 9 Charlie Culberson Baseball Elite 5/21/2022
15 3 Georgia Drip 5/22/2022
Total 54 12