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Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
643 Dp Panthers 14u
13 Brady Haff 50 6 Atl Lightning 14u Blamble 10/13/2023
11 Nick Johns 8 1 Canes Southeast Team Georgia 10/13/2023
17 0 Atl Lightning 14u Blamble 10/13/2023
Total 25 1
3 Jay Johnson 16 0 Canes Southeast Team Georgia 10/13/2023
19 Davis Johnson-Shreve 1 3 Blue Sox Baseball 10/15/2023
2 Alex Kilgo 32 1 Canes Southeast Team Georgia 10/13/2023
39 9 Blue Sox Baseball 10/15/2023
Total 71 10
14 Carson Kraushaar 64 11 Atl Lightning 14u Blamble 10/13/2023
44 Finn McQuade 72 7 Canes Southeast Team Georgia 10/13/2023
7 Hudson Smith 28 3 Canes Southeast Team Georgia 10/13/2023
22 Holden Wagner 41 5 Blue Sox Baseball 10/15/2023
643 Dp Tigers 14u
7 Daniel Cubides 27 3 Dc Baseball 14u Lucas 10/15/2023
3 Tyler Groff 6 3 Atl Lightning 14u Lizarraga 10/14/2023
40 6 Georgia Boys 10/14/2023
Total 46 9
8 Ian Hair 45 9 Dc Baseball 14u Lucas 10/15/2023
27 Landon Hopkins 44 6 Dc Baseball 14u Lucas 10/15/2023
17 Joshua Hwang 69 15 Atl Lightning 14u Lizarraga 10/14/2023
9 Parker Luke 0 0 Atl Lightning 14u Lizarraga 10/14/2023
28 Connor Patel 68 12 Georgia Boys 10/14/2023
31 Preston Payne 31 3 Georgia Boys 10/14/2023
Ambush Baseball Bailey
6 Jackson Beasley 20 1 BPA 2028 MS 10/15/2023
33 6 Georgia Boys 10/15/2023
Total 53 7
8 Aiden Diffley 64 9 Georgia Boys 10/15/2023
0 Gatlin Green 38 7 Georgia Premier 14U 10/14/2023
21 2 BPA 2028 MS 10/15/2023
Total 59 9
0 Warren Hilley 48 8 Georgia Premier 14U 10/14/2023
57 11 BPA 2028 MS 10/15/2023
Total 105 19
9 Tripp Kelley 48 6 Georgia Boys 10/15/2023
0 Maddox Rice 23 3 BPA 2028 MS 10/15/2023
34 Tucker Thompson 91 20 Georgia Boys 10/14/2023
Atl Lightning 14u Blamble
20 Brooks Ehret 23 3 SmarTense 14U Academy 10/15/2023
42 Matthew Hughes 47 9 Georgia Blaze 10/14/2023
47 Jude Katz 41 6 SmarTense 14U Academy 10/15/2023
10 Cole McDuffie 62 12 643 Dp Panthers 14u 10/13/2023
5 Cole Negro 31 2 643 Dp Panthers 14u 10/13/2023
52 Cole Petersen 35 1 643 Dp Panthers 14u 10/13/2023
4 Matthew Sharpton 59 9 Georgia Blaze 10/14/2023
7 Henry Waidelich 13 3 643 Dp Panthers 14u 10/13/2023
30 Shai Wolkin 74 8 SmarTense 14U Academy 10/15/2023
Atl Lightning 14u Lizarraga
11 Anthony Agah 18 3 Georgia Premier 14U 10/14/2023
6 Graham Bean 54 6 Canes Southeast Team Georgia 10/15/2023
8 Ryan Dunham 21 3 643 Dp Tigers 14u 10/14/2023
51 12 BPA 2028 MS 10/15/2023
Total 72 15
14 Wyatt Garfinkle 56 9 643 Dp Tigers 14u 10/14/2023
5 Nik Kothari 65 18 Devine Baseball 14u 10/15/2023
7 Graham Reker 44 6 643 Dp Tigers 14u 10/14/2023
21 Isaac Richhart 52 9 BPA 2028 MS 10/15/2023
35 Cal Williamson 60 12 Georgia Premier 14U 10/14/2023
2 Ryan Woods 68 12 Canes Southeast Team Georgia 10/15/2023
Blaze Baseball - Widing
7 Colten Brown 91 20 Blue Sox Baseball 10/14/2023
8 Trace Chauncey 52 6 Dc Baseball 14u Lucas 10/14/2023
27 Patrick Cole 66 11 Canes Southeast Team Georgia 10/15/2023
9 Colin Cross 67 9 Dc Baseball 14u Lucas 10/14/2023
13 Tyler Newby 10 1 Blue Sox Baseball 10/14/2023
28 Sawyer Swift 37 5 Canes Southeast Team Georgia 10/15/2023
Blue Sox Baseball
11 Kaleb Bailey 44 4 643 Dp Panthers 14u 10/15/2023
5 Connor Birch 54 12 Dc Baseball 14u Lucas 10/14/2023
7 Santiago Eldred 61 9 Blaze Baseball - Widing 10/14/2023
4 Huck Garlin 23 5 643 Dp Panthers 14u 10/15/2023
21 Cannon Haun 55 9 Blaze Baseball - Widing 10/14/2023
22 Robert Mayes 13 3 Dc Baseball 14u Lucas 10/14/2023
18 2 643 Dp Panthers 14u 10/15/2023
Total 31 5
2 Tyler Parker 32 1 Dc Baseball 14u Lucas 10/14/2023
8 Cooper Rogers 21 3 Blaze Baseball - Widing 10/14/2023
BPA 2028 MS
5 Walsh Driskell 33 6 Canes Southeast 14u - Richards 10/14/2023
43 6 Ambush Baseball Bailey 10/15/2023
Total 76 12
12 Landry Garner 34 8 SmarTense 14U Academy 10/14/2023
28 Caleb Hawkins 69 14 Ambush Baseball Bailey 10/15/2023
7 Wade Hill 20 3 SmarTense 14U Academy 10/14/2023
18 Jake McMinn 41 5 SmarTense 14U Academy 10/14/2023
72 6 Atl Lightning 14u Lizarraga 10/15/2023
Total 113 11
34 Colton Rambo 40 9 Canes Southeast 14u - Richards 10/14/2023
71 15 Atl Lightning 14u Lizarraga 10/15/2023
Total 111 24
2 Jayce Wright 28 6 Canes Southeast 14u - Richards 10/14/2023
Canes Southeast 14u - Richards
16 Brax Harrison 41 7 BPA 2028 MS 10/14/2023
17 3 Roadrunner Baseball Academy 14u Navy 10/14/2023
Total 58 10
6 Bryson Horn 58 6 Roadrunner Baseball Academy 14u Navy 10/14/2023
1 Dylan Schoenthal 66 9 ZT Bombers North 14U Marucci 10/15/2023
15 Logan Schoenthal 58 9 Roadrunner Baseball Academy 14u Navy 10/14/2023
8 Carson Thompson 76 12 BPA 2028 MS 10/14/2023
11 Mayjr Yocca 59 7 ZT Bombers North 14U Marucci 10/15/2023
Canes Southeast Team Georgia
3 Lleyton Bradley 39 6 643 Dp Panthers 14u 10/13/2023
Ledger Clements 58 12 Atl Lightning 14u Lizarraga 10/15/2023
Wryson Davis 19 3 Atl Lightning 14u Lizarraga 10/15/2023
59 Riley Galbraith 35 9 Georgia Blaze 10/14/2023
Zeb Jenkins 46 6 643 Dp Panthers 14u 10/13/2023
Hudson Oliver 45 3 Atl Lightning 14u Lizarraga 10/15/2023
18 Dylan Verdi 96 17 Blaze Baseball - Widing 10/15/2023
13 Grady Whitaker 16 6 Georgia Blaze 10/14/2023
13 4 Blaze Baseball - Widing 10/15/2023
Total 29 10
Dc Baseball 14u Lucas
18 Kaden Edge 63 9 Blaze Baseball - Widing 10/14/2023
0 1 643 Dp Tigers 14u 10/15/2023
Total 63 10
20 Braden Loyd 58 5 Blaze Baseball - Widing 10/14/2023
25 2 Blue Sox Baseball 10/14/2023
Total 83 7
2 Knox Merritt 40 9 Blue Sox Baseball 10/14/2023
59 12 643 Dp Tigers 14u 10/15/2023
Total 99 21
16 Knox Nolan 52 3 Blue Sox Baseball 10/14/2023
31 2 643 Dp Tigers 14u 10/15/2023
Total 83 5
33 Max O'Bryant 12 4 Blue Sox Baseball 10/14/2023
18 0 643 Dp Tigers 14u 10/15/2023
Total 30 4
Devine Baseball 14u
33 Graham Fleming 68 15 Georgia Liberty 14u 10/14/2023
23 Macade Huff 36 1 Atl Lightning 14u Lizarraga 10/15/2023
21 Cole Johnson 16 3 Georgia Liberty 14u 10/14/2023
24 Calen Mitchell 12 2 ZT Bombers North 14U Marucci 10/14/2023
26 2 Atl Lightning 14u Lizarraga 10/15/2023
Total 38 4
6 Aiden Oates 15 3 ZT Bombers North 14U Marucci 10/14/2023
50 8 Atl Lightning 14u Lizarraga 10/15/2023
Total 65 11
7 Ryan Reynolds 18 3 Georgia Liberty 14u 10/14/2023
39 7 Atl Lightning 14u Lizarraga 10/15/2023
Total 57 10
31 Hayden Shepherd 21 1 ZT Bombers North 14U Marucci 10/14/2023
11 Bennett Vick 75 14 ZT Bombers North 14U Marucci 10/14/2023
Georgia Blaze
18 Kylin Grant 53 9 Canes Southeast Team Georgia 10/14/2023
3 Nathaniel Loyd 69 12 Roadrunner Baseball Academy 14u Navy 10/15/2023
7 Gannon Smith 16 3 Roadrunner Baseball Academy 14u Navy 10/15/2023
21 Jeffrey Webb 41 2 Canes Southeast Team Georgia 10/14/2023
52 4 Atl Lightning 14u Blamble 10/14/2023
Total 93 6
6 James Harper Wilcox 96 14 Atl Lightning 14u Blamble 10/14/2023
Georgia Boys
33 Arvis Croll 70 12 Ambush Baseball Bailey 10/15/2023
5 Levi Malin 56 9 Ambush Baseball Bailey 10/15/2023
12 Korbin Persinger 46 12 643 Dp Tigers 14u 10/14/2023
2 Kooper Pounds 16 1 Ambush Baseball Bailey 10/14/2023
10 Khyler Rogers 96 20 Ambush Baseball Bailey 10/14/2023
1 Peyton Seymour 35 8 643 Dp Tigers 14u 10/14/2023
Georgia Liberty 14u
35 Evan Braaten 65 2 ZT Bombers North 14U Marucci 10/14/2023
28 Cooper Hodges 18 3 Georgia Premier 14U 10/15/2023
27 Alex Hutcheson 22 3 Georgia Premier 14U 10/15/2023
22 Brayson Lee 61 6 ZT Bombers North 14U Marucci 10/14/2023
29 Holden Mashburn 88 14 Devine Baseball 14u 10/14/2023
23 Monte McCollum 34 9 Georgia Premier 14U 10/15/2023
31 Brayden Shoemaker 15 3 Devine Baseball 14u 10/14/2023
Georgia Premier 14U
7 Carl Blount 31 3 Ambush Baseball Bailey 10/14/2023
6 Court Carpenter 15 3 Ambush Baseball Bailey 10/14/2023
54 6 Georgia Liberty 14u 10/15/2023
Total 69 9
28 Parker Cates 60 6 Georgia Liberty 14u 10/15/2023
19 Cyrus Merritt 0 0 Ambush Baseball Bailey 10/14/2023
4 Warren Miller 95 14 Atl Lightning 14u Lizarraga 10/14/2023
9 David Tingle 15 3 Georgia Liberty 14u 10/15/2023
36 Shane Walls 62 6 Ambush Baseball Bailey 10/14/2023
Roadrunner Baseball Academy 14u Navy
Andrew Brooker 64 6 Georgia Blaze 10/15/2023
Dylan Catherwood 78 7 SmarTense 14U Academy 10/14/2023
Whit Crais 45 4 SmarTense 14U Academy 10/14/2023
Jeremiah England 56 3 Georgia Blaze 10/15/2023
Wyatt McAllister 2 0 SmarTense 14U Academy 10/14/2023
4 1 Canes Southeast 14u - Richards 10/14/2023
Total 6 1
10 3 Georgia Blaze 10/15/2023
Total 16 4
Liam Mills 66 7 Canes Southeast 14u - Richards 10/14/2023
Connor Shields 61 10 Canes Southeast 14u - Richards 10/14/2023
SmarTense 14U Academy
42 Jayden Bibby 42 5 BPA 2028 MS 10/14/2023
Cooper Dean 33 4 Atl Lightning 14u Blamble 10/15/2023
5 Griffin Euratte 2 3 Atl Lightning 14u Blamble 10/15/2023
Jackson Povio, 35 4 Atl Lightning 14u Blamble 10/15/2023
0 Patrick (Duke) Sanders 66 12 BPA 2028 MS 10/14/2023
Jacob Stecik 45 8 Roadrunner Baseball Academy 14u Navy 10/14/2023
Noah Turner 12 0 BPA 2028 MS 10/14/2023
12 3 Roadrunner Baseball Academy 14u Navy 10/14/2023
Total 24 3
Owen Washburne 25 3 Atl Lightning 14u Blamble 10/15/2023
Aiden Watts 18 5 Atl Lightning 14u Blamble 10/15/2023
ZT Bombers North 14U Marucci
6 Brayden Allen 45 5 Devine Baseball 14u 10/14/2023
17 Eyen Etris 43 9 Georgia Liberty 14u 10/14/2023
72 Maxwell Hoch 25 6 Canes Southeast 14u - Richards 10/15/2023
3 Noah Kemp 64 10 Devine Baseball 14u 10/14/2023
11 Peyton Osheaski 75 12 Canes Southeast 14u - Richards 10/15/2023
7 Jake Stone 31 7 Devine Baseball 14u 10/14/2023