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Rules Amendment for this Tournament.
Mercy run rules for this event
9U – 12U – 15 run rule after 3 innings, 8 run rule after 4 innings.
13U – 14U – 15 Run rule after 3 innings, 12 Run Rule after 4 innings, 8 After 5 innings

13U OPEN & 13U AA

14U AA  - 14U OPEN 

Game time limits
14u Games are 1 hour 45 minutes
11-13u Games are 1 hour 40 minutes
9-10u Games are 1 hour 30 minutes; 6-8u games are 70 minutes.
No inning can start after the time limit.
Time will be kept by the Umpires and will start after the plate meeting.
For each team’s pool games the home team will be predetermined.
A tie is equal to a ½ win and ½ loss for each team.

Championship Games are no Time Limit if time allows.
9U-12U is 6 innings. 
13U thru 14U is 7 innings.

Extra Innings
9U-12U After 6th inning has been completed. Follow Vegas Tie breaker rules.
13U-14U: (if time allows) Championship games will be played with regular extra innings through the 9th inning. Starting in the 10th inning the last three hitters from the previous inning will load the bases with 1 out.

Metal Cleats are NOT allowed 12u and younger.
Metal Cleats are NOT allowed  on Portable mounds.
Metal Cleats are NOT allowed at Big League dreams park.
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
14u Nv Gator’S
Elijah Alba 45 6 So Cal Stixx 12/2/2023
7 Jeremiah Byndloss 43 9 So Cal Stixx 12/2/2023
12 Easton Dove 28 6 Utah Freedom Baseball 12/2/2023
13 Jamison Lewis 56 9 Utah Freedom Baseball 12/2/2023
Baseball 101-Pagan/Hernandez (14)
33 Jaden Chafino 84 12 CBA Bulldogs 12/2/2023
48 Jacob Salts 0 0 CBA Bulldogs 12/2/2023
50 Brigham Stosich 0 0 LVBA 12/2/2023
93 18 California Baseball 12/3/2023
Total 93 18
86 Luka Stosich 80 15 LVBA 12/2/2023
California Baseball
5 Matthew Engelking 35 3 USA PRIME 14U Central Valley 12/2/2023
18 Gio Galindo 13 3 USA PRIME 14U Central Valley 12/2/2023
87 Mario Guzman 35 9 USA PRIME 14U Central Valley 12/2/2023
0 Dylan Mahoney 21 1 LMB Zaragoza 12/2/2023
24 Roman Moreno 24 6 LMB Zaragoza 12/2/2023
Jayden Quintana 55 9 Socal Rippers 12/3/2023
10 Nicholas Sandoval 12 2 LMB Zaragoza 12/2/2023
25 Ethan Torres 12 3 LMB Zaragoza 12/2/2023
CBA Bulldogs
Daniel Alfaro 34 2 Baseball 101-Pagan/Hernandez (14) 12/2/2023
Julian De Casas 23 6 CBA Bulldogs 12/3/2023
Esteban Gastelum 77 12 Nevada Bluebirds Baseball 12/2/2023
Jesus Gonzalez 64 7 Baseball 101-Pagan/Hernandez (14) 12/2/2023
Braden Hogan 17 0 PFA Gold 2028 12/2/2023
Aidan Jimenez 81 0 PFA Gold 2028 12/2/2023
Eternal Lee 17 2 LMB Long Beach 12/2/2023
79 11 Utah Freedom Baseball 12/3/2023
Total 96 13
Jacob Nottingham 42 3 Nevada Bluebirds Baseball 12/2/2023
Anthony Quezada 88 14 LMB Long Beach 12/2/2023
James Reynoso 74 18 CBA Bulldogs 12/3/2023
Zev Schwartz 23 3 Nevada Bluebirds Baseball 12/2/2023
13 4 Utah Freedom Baseball 12/3/2023
Total 36 7
LMB Long Beach
10 Matthew Alcala 30 9 CBA Bulldogs 12/2/2023
53 9 So Cal Stixx 12/3/2023
Total 83 18
8 Daymian Beltran 0 0 CBA Bulldogs 12/2/2023
42 Ramiro Medina 23 3 Nevada Bluebirds Baseball 12/2/2023
5 Elijah Munoz 19 3 Nevada Bluebirds Baseball 12/2/2023
1 Braylen Reyes 52 9 CBA Bulldogs 12/2/2023
2 Luis Wetzel 41 9 Nevada Bluebirds Baseball 12/2/2023
59 11 So Cal Stixx 12/3/2023
Total 100 20
LMB Zaragoza
17 Izaiah Almaraz 47 4 USA PRIME 14U Central Valley 12/2/2023
18 Allen Campos 54 6 California Baseball 12/2/2023
2 Angel Herrera 23 1 California Baseball 12/2/2023
5 2 USA PRIME 14U Central Valley 12/2/2023
Total 28 3
24 Joseph Herrera 51 9 USA PRIME 14U Central Valley 12/2/2023
91 Jordan Proctor 49 5 California Baseball 12/2/2023
9 Xavier Blakeney 85 11 Baseball 101-Pagan/Hernandez (14) 12/2/2023
29 Hudson Crowley 16 3 Baseball 101-Pagan/Hernandez (14) 12/2/2023
27 Jayce Dizon 25 2 Baseball 101-Pagan/Hernandez (14) 12/2/2023
33 4 Utah Freedom Baseball 12/3/2023
Total 58 6
3 Dylan Foote 73 10 Socal Rippers 12/2/2023
28 Tyler Lara-Guerrero 32 2 Utah Freedom Baseball 12/3/2023
24 Dav'Ion Meadows 42 3 Utah Freedom Baseball 12/3/2023
18 Damian Sejalbo 12 1 Socal Rippers 12/2/2023
Nevada Bluebirds Baseball
34 Leighton Canarelli 39 9 CBA Bulldogs 12/2/2023
24 Ashton Snobel 32 9 CBA Bulldogs 12/2/2023
Alex Vu 92 15 LMB Long Beach 12/2/2023
PFA Gold 2028
Tyler Armstrong 38 7 CBA Bulldogs 12/2/2023
11 Marco Bolanos 15 2 Socal Rippers 12/2/2023
Paul Koch 65 7 Socal Rippers 12/2/2023
Luke Lougheed 38 5 CBA Bulldogs 12/2/2023
Stefan Porter 12 6 Socal Rippers 12/2/2023
Ethan Ramallo 72 9 STARS N’ SPIKES BLACK 12/3/2023
Isaiah Seawright 13 3 CBA Bulldogs 12/2/2023
29 3 STARS N’ SPIKES BLACK 12/3/2023
Total 42 6
SN Wolves Blue
Ace Derleth 50 9 Utah Performance 2028 12/2/2023
Joseph Gallo 50 6 Utah Performance 2028 12/2/2023
Evan Hines 14 3 STARS N’ SPIKES BLACK 12/2/2023
Benson Ornelas 56 6 STARS N’ SPIKES BLACK 12/2/2023
So Cal Stixx
31 Ethan Arroyo 63 11 14u Nv Gator’S 12/2/2023
2 Christopher Barrientos 54 6 Utah Freedom Baseball 12/2/2023
3 Juleean Pinto 28 4 14u Nv Gator’S 12/2/2023
35 Anthony Ruiz 83 21 14u Nv Gator’S 12/3/2023
99 Manny Verdugo 23 6 Utah Freedom Baseball 12/2/2023
Socal Rippers
31 Wesley Baker 19 2 LVBA 12/2/2023
19 3 PFA Gold 2028 12/2/2023
Total 38 5
27 Connor Barragan 4 1 LVBA 12/2/2023
8 Hunter Deeble 36 9 PFA Gold 2028 12/2/2023
3 Shaelyn Delahanty 58 9 LVBA 12/2/2023
45 Nicolas Jimenez 36 3 PFA Gold 2028 12/2/2023
Tony Leon 21 3 Utah Performance 2028 12/2/2023
Aiden Lucero 52 8 SN Wolves Blue 12/2/2023
Aiden Pastrano 41 3 Utah Performance 2028 12/2/2023
Peyton Ramos 33 4 SN Wolves Blue 12/2/2023
Noah Salsberry 35 3 Utah Performance 2028 12/2/2023
USA PRIME 14U Central Valley
34 Aiden Estrella 39 3 California Baseball 12/2/2023
3 Aiden Fleming 35 3 LMB Zaragoza 12/2/2023
10 Miher Lomeli 26 6 California Baseball 12/2/2023
17 Peyton Moua 42 6 California Baseball 12/2/2023
13 Paul Murray 43 3 LMB Zaragoza 12/2/2023
22 Gavin Phanco 54 9 LMB Zaragoza 12/2/2023
Utah Freedom Baseball
13 Miles Armstrong 25 2 So Cal Stixx 12/2/2023
44 Brooks Baganz 40 3 14u Nv Gator’S 12/2/2023
17 3 USA PRIME 14U Central Valley 12/3/2023
Total 57 6
23 McKoy Bird 38 3 So Cal Stixx 12/2/2023
3 Kade Christensen 43 3 So Cal Stixx 12/2/2023
66 9 USA PRIME 14U Central Valley 12/3/2023
Total 109 12
15 Kash Kauwe 59 9 14u Nv Gator’S 12/2/2023
Brigham Price 8 1 14u Nv Gator’S 12/2/2023
6 Madix Turnbull 42 4 So Cal Stixx 12/2/2023
83 9 LVBA 12/3/2023
Total 125 13
Utah Performance 2028
35 Tait Caldwell 10 2 STARS N’ SPIKES BLACK 12/2/2023
17 Broxton Douglas 81 16 SN Wolves Blue 12/3/2023
99 Mason Greeno 50 11 Nevada Bluebirds Baseball 12/3/2023
24 Amari Gutierrez 34 4 STARS N’ SPIKES BLACK 12/2/2023
27 Jace Spencer 4 0 SN Wolves Blue 12/3/2023
12 Kason Taylor 42 7 SN Wolves Blue 12/2/2023
10 Carson Tobler 33 6 SN Wolves Blue 12/2/2023
88 Easton Webb 32 6 STARS N’ SPIKES BLACK 12/2/2023
8 0 SN Wolves Blue 12/2/2023
Total 40 6
24 1 Nevada Bluebirds Baseball 12/3/2023
Total 64 7