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Rules Amendment for this Tournament.
Mercy run rules for this event
9U – 12U – 15 run rule after 3 innings, 8 run rule after 4 innings.
13U – 14U – 15 Run rule after 3 innings, 12 Run Rule after 4 innings, 8 After 5 innings

13U OPEN & 13U AA

14U AA  - 14U OPEN 

Game time limits
Pool Play
9U-12U is 6 innings with no new inning after 1 hour 45 minutes (whichever comes first).
13U thru 14U will play 7 innings with no new inning after 2 hours (whichever comes first).

9U-12U is 6 innings with no new inning after 1 hour 45 minutes (whichever comes first).
13U thru 14U will play 7 innings with no new inning after 2 hours (whichever comes first).
Tie Breaker after innings have are reached. Last 3 outs go on base , continue line up with 1 out.

Championship Games are no Time Limit if time allows.
9U-12U is 6 innings. 
13U thru 14U is 7 innings.

Extra Innings
9U-12U After 6th inning has been completed. Follow Vegas Tie breaker rules.
13U-14U: Championship games will be played with regular extra innings through the 9th inning. Starting in the 10th inning the last three hitters from the previous inning will load the bases with 1 out.

Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
Cangelosi Sparks 14U McMillen
28 Milan Bansal 17 3 Gbg Vegas 2028 2/17/2024
45 8 Top Tier North 14U (Winter) 2/18/2024
Total 62 11
44 Dominic Colmone 59 7 Las Vegas Bulldogs Navy 2/18/2024
7 Matthew Drew 57 9 SN Wolves Black 2/17/2024
22 Gavin Dworak 26 2 SN Wolves Black 2/17/2024
0 0 Las Vegas Bulldogs Navy 2/18/2024
Total 26 2
11 Kaeson Ernst 9 1 SN Wolves Black 2/17/2024
19 2 Top Tier North 14U (Winter) 2/18/2024
Total 28 3
1 Connor LaCount 76 7 Las Vegas Bulldogs Navy 2/18/2024
0 Emmett Lavin 0 0 Top Tier North 14U (Winter) 2/18/2024
10 Brody Pilosi 66 11 Top Tier North 14U (Winter) 2/18/2024
4 Walter Ramirez 15 1 Las Vegas Bulldogs Navy 2/18/2024
27 Jackson Turko 59 8 Gbg Vegas 2028 2/17/2024
3 Tristan Walters 67 10 Gbg Vegas 2028 2/17/2024
Downtown Colts
31 Miles Dove 40 5 Southern Nevada Baseball 2/18/2024
48 Andrew Duncan 31 5 Zone Baseball Academy Black 2/18/2024
28 6 Southern Nevada Baseball 2/19/2024
Total 59 11
35 Hudson Fraidenburg 59 15 Utah Titans 2/17/2024
33 Ryland Gregorich 40 6 Henderson High Heat 2/17/2024
49 8 Southern Nevada Baseball 2/19/2024
Total 89 14
20 Cooper Martin 72 15 Henderson High Heat 2/17/2024
14 Brody Ricci 31 6 Utah Titans 2/17/2024
3 0 Zone Baseball Academy Black 2/18/2024
Total 34 6
21 4 Southern Nevada Baseball 2/19/2024
Total 55 10
17 Reilly Rucker 47 10 Southern Nevada Baseball 2/18/2024
30 Alex Savov 58 7 Zone Baseball Academy Black 2/18/2024
Gbg Utah 2028 Navy
5 Cruz Adams 80 12 Gbg Vegas 2028 2/18/2024
50 Truman Bullington 17 3 Top Tier North 14U 2/18/2024
22 Dylan Chambers 74 15 IBA Meimerstorf 2/17/2024
7 Talon Petersen 58 9 Las Vegas Bulldogs Navy 2/17/2024
37 6 Gbg Vegas 2028 2/18/2024
Total 95 15
0 Madix Turnbull 10 0 Las Vegas Bulldogs Navy 2/17/2024
9 Abel Velador 35 5 Las Vegas Bulldogs Navy 2/17/2024
3 Mitch Walker 41 6 Top Tier North 14U 2/18/2024
Gbg Vegas 2028
Michael Bergin 21 2 Utah Titans 2/17/2024
44 8 Gbg Utah 2028 Navy 2/18/2024
Total 65 10
0 0 Las Vegas Bulldogs Navy 2/19/2024
Total 65 10
18 3 SN Wolves Black 2/19/2024
Total 83 13
Taylor Chairez 5 0 Utah Titans 2/17/2024
22 1 Gbg Utah 2028 Navy 2/18/2024
Total 27 1
4 2 SN Wolves Black 2/19/2024
Total 31 3
Dylan Foster 48 9 Top Tier North 14U 2/18/2024
48 7 SN Wolves Black 2/19/2024
Total 96 16
Anibal Martinez 17 3 Utah Titans 2/18/2024
50 5 Las Vegas Bulldogs Navy 2/19/2024
Total 67 8
Crosby McGreal 98 21 Cangelosi Sparks 14U McMillen 2/17/2024
Cooper Offermann 61 8 Las Vegas Bulldogs Navy 2/19/2024
35 8 SN Wolves Black 2/19/2024
Total 96 16
Ollie Schoppmann 48 7 Utah Titans 2/17/2024
54 7 Gbg Utah 2028 Navy 2/18/2024
Total 102 14
Henderson High Heat
22 Daniel Angelo 42 6 Southern Nevada Baseball 2/18/2024
42 Gabe Becerra 70 12 Downtown Colts 2/17/2024
11 Hunter Costa 8 3 Downtown Colts 2/17/2024
24 Noah Henneman 41 7 SN Wolves Black 2/17/2024
99 Brody Murray 78 9 SN Wolves Black 2/17/2024
20 3 Zone Baseball Academy Black 2/18/2024
Total 98 12
50 Hayden Nelson 42 3 Downtown Colts 2/17/2024
36 7 Zone Baseball Academy Black 2/18/2024
Total 78 10
7 Caleb Piehler 34 5 SN Wolves Black 2/17/2024
28 4 Zone Baseball Academy Black 2/18/2024
Total 62 9
17 Jace Smith 66 9 Southern Nevada Baseball 2/18/2024
IBA Meimerstorf
Zachary Andres 14 3 Top Tier North 14U 2/17/2024
76 8 Utah Titans 2/18/2024
Total 90 11
Kai Bertges 21 1 Gbg Utah 2028 Navy 2/17/2024
Jagger Larsen 44 4 Top Tier North 14U 2/17/2024
Tyson Logan 83 17 SN Wolves Black 2/18/2024
Nathan Stephensen 40 9 Top Tier North 14U 2/17/2024
Josh Teal 47 3 Gbg Utah 2028 Navy 2/17/2024
Caleb Thomas 61 9 Gbg Utah 2028 Navy 2/17/2024
Cody Weaver 37 5 Top Tier North 14U 2/17/2024
7 1 SN Wolves Black 2/18/2024
Total 44 6
33 6 Utah Titans 2/18/2024
Total 77 12
Las Vegas Bulldogs Navy
7 Kayden Childers 16 3 Gbg Utah 2028 Navy 2/17/2024
37 6 Top Tier North 14U 2/17/2024
Total 53 9
48 Payton Conley-Cimini 0 0 Top Tier North 14U (Winter) 2/18/2024
47 9 Cangelosi Sparks 14U McMillen 2/18/2024
Total 47 9
3 Hayden Eckert 28 3 Cangelosi Sparks 14U McMillen 2/18/2024
99 Mason Ghadery 27 1 Top Tier North 14U (Winter) 2/18/2024
19 Jase Heiseler 71 12 Southern Nevada Baseball 2/19/2024
27 Connor McDonald 52 9 Gbg Utah 2028 Navy 2/17/2024
45 8 Southern Nevada Baseball 2/19/2024
Total 97 17
21 Gavin Newman 22 3 Gbg Vegas 2028 2/19/2024
18 Sawyer Perry 25 6 Top Tier North 14U 2/17/2024
48 11 Top Tier North 14U (Winter) 2/18/2024
Total 73 17
7 2 Cangelosi Sparks 14U McMillen 2/18/2024
Total 80 19
13 Jackson Trantham 49 6 Gbg Utah 2028 Navy 2/17/2024
11 Ethan Vigil 86 15 Gbg Vegas 2028 2/19/2024
SN Wolves Black
17 Mason Burbidge 55 12 IBA Meimerstorf 2/18/2024
14 Bryan Freeman 32 3 Cangelosi Sparks 14U McMillen 2/17/2024
1 Joseph Gallo 0 0 Henderson High Heat 2/17/2024
33 5 IBA Meimerstorf 2/18/2024
Total 33 5
10 Daren Guzman 62 14 Gbg Vegas 2028 2/19/2024
22 Noah Knudson 35 6 Cangelosi Sparks 14U McMillen 2/17/2024
54 6 Gbg Vegas 2028 2/19/2024
Total 89 12
5 Ryder Metz 79 21 Henderson High Heat 2/17/2024
4 Benson Ornelas 33 6 Cangelosi Sparks 14U McMillen 2/17/2024
34 Derek Wenzel 75 15 Utah Titans 2/18/2024
0 0 Gbg Vegas 2028 2/19/2024
Total 75 15
Southern Nevada Baseball
Tucker Christman 93 15 Las Vegas Bulldogs Navy 2/19/2024
Cohen Fuller 24 3 Zone Baseball Academy Black 2/17/2024
8 2 Downtown Colts 2/19/2024
Total 32 5
34 6 Las Vegas Bulldogs Navy 2/19/2024
Total 66 11
Eron Galvan 72 14 Zone Baseball Academy Black 2/17/2024
Gage Gandy 27 4 Top Tier North 14U (Winter) 2/17/2024
12 Ajay Hermosura 4 1 Henderson High Heat 2/18/2024
76 13 Downtown Colts 2/19/2024
Total 80 14
Aikoa Niau 13 3 Downtown Colts 2/18/2024
37 6 Downtown Colts 2/19/2024
Total 50 9
Ryder Schuette 88 10 Top Tier North 14U (Winter) 2/17/2024
Cannon Sheff 83 13 Henderson High Heat 2/18/2024
Junha Song 92 14 Downtown Colts 2/18/2024
Top Tier North 14U
44 Clayton Balch 69 10 IBA Meimerstorf 2/17/2024
43 Nate Broyles 44 2 Gbg Vegas 2028 2/18/2024
2 Dominic Fratus 52 7 IBA Meimerstorf 2/17/2024
42 Esteban Ontaneda 54 5 Las Vegas Bulldogs Navy 2/17/2024
8 Maks Rayburn 51 2 Gbg Utah 2028 Navy 2/18/2024
15 Jude Rosellier 8 1 Las Vegas Bulldogs Navy 2/17/2024
54 1 Gbg Utah 2028 Navy 2/18/2024
Total 62 2
23 Julian Salerno 57 6 Gbg Vegas 2028 2/18/2024
27 4 Gbg Utah 2028 Navy 2/18/2024
Total 84 10
40 Alan Tackbary 52 6 Las Vegas Bulldogs Navy 2/17/2024
39 Winston Vassilos 23 0 Gbg Utah 2028 Navy 2/18/2024
Top Tier North 14U (Winter)
20 Patrick Anderson 69 7 Las Vegas Bulldogs Navy 2/18/2024
14 Owen Bruns 37 3 Las Vegas Bulldogs Navy 2/18/2024
39 Henry Burke 29 4 Southern Nevada Baseball 2/17/2024
31 3 Cangelosi Sparks 14U McMillen 2/18/2024
Total 60 7
40 Gabriele De Vincenzi 9 2 Las Vegas Bulldogs Navy 2/18/2024
28 Alex Govoni 67 9 Cangelosi Sparks 14U McMillen 2/18/2024
14 Calvin Hayes 48 9 Zone Baseball Academy Black 2/17/2024
52 Nolan Hecht 48 9 Zone Baseball Academy Black 2/17/2024
37 Broc Huber 46 8 Cangelosi Sparks 14U McMillen 2/18/2024
17 Henry Murphy 50 7 Southern Nevada Baseball 2/17/2024
33 Will Steffens 42 3 Southern Nevada Baseball 2/17/2024
Utah Titans
24 Kolten Duwel 9 2 IBA Meimerstorf 2/18/2024
21 Taven Lancaster 27 3 Downtown Colts 2/17/2024
6 Tripp Linford 21 4 Gbg Vegas 2028 2/18/2024
8 Cody McLean 23 6 Downtown Colts 2/17/2024
71 8 IBA Meimerstorf 2/18/2024
Total 94 14
2 Dawson Moore 29 5 IBA Meimerstorf 2/18/2024
10 Cohen Nelson 70 12 Downtown Colts 2/17/2024
4 Jason Pintar 52 6 SN Wolves Black 2/18/2024
99 Beckham Rowley 46 5 Gbg Vegas 2028 2/17/2024
9 Easton Smith 39 3 Gbg Vegas 2028 2/17/2024
13 Kyler Stadler 49 6 SN Wolves Black 2/18/2024
Zone Baseball Academy Black
27 Stephen Abeles 77 11 Top Tier North 14U (Winter) 2/17/2024
4 Dominic Colarco 56 12 Southern Nevada Baseball 2/17/2024
3 Cash Daley 70 6 Downtown Colts 2/18/2024
9 Emmanuel Garcia Lacunza 18 1 Top Tier North 14U (Winter) 2/17/2024
2 Lucas Gordon 7 0 Henderson High Heat 2/18/2024
21 Julian Lopez 45 6 Downtown Colts 2/18/2024
50 Zidro Solis 3 0 Top Tier North 14U (Winter) 2/17/2024
67 11 Henderson High Heat 2/18/2024
Total 70 11
34 Owen Todd 65 6 Southern Nevada Baseball 2/17/2024
Teovani Vera 43 4 Henderson High Heat 2/18/2024