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Metal spikes/cleats are prohibited on all turf surfaces, including turf pitching mounds. Please make sure your athletes have alternate footwear this weekend.


Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
Barnstormers - Biery
5 Henry Corn 18 0 Precision Baseball - McCourt 6/22/2024
35 Leland McCallister 59 5 Precision Baseball - McCourt 6/22/2024
54 6 Premier Sports Academy - 14u Brummond 6/23/2024
Total 113 11
1 Treyden Morgan 60 9 Majors 6/22/2024
46 4 Premier Sports Academy - 14u Brummond 6/23/2024
Total 106 13
Asher Newton 51 9 Majors 6/22/2024
48 Jacob Perkins 42 3 Precision Baseball - McCourt 6/22/2024
35 5 Mac N Seitz 14u Gray 6/23/2024
Total 77 8
29 6 Uba Tigers Red 6/23/2024
Total 106 14
7 Jordy Scott 84 13 Mac N Seitz 14u Gray 6/23/2024
11 Dax Williams 68 14 Uba Tigers Red 6/23/2024
Chillicothe Bombers
10 Rhyker Baker 68 6 Kc Outlaws 2029 6/22/2024
4 Riley Hinckle 98 12 Prodigy Baseball Titans 6/23/2024
24 Riley Lebsack 67 15 Mac N Seitz 14u Gray 6/22/2024
1 Liem Potter 9 3 Kc Outlaws 2029 6/22/2024
10 1 Precision Baseball - McCourt 6/23/2024
Total 19 4
78 15 Kansas Outlaws 6/23/2024
Total 97 19
8 Logan Strain 35 5 Kc Outlaws 2029 6/22/2024
18 Mitchell Walker 17 3 Prodigy Baseball Titans 6/23/2024
80 16 Precision Baseball - McCourt 6/23/2024
Total 97 19
Complete Game (Mirr)
22 Braxton Brown 10 0 Premier Sports Academy - 14u Brummond 6/22/2024
35 Colin Dew 14 3 Pioneer Baseball 6/22/2024
47 8 Premier Sports Academy - 14u Brummond 6/22/2024
Total 61 11
10 Kellen Fuller 51 12 Pioneer Baseball 6/22/2024
18 Kash Hamilton 14 4 Premier Sports Academy - 14u Brummond 6/22/2024
50 9 Precision Baseball - McCourt 6/23/2024
Total 64 13
11 Samuel Hopkins 61 2 Precision Baseball - McCourt 6/23/2024
5 Dean Rasmussen 25 3 Pioneer Baseball 6/22/2024
15 Caleb Scott 25 6 Premier Sports Academy - 14u Brummond 6/22/2024
Kansas Outlaws
9 Kooper Allen 20 3 Ybc 14u Heat 6/21/2024
18 2 Chillicothe Bombers 6/23/2024
Total 38 5
56 15 Sedalia Bombers 6/23/2024
Total 94 20
Titus Blackford 64 16 Prime 14u - Linder 6/21/2024
6 1 Chillicothe Bombers 6/23/2024
Total 70 17
30 EASTON ESFELD 12 3 Ybc 14u Heat 6/21/2024
72 21 Kc Dirtbags 6/23/2024
Total 84 24
11 Fenton Fuqua 57 10 Ybc 14u Heat 6/21/2024
Ben Parker 32 5 Prime 14u - Linder 6/21/2024
7 1 Chillicothe Bombers 6/23/2024
Total 39 6
15 Bryson Pinkepank 4 1 Ybc 14u Heat 6/21/2024
54 8 Chillicothe Bombers 6/23/2024
Total 58 9
13 Blake Schultz 17 0 Ybc 14u Heat 6/21/2024
8 Brody VanHouten 31 2 Chillicothe Bombers 6/23/2024
23 0 Sedalia Bombers 6/23/2024
Total 54 2
Kc Crush
42 Bennett Bass 73 8 Premier Sports Academy - 14u Brummond 6/22/2024
0 0 Pioneer Baseball 6/22/2024
Total 73 8
14 Carter Bates 55 9 Precision Baseball - Madsen 6/23/2024
3 Cole Burkin 49 5 Pioneer Baseball 6/22/2024
35 6 Pioneer Baseball 6/23/2024
Total 84 11
23 Caden Burt 6 0 Pioneer Baseball 6/22/2024
67 15 Pioneer Baseball 6/23/2024
Total 73 15
17 Jastin Pringle 73 10 Prime 14u - Linder 6/23/2024
5 Blace Rodina 58 8 Pioneer Baseball 6/22/2024
55 9 Precision Baseball - Madsen 6/23/2024
Total 113 17
18 Easton Vesey 15 3 Premier Sports Academy - 14u Brummond 6/22/2024
3 1 Pioneer Baseball 6/22/2024
Total 18 4
41 4 Prime 14u - Linder 6/23/2024
Total 59 8
34 Easton White 39 7 Premier Sports Academy - 14u Brummond 6/22/2024
16 Stone Wiegmann 12 3 Precision Baseball - Madsen 6/23/2024
Kc Dirtbags
25 Bronx Bell 87 19 Kansas Outlaws 6/23/2024
77 Jaxson Davis 38 9 Prime 14u - Linder 6/21/2024
21 Will Fleenor 13 3 Prime 14u - Linder 6/21/2024
73 17 Redbirds 6/23/2024
Total 86 20
9 Kelan Gunnell 15 2 Prime 14u - Linder 6/21/2024
13 Corbin Hopkins 38 4 Prime 14u - Linder 6/21/2024
44 Isaac Schaunaman 81 20 Ybc 14u Heat 6/21/2024
Kc Outlaws 2029
50 Nicholas Cianflone 51 10 Chillicothe Bombers 6/22/2024
44 Brady Hays 81 17 Pioneer Baseball 6/23/2024
90 Kayden Hendrickson 20 1 Pioneer Baseball 6/23/2024
9 Graham Lane 74 15 Midwest Mavericks 6/22/2024
6 Tate Trachsel 33 5 Chillicothe Bombers 6/22/2024
Mac N Seitz 14u - Blue
99 Liam Belzeski 14 1 Sedalia Bombers 6/22/2024
1 Devin Bendfeldt 41 6 Sedalia Bombers 6/22/2024
8 Jason Chanos 38 6 Uba Tigers Red 6/23/2024
24 Gavin Fahey 73 14 Prodigy Baseball Titans 6/22/2024
4 Zach Houlle 23 1 Prodigy Baseball Titans 6/22/2024
22 4 Uba Tigers Red 6/23/2024
Total 45 5
7 Christian Perrey 68 8 Uba Tigers Red 6/23/2024
22 Haydon Phillips 82 21 US Nationals-Dawson 6/23/2024
3 Jameson Skinner 58 4 Sedalia Bombers 6/22/2024
0 0 Uba Tigers Red 6/23/2024
Total 58 4
Mac N Seitz 14u Gray
23 Kai Brown 25 3 Chillicothe Bombers 6/22/2024
24 Lincoln Cummings 8 2 Chillicothe Bombers 6/22/2024
10 Torrey Dirosa 56 7 Chillicothe Bombers 6/22/2024
34 Owen Ismert 45 2 Chillicothe Bombers 6/22/2024
18 4 Barnstormers - Biery 6/23/2024
Total 63 6
97 Jake Keehler 79 13 Midwest Mavericks 6/22/2024
35 Jimmy Love 80 15 Barnstormers - Biery 6/23/2024
7 Brynis Breakfield 9 3 Prime 14u - Linder 6/23/2024
2 Quincy Edwards 18 1 Barnstormers - Biery 6/22/2024
92 18 Prime 14u - Linder 6/23/2024
Total 110 19
3 Landen Johnson 76 16 Barnstormers - Biery 6/22/2024
6 Jacob Kluck 56 7 Precision Baseball - McCourt 6/22/2024
21 Noah Kluck 64 11 Precision Baseball - McCourt 6/22/2024
10 Richard Perez 2 0 Prime 14u - Linder 6/23/2024
Midwest Mavericks
3 Gavin Baird 17 3 Kc Outlaws 2029 6/22/2024
35 8 Pioneer Baseball 6/23/2024
Total 52 11
10 Jack Belz 43 6 Mac N Seitz 14u Gray 6/22/2024
16 Kennedy Brown 65 12 Pioneer Baseball 6/23/2024
33 Gunnar Cooper 54 5 Kc Outlaws 2029 6/22/2024
6 Garrett Coots 17 1 Kc Outlaws 2029 6/22/2024
21 Alex McCauley 21 3 Kc Outlaws 2029 6/22/2024
19 Coleson Penrod 66 8 Mac N Seitz 14u Gray 6/22/2024
Pioneer Baseball
Dalton Close 17 3 Complete Game (Mirr) 6/22/2024
20 9 Kc Crush 6/23/2024
Total 37 12
15 Kade Dryer 47 8 Kc Crush 6/22/2024
26 4 Kc Crush 6/23/2024
Total 73 12
22 Jack Dunlap 51 6 Kc Crush 6/22/2024
8 Brayden Durkes 57 5 Midwest Mavericks 6/23/2024
16 Colton Mitchell 8 1 Complete Game (Mirr) 6/22/2024
7 Mason Partridge 3 1 Kc Crush 6/22/2024
42 6 Kc Outlaws 2029 6/23/2024
Total 45 7
4 Oliver Rambo 78 11 Kc Outlaws 2029 6/23/2024
44 Ashton Sawyer 61 10 Midwest Mavericks 6/23/2024
13 Mason Sheumaker 83 11 Complete Game (Mirr) 6/22/2024
2 Blake Wiss 50 9 Kc Crush 6/23/2024
30 6 Midwest Mavericks 6/23/2024
Total 80 15
Precision Baseball - Madsen
45 Chase Burt 27 6 US Nationals-Dawson 6/22/2024
30 Carson Conner 55 12 US Nationals-Dawson 6/22/2024
11 Brandon Hamilton 66 12 Kc Crush 6/23/2024
21 Brody Nelson 52 3 Redbirds 6/22/2024
8 Lincoln Telling 48 6 Redbirds 6/22/2024
37 6 Kc Crush 6/23/2024
Total 85 12
Precision Baseball - McCourt
4 Jake Groom 40 9 Complete Game (Mirr) 6/23/2024
2 Connor Holmes 48 9 Majors 6/22/2024
Ethan Kraft 29 6 Majors 6/22/2024
27 Jake Phelps 8 3 Barnstormers - Biery 6/22/2024
13 Jack Renze 57 3 Chillicothe Bombers 6/23/2024
27 6 Complete Game (Mirr) 6/23/2024
Total 84 9
23 Bronson Skelton 62 15 Chillicothe Bombers 6/23/2024
Garrett Wilkerson 55 9 Barnstormers - Biery 6/22/2024
17 Chase Woolfolk 27 3 Majors 6/22/2024
Premier Sports Academy - 14u Brummond
46 Grant Kendrick 29 2 Barnstormers - Biery 6/23/2024
27 James Patchett 85 15 Kc Crush 6/22/2024
11 Cooper Schaefer 71 10 Barnstormers - Biery 6/23/2024
48 Jeffrey Schulte 54 12 Complete Game (Mirr) 6/22/2024
5 Jackson See 32 5 Complete Game (Mirr) 6/22/2024
44 Jake Wills 0 0 Barnstormers - Biery 6/23/2024
Prime 14u - Linder
24 Brayden Adams 70 14 Majors 6/23/2024
9 Jaxxon Hendricks 88 15 Kc Dirtbags 6/21/2024
7 Oliver Hudson 35 2 Kc Dirtbags 6/21/2024
15 Cole Linder 25 6 Majors 6/23/2024
24 0 Kc Crush 6/23/2024
Total 49 6
3 Tre Taylor 66 11 Kc Crush 6/23/2024
2 Joshua Wright 78 17 Kansas Outlaws 6/21/2024
Prodigy Baseball Titans
13 Nolan Dehn 52 9 Mac N Seitz 14u - Blue 6/22/2024
33 Deacon Field 58 6 Chillicothe Bombers 6/23/2024
10 Colin Ghisalberti 77 18 Uba Tigers Red 6/22/2024
7 Levi Salyer 52 6 Mac N Seitz 14u - Blue 6/22/2024
16 Harrison Yarc 52 9 Chillicothe Bombers 6/23/2024
22 Kooper Kuhn 72 12 Kc Dirtbags 6/23/2024
4 Cooper Phillips 12 3 Kc Dirtbags 6/23/2024
26 Nolan Reed 43 8 Precision Baseball - Madsen 6/22/2024
13 Brayden Riley 9 3 US Nationals-Dawson 6/22/2024
10 Colten Walters 26 6 US Nationals-Dawson 6/22/2024
51 2 Kc Dirtbags 6/23/2024
Total 77 8
24 James Wasson 60 9 US Nationals-Dawson 6/22/2024
Sedalia Bombers
Jett Bugg 36 3 Kansas Outlaws 6/23/2024
Jackson Gilmore 47 9 Uba Tigers Red 6/22/2024
Khale Hammond 32 5 Uba Tigers Red 6/22/2024
Drew Kindle 9 1 Kansas Outlaws 6/23/2024
Jordan Lumpe 19 1 Uba Tigers Red 6/22/2024
Jameson Oconnell 73 11 Mac N Seitz 14u - Blue 6/22/2024
Karson Wiskur 50 7 Kansas Outlaws 6/23/2024
Uba Tigers Red
20 Connor Crouch 70 6 Prodigy Baseball Titans 6/22/2024
14 5 Barnstormers - Biery 6/23/2024
Total 84 11
6 Blake Feliciano 44 3 Sedalia Bombers 6/22/2024
63 9 Barnstormers - Biery 6/23/2024
Total 107 12
17 Evan Ford 21 3 Sedalia Bombers 6/22/2024
26 3 Barnstormers - Biery 6/23/2024
Total 47 6
23 Conner Jorczak 60 5 Sedalia Bombers 6/22/2024
99 Kaicen Nadgwick 60 9 Prodigy Baseball Titans 6/22/2024
19 Carter Patterson 20 4 Ybc 14u Heat 6/23/2024
1 Austin Salcedo 68 17 Mac N Seitz 14u - Blue 6/23/2024
27 Landon Troy 89 16 Ybc 14u Heat 6/23/2024
13 Kaleb Tysor 16 3 Sedalia Bombers 6/22/2024
17 1 Mac N Seitz 14u - Blue 6/23/2024
Total 33 4
US Nationals-Dawson
4 Ryan Boyd 27 3 Precision Baseball - Madsen 6/22/2024
64 15 Mac N Seitz 14u - Blue 6/23/2024
Total 91 18
3 Jacob Carroll 3 3 Precision Baseball - Madsen 6/22/2024
38 7 Redbirds 6/22/2024
Total 41 10
40 Tucker Dawson 62 8 Redbirds 6/22/2024
8 Casch Graefe 35 5 Precision Baseball - Madsen 6/22/2024
2 Joseph Kutz 22 5 Mac N Seitz 14u - Blue 6/23/2024
22 Robbie Twitchel 53 5 Precision Baseball - Madsen 6/22/2024
Ybc 14u Heat
Tanner Burt 68 7 Kansas Outlaws 6/21/2024
23 Adrian Diaz 7 1 Kc Dirtbags 6/21/2024
73 11 Uba Tigers Red 6/23/2024
Total 80 12
42 Hunter Oldfather 56 11 Kc Dirtbags 6/21/2024
8 Gabriel Rowland 31 9 Uba Tigers Red 6/23/2024
21 Alex Staszkiewicz 62 7 Kc Dirtbags 6/21/2024
20 Landon Van Dyke 44 9 Kansas Outlaws 6/21/2024