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Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
Batters Box 13u Gray
Jt Blankenship 16 3 Wow Factor Memphis 13u 10/26/2024
73 11 Fury Baseball Club Blue 10/27/2024
Total 89 14
9 Christian Edwards 95 11 Storm 10/26/2024
24 Jb Hofstetter 34 7 Wow Factor Memphis 13u 10/26/2024
47 6 Fury Baseball Club Blue 10/27/2024
Total 81 13
11 Noah Moss 36 0 Wow Factor Memphis 13u 10/26/2024
28 3 Jackson Storm - Thompson 10/27/2024
Total 64 3
Brayden Wilson 72 12 Jackson Storm - Thompson 10/27/2024
Batters Box 13U White
12 Wyatt Creighton 13 0 Fury Baseball Club Blue 10/25/2024
12 0 Fury Baseball Club Green 10/27/2024
Total 25 0
11 Brandon Decatur 16 2 Fury Baseball Club Blue 10/25/2024
80 7 Fury Baseball Club Green 10/27/2024
Total 96 9
0 0 Ebc 13u-Cannon 10/27/2024
Total 96 9
10 Mason Kook 11 3 Ebc 13u-Cannon 10/25/2024
24 2 Ebc 13u-Cannon 10/27/2024
Total 35 5
31 3 Fury Baseball Club Green 10/27/2024
Total 66 8
3 George Nowlin 18 1 Ebc 13u-Cannon 10/25/2024
33 1 Ebc 13u-Cannon 10/27/2024
Total 51 2
5 Ethan Smith 41 2 Ebc 13u-Cannon 10/25/2024
6 Jack White 58 9 Fury Baseball Club Blue 10/25/2024
33 2 Ebc 13u-Cannon 10/27/2024
Total 91 11
13 Austin Young 38 4 Ebc 13u-Cannon 10/25/2024
4 0 Fury Baseball Club Blue 10/25/2024
Total 42 4
16 0 Ebc 13u-Cannon 10/27/2024
Total 58 4
Ebc 13u-Cannon
0 Landyn Blackard 28 0 Batters Box 13U White 10/27/2024
4 Colton Cannon 11 3 Batters Box 13U White 10/25/2024
11 Garrett Frazier 9 3 Batters Box 13U White 10/25/2024
20 3 Batters Box 13U White 10/27/2024
Total 29 6
8 Scott Freeman 34 5 Usa Prime Midsouth Diamondbacks 13u 10/25/2024
10 2 West Kentucky Outlaws - Orr 10/27/2024
Total 44 7
23 Vaiden Golightly 9 3 Batters Box 13U White 10/25/2024
18 Murphy Owen 54 9 West Kentucky Outlaws - Orr 10/27/2024
19 Joshua Romine 33 7 Usa Prime Midsouth Diamondbacks 13u 10/25/2024
29 4 West Kentucky Outlaws - Orr 10/27/2024
Total 62 11
9 Clay Ware 26 3 Batters Box 13U White 10/25/2024
12 2 Usa Prime Midsouth Diamondbacks 13u 10/25/2024
Total 38 5
38 6 Batters Box 13U White 10/27/2024
Total 76 11
Fury Baseball Club Blue
5 Davis Kimbrough 55 10 Batters Box 13u Gray 10/27/2024
1 Cooper Lee 18 2 Batters Box 13U White 10/25/2024
20 6 Batters Box 13u Gray 10/27/2024
Total 38 8
99 Jayden Lucas 38 5 Batters Box 13U White 10/25/2024
2 Layton May 17 3 Batters Box 13U White 10/25/2024
4 Khai Smith 64 9 Usa Prime Midsouth Diamondbacks 13u 10/25/2024
16 3 Batters Box 13u Gray 10/27/2024
Total 80 12
48 James Wallace 27 3 Batters Box 13U White 10/25/2024
5 2 Usa Prime Midsouth Diamondbacks 13u 10/25/2024
Total 32 5
Fury Baseball Club Green
13 Tobin Bailey 46 3 Wow Factor Memphis 13u 10/26/2024
23 Ajerius Holmes 50 0 Wow Factor Memphis 13u 10/26/2024
7 Wyatt Kimbrough 23 2 Storm 10/26/2024
81 9 Batters Box 13U White 10/27/2024
Total 104 11
22 Blake Maxwell 63 3 Storm 10/26/2024
12 Grayson Morris 9 1 Wow Factor Memphis 13u 10/26/2024
9 Keegan Szekely 28 1 Storm 10/26/2024
4 Brantley Walker 31 2 Wow Factor Memphis 13u 10/26/2024
Jackson Storm - Thompson
19 Braylyn Bivens 70 8 West Kentucky Outlaws - Orr 10/27/2024
2 Tristan Burns 30 5 Pontotoc Diamond Dawgs 10/26/2024
24 3 Batters Box 13u Gray 10/27/2024
Total 54 8
9 Benjamin Gilpin 61 7 Pontotoc Diamond Dawgs 10/26/2024
25 2 West Kentucky Outlaws - Orr 10/26/2024
Total 86 9
7 Riley Lambert 29 1 Pontotoc Diamond Dawgs 10/26/2024
23 4 Pontotoc Diamond Dawgs 10/26/2024
Total 52 5
1 Maddox Lewis 42 9 Batters Box 13u Gray 10/27/2024
21 2 West Kentucky Outlaws - Orr 10/27/2024
Total 63 11
6 Jake Moore 19 3 West Kentucky Outlaws - Orr 10/26/2024
0 Bryson Rowland 29 3 Pontotoc Diamond Dawgs 10/26/2024
12 2 Wow Factor Memphis 13u 10/27/2024
Total 41 5
14 Dalton Smith 12 2 Pontotoc Diamond Dawgs 10/26/2024
27 1 West Kentucky Outlaws - Orr 10/26/2024
Total 39 3
55 12 Wow Factor Memphis 13u 10/27/2024
Total 94 15
11 Jesse Wyte 47 6 West Kentucky Outlaws - Orr 10/26/2024
19 3 Wow Factor Memphis 13u 10/27/2024
Total 66 9
24 3 Batters Box 13u Gray 10/27/2024
Total 90 12
Pontotoc Diamond Dawgs
5 Case Chrestman 9 3 Jackson Storm - Thompson 10/26/2024
7 Reid Chrestman 13 0 Jackson Storm - Thompson 10/26/2024
24 3 Jackson Storm - Thompson 10/26/2024
Total 37 3
1 Waylon Collins 66 9 Jackson Storm - Thompson 10/26/2024
34 3 Jackson Storm - Thompson 10/26/2024
Total 100 12
2 Rivers Donaldson 21 3 Jackson Storm - Thompson 10/26/2024
44 Remington Keith 18 3 West Kentucky Outlaws - Orr 10/26/2024
28 1 Jackson Storm - Thompson 10/26/2024
Total 46 4
6 Landon McCuller 6 1 West Kentucky Outlaws - Orr 10/26/2024
23 2 Jackson Storm - Thompson 10/26/2024
Total 29 3
13 Westin Stacy 20 2 West Kentucky Outlaws - Orr 10/26/2024
10 Easton White 17 1 West Kentucky Outlaws - Orr 10/26/2024
11 Klayton Winter 36 3 West Kentucky Outlaws - Orr 10/26/2024
17 Martin Antunez 21 0 Fury Baseball Club Green 10/26/2024
15 3 Batters Box 13u Gray 10/26/2024
Total 36 3
59 8 Usa Prime Midsouth Diamondbacks 13u 10/27/2024
Total 95 11
23 Harley Baker 35 1 Fury Baseball Club Green 10/26/2024
3 Hampton Cook 20 3 Fury Baseball Club Green 10/26/2024
10 Easton Lehmann 14 2 Fury Baseball Club Green 10/26/2024
35 3 Batters Box 13u Gray 10/26/2024
Total 49 5
28 Colson Matlock 34 0 Batters Box 13u Gray 10/26/2024
24 3 Usa Prime Midsouth Diamondbacks 13u 10/27/2024
Total 58 3
0 Jack Pritchett 24 3 Batters Box 13u Gray 10/26/2024
27 3 Usa Prime Midsouth Diamondbacks 13u 10/27/2024
Total 51 6
Usa Prime Midsouth Diamondbacks 13u
1 Aiden Adams 27 4 Fury Baseball Club Blue 10/25/2024
6 Blake Bobbitt 53 9 Ebc 13u-Cannon 10/25/2024
30 2 Storm 10/27/2024
Total 83 11
39 Blake Bradley 26 1 Ebc 13u-Cannon 10/25/2024
7 Collin Brasher 20 0 Fury Baseball Club Blue 10/25/2024
80 11 West Kentucky Outlaws - Orr 10/27/2024
Total 100 11
15 Dylan Burnett 9 2 Ebc 13u-Cannon 10/25/2024
4 Kameron Puckett 5 0 West Kentucky Outlaws - Orr 10/27/2024
33 Alex Stone 23 2 Fury Baseball Club Blue 10/25/2024
41 Braxton Wolfe 24 3 Fury Baseball Club Blue 10/25/2024
40 3 West Kentucky Outlaws - Orr 10/27/2024
Total 64 6
99 Lucas Yarnall 42 1 Fury Baseball Club Blue 10/25/2024
59 12 Storm 10/27/2024
Total 101 13
West Kentucky Outlaws - Orr
24 Kyler Alsip 90 17 Ebc 13u-Cannon 10/27/2024
3 Weston Hinz 17 7 Jackson Storm - Thompson 10/26/2024
11 Ian Klapp 94 18 Usa Prime Midsouth Diamondbacks 13u 10/27/2024
34 Bo Mazin 49 5 Jackson Storm - Thompson 10/26/2024
2 McCray Morehead 41 6 Pontotoc Diamond Dawgs 10/26/2024
23 Banks Orr 22 3 Jackson Storm - Thompson 10/27/2024
10 Jp Reed 57 6 Jackson Storm - Thompson 10/27/2024
12 Henry Sager 22 2 Jackson Storm - Thompson 10/27/2024
7 Knox Stone 40 6 Pontotoc Diamond Dawgs 10/26/2024
Wow Factor Memphis 13u
16 Brooks Bousson 14 2 Batters Box 13u Gray 10/26/2024
3 Ryland Carver 15 3 Fury Baseball Club Green 10/26/2024
99 Dylan Cooper 18 1 Batters Box 13u Gray 10/26/2024
13 Antonio Elkins 16 3 Fury Baseball Club Green 10/26/2024
24 2 Jackson Storm - Thompson 10/27/2024
Total 40 5
23 Kolten Patten 58 7 Batters Box 13u Gray 10/26/2024
85 Lucas Raney 33 4 Batters Box 13u Gray 10/26/2024
57 9 Jackson Storm - Thompson 10/27/2024
Total 90 13
45 Gavin Snyder 53 7 Jackson Storm - Thompson 10/27/2024