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Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
Aftermath 11u
42 Henry Gottschalk 49 6 Scorpions Team Easton (Blue) 9/22/2024
11 Evan Lozano 33 6 Ap Express - Nesbit 9/21/2024
44 Ivan Reyna 23 6 Drillbit Roughnecks 11u - Grey 9/22/2024
9 3 Scorpions Team Easton (Blue) 9/22/2024
Total 32 9
1 Jonathan Rojas 36 3 Ap Express - Nesbit 9/21/2024
14 Aiden Miguel Salinas 41 6 Outlaws Baseball 11u 9/21/2024
13 Elijah Santos 40 3 Outlaws Baseball 11u 9/21/2024
Ap Express - Nesbit
1 Hunter Pullen 24 6 Aftermath 11u 9/21/2024
0 2 Houston Menace 11U 9/21/2024
Total 24 8
3 Brooks Reid 48 6 Aftermath 11u 9/21/2024
45 7 Fairfield Plus 9/22/2024
Total 93 13
27 Brody Richardson 25 2 Fairfield Plus 9/22/2024
44 Jake Sacchieri 77 6 Outlaws Baseball 11u 9/22/2024
7 Cohen Stewart 0 4 Houston Menace 11U 9/21/2024
Bellaire Bats 11u
Miles Beck 35 6 Cutters Baseball 9/21/2024
10 2 Legacy Baseball Club - Townsel 9/22/2024
Total 45 8
Christian Groth 3 3 Houston Menace 11U 9/22/2024
Samuel Hardin 25 1 Legacy Baseball Club - Townsel 9/22/2024
Ben Himiob 27 3 Cutters Baseball 9/21/2024
41 2 Drillbit Roughnecks 11u - Grey 9/22/2024
Total 68 5
12 3 Houston Menace 11U 9/22/2024
Total 80 8
Noah Holub 22 6 Fairfield Plus 9/21/2024
37 3 Houston Menace 11U 9/22/2024
Total 59 9
Jackson Landry 32 3 Fairfield Plus 9/21/2024
35 7 Drillbit Roughnecks 11u - Grey 9/22/2024
Total 67 10
Tristan Swinden 46 6 Fairfield Plus 9/21/2024
58 6 Legacy Baseball Club - Townsel 9/22/2024
Total 104 12
Diego Vergara 25 6 Cutters Baseball 9/21/2024
Celtics Greater Houston 11u
6 Jonah Burleigh 17 6 Space City Mustangs 9/21/2024
22 3 Cutters Baseball 9/22/2024
Total 39 9
59 Holden Holmes 32 2 Texas Bluechips 11u 9/21/2024
2 Isaac Martinez 14 3 Texas Bluechips 11u 9/21/2024
35 3 Space City Mustangs 9/21/2024
Total 49 6
65 11 Cutters Baseball 9/22/2024
Total 114 17
12 Eli Munn 19 4 Texas Bluechips 11u 9/21/2024
92 Lucas Strickland 0 1 Cutters Baseball 9/22/2024
Cutters Baseball
Dean Conway 33 6 Fairfield Plus 9/21/2024
9 3 Texas Bluechips 11u 9/22/2024
Total 42 9
16 2 Celtics Greater Houston 11u 9/22/2024
Total 58 11
Max McBarnet 25 6 Bellaire Bats 11u 9/21/2024
Hayes McConn 36 2 Fairfield Plus 9/21/2024
0 6 Outlaws Baseball 11u 9/22/2024
Total 36 8
Hudson Swyka 51 6 Celtics Greater Houston 11u 9/22/2024
51 6 Celtics Greater Houston 11u 9/22/2024
Total 102 12
Rhett Wallace 51 4 Celtics Greater Houston 11u 9/22/2024
Ryker Woodfill 25 4 Fairfield Plus 9/21/2024
Drillbit Roughnecks 11u - Grey
30 Armani Andrini 0 9 Outlaws Baseball 11u 9/22/2024
31 Chase Casey 57 15 Aftermath 11u 9/22/2024
20 3 Bellaire Bats 11u 9/22/2024
Total 77 18
59 Domenico Escalante 60 12 Texas Hype - 11u 9/21/2024
28 3 Bellaire Bats 11u 9/22/2024
Total 88 15
7 Andres Rincon 14 0 Legacy Baseball Club - Townsel 9/21/2024
2 1 Aftermath 11u 9/22/2024
Total 16 1
32 6 Bellaire Bats 11u 9/22/2024
Total 48 7
21 Weston Rybarski 58 9 Legacy Baseball Club - Townsel 9/21/2024
21 2 Aftermath 11u 9/22/2024
Total 79 11
Fairfield Plus
35 Broox Bessey 35 2 Cutters Baseball 9/21/2024
7 Colton Burger 50 4 Bellaire Bats 11u 9/21/2024
16 Jackson Horton 26 5 Bellaire Bats 11u 9/21/2024
37 2 Ap Express - Nesbit 9/22/2024
Total 63 7
11 Max Juergens 12 3 Cutters Baseball 9/21/2024
38 4 Bellaire Bats 11u 9/21/2024
Total 50 7
3 Samuel Little 32 3 Cutters Baseball 9/21/2024
8 Zander Wardrup 19 4 Cutters Baseball 9/21/2024
24 2 Bellaire Bats 11u 9/21/2024
Total 43 6
34 4 Ap Express - Nesbit 9/22/2024
Total 77 10
23 Jackson Welch 29 2 Bellaire Bats 11u 9/21/2024
Houston Menace 11U
5 Rylan Adams 13 1 Scorpions Team Easton (Blue) 9/21/2024
0 Carson Carroll 28 1 Scorpions Team Easton (Blue) 9/21/2024
54 6 Bellaire Bats 11u 9/22/2024
Total 82 7
10 Aiden Marin-Lugo 52 3 Bellaire Bats 11u 9/22/2024
7 Luke Wallace 40 6 Scorpions Team Easton (Blue) 9/21/2024
21 Aj Washington 37 4 Ap Express - Nesbit 9/21/2024
Legacy Baseball Club - Townsel
55 Liam Ahearn 29 4 Texas Hype - 11u 9/22/2024
1 Isabel Francis 32 2 Texas Hype - 11u 9/21/2024
10 Myles Labrenz 61 6 Drillbit Roughnecks 11u - Grey 9/21/2024
40 0 Bellaire Bats 11u 9/22/2024
Total 101 6
3 Julieta Perez 31 3 Texas Hype - 11u 9/21/2024
27 Jalen Reynolds 32 2 Drillbit Roughnecks 11u - Grey 9/21/2024
8 Solomon Townsel 4 1 Drillbit Roughnecks 11u - Grey 9/21/2024
30 8 Texas Hype - 11u 9/22/2024
Total 34 9
13 yosdhey vivas 40 3 Texas Hype - 11u 9/21/2024
41 6 Bellaire Bats 11u 9/22/2024
Total 81 9
Outlaws Baseball 11u
24 Nathan Aguirre 27 3 Aftermath 11u 9/21/2024
0 7 Drillbit Roughnecks 11u - Grey 9/22/2024
Total 27 10
16 2 Cutters Baseball 9/22/2024
Total 43 12
11 Alex Escamilla 16 1 Aftermath 11u 9/21/2024
30 3 Ap Express - Nesbit 9/22/2024
Total 46 4
18 6 Space City Mustangs 9/22/2024
Total 64 10
9 Kevin Lima 0 0 Drillbit Roughnecks 11u - Grey 9/22/2024
42 Blaith Munivez 49 8 Scorpions Team Easton (Blue) 9/21/2024
7 Braylynn Thomas 19 3 Scorpions Team Easton (Blue) 9/21/2024
54 6 Cutters Baseball 9/22/2024
Total 73 9
28 9 Ap Express - Nesbit 9/22/2024
Total 101 18
35 Daniel Torres 29 1 Cutters Baseball 9/22/2024
44 Vance Troville 22 2 Aftermath 11u 9/21/2024
Scorpions Team Easton (Blue)
Ethan Baird 47 2 Aftermath 11u 9/22/2024
Clay Bates 30 2 Houston Menace 11U 9/21/2024
Camilo Frias 52 7 Outlaws Baseball 11u 9/21/2024
Cade Gaspard 42 7 Houston Menace 11U 9/21/2024
Brody Moore 9 2 Outlaws Baseball 11u 9/21/2024
29 4 Aftermath 11u 9/22/2024
Total 38 6
Noah Parsons 49 3 Aftermath 11u 9/22/2024
Space City Mustangs
9 Rowan Aldridge 17 2 Celtics Greater Houston 11u 9/21/2024
11 Zavier Alousi 36 1 Texas Bluechips 11u 9/21/2024
6 Holden Borden 27 3 Celtics Greater Houston 11u 9/21/2024
27 2 Outlaws Baseball 11u 9/22/2024
Total 54 5
7 Quinn Hughes 49 9 Texas Bluechips 11u 9/21/2024
34 0 Celtics Greater Houston 11u 9/21/2024
Total 83 9
27 Max Leake 23 1 Celtics Greater Houston 11u 9/21/2024
24 Thomas Turowsky 40 1 Outlaws Baseball 11u 9/22/2024
77 Johnny Von Merz 12 2 Texas Bluechips 11u 9/21/2024
Texas Bluechips 11u
Joe Alcaraz 48 5 Celtics Greater Houston 11u 9/21/2024
54 4 Cutters Baseball 9/22/2024
Total 102 9
Finn Jones 26 4 Celtics Greater Houston 11u 9/21/2024
Wyatt McCoy 55 12 Space City Mustangs 9/21/2024
Texas Hype - 11u
27 Tripp Barefield 13 0 Legacy Baseball Club - Townsel 9/22/2024
5 Kolton Clough 43 5 Drillbit Roughnecks 11u - Grey 9/21/2024
99 Toby Gray 28 6 Legacy Baseball Club - Townsel 9/21/2024
28 Aydenn Majors 39 3 Legacy Baseball Club - Townsel 9/21/2024
23 Kase McDonald 39 4 Drillbit Roughnecks 11u - Grey 9/21/2024