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8U (AA) 9U (AA) 10U (AA) 10U (AAA) 11U (AA) 11U (AAA) 12U (AA) 12U (AAA) 13U (AA) 13U (AAA) 14U (AA) 14U (AAA)
Nov 9 - 10 |  Doss Park | Houston, TX
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
Alamo Top Prospects (ATP) 13u Black
2 Gabriel Carranza 58 0 Htx Hurricanes 11/9/2024
7 Kaleb Jacques 29 0 Htx Hurricanes 11/9/2024
19 Sawyer Nunez 24 0 Alpha One 13U-Flores 11/9/2024
42 Marcus Tyler 20 0 Htx Hurricanes 11/9/2024
Alpha One 13U-Flores
99 Andrew Alvarado 19 0 Htx Hurricanes 11/9/2024
1 Giovani Amador 3 1 Alamo Top Prospects (ATP) 13u Black 11/10/2024
3 Alexander Ayala 34 0 Htx Hurricanes 11/9/2024
28 8 Alamo Top Prospects (ATP) 13u Black 11/10/2024
Total 62 8
2 Sebastian Flores 45 0 Alamo Top Prospects (ATP) 13u Black 11/9/2024
27 Joshua Hernandez 32 0 Alamo Top Prospects (ATP) 13u Black 11/9/2024
36 6 Alamo Top Prospects (ATP) 13u Black 11/10/2024
Total 68 6
44 Antonio Hernandez II 32 0 Alamo Top Prospects (ATP) 13u Black 11/9/2024
27 0 Htx Hurricanes 11/9/2024
Total 59 0
Colt Allen 15 3 Black Gold 11/9/2024
Douglas Kelly 23 3 Black Gold 11/9/2024
Tyler Pope 25 6 Black Gold 11/9/2024
Luke Taylor 16 3 Black Gold 11/9/2024
Tanner Williams 14 3 Black Gold 11/9/2024
10 3 Ghost baseball 11/9/2024
Total 24 6
Braydon Wilson 69 9 Ghost baseball 11/9/2024
Black Gold
21 Jonah Abramsky 41 9 Ghost baseball 11/9/2024
7 Eli Beck 57 9 Banditos 11/9/2024
33 Rhett Bell 66 9 Banditos 11/9/2024
8 Christopher Galan 7 4 Ghost baseball 11/9/2024
Cbc 13u
5 Cayden Corona 19 2 Houston Baseball Initiative-Sliders 11/9/2024
Jesiah Garcia 11 4 Banditos 11/10/2024
9 Gunner Kubeczka 30 5 Houston Baseball Initiative-Sliders 11/9/2024
7 Jaxon Miller 40 12 Houston Thunder 13u 11/9/2024
22 Jesse Peppers 53 13 Banditos 11/10/2024
1 Jayden Prestridge 21 2 Houston Baseball Initiative-Sliders 11/9/2024
Jaxon Rutter 25 6 Houston Baseball Initiative-Sliders 11/9/2024
Ghost baseball
13 Gilbert Celestino 25 2 Black Gold 11/9/2024
45 Daniel Flores 54 6 Banditos 11/9/2024
8 Edgardo Gutierrez Jr 27 5 Black Gold 11/9/2024
34 Kaison O’Daniel 49 6 Banditos 11/9/2024
Bryce Pranger 16 1 Black Gold 11/9/2024
30 Jacob Santana 18 2 Black Gold 11/9/2024
Houston Baseball Initiative-Sliders
Jack Ball 29 4 Cbc 13u 11/9/2024
Noah Erlichman 47 6 Humble Bulldogs Baseball 13U 11/10/2024
Sutton Howe 26 5 Cbc 13u 11/9/2024
16 3 Humble Bulldogs Baseball 13U 11/10/2024
Total 42 8
Jude Lynch 68 15 Houston Thunder 13u 11/9/2024
William Mabry 76 18 Humble Titans 11/10/2024
Grayson Magers 29 6 Cbc 13u 11/9/2024
18 6 Humble Bulldogs Baseball 13U 11/10/2024
Total 47 12
Houston Nationals - Townsell
44 Mario Avila 23 3 Humble Titans 11/9/2024
1 Austin Earl 25 3 Marucci Elite Texas - Leger 11/9/2024
4 Rhett Evans 20 5 Marucci Elite Texas - Leger 11/9/2024
21 3 USA Prime Expos - Alpha Navy 11/10/2024
Total 41 8
7 Hudson Harrison 74 12 Humble Titans 11/9/2024
99 Greyson Mata 22 1 USA Prime Expos - Alpha Navy 11/10/2024
16 Gage McMahan 46 6 Marucci Elite Texas - Leger 11/9/2024
0 Preston Schalyo 7 1 Marucci Elite Texas - Leger 11/9/2024
60 6 USA Prime Expos - Alpha Navy 11/10/2024
Total 67 7
18 William Velasquez 12 2 USA Prime Expos - Alpha Navy 11/10/2024
Houston Thunder 13u
Chris Alvarez 66 9 Houston Baseball Initiative-Sliders 11/9/2024
Gilbert Gomez Lll 45 6 Cbc 13u 11/9/2024
Isaiah Hernandez 25 6 Cbc 13u 11/9/2024
Matthew Macias 2 1 Houston Baseball Initiative-Sliders 11/9/2024
D'Alexando Tavera-Franco 12 2 Houston Baseball Initiative-Sliders 11/9/2024
Htx Hurricanes
Vicente Alvarez 22 0 Alpha One 13U-Flores 11/9/2024
Griff Armstrong 41 0 Alpha One 13U-Flores 11/9/2024
Yuvir Bhatty 2 0 Alamo Top Prospects (ATP) 13u Black 11/9/2024
40 6 Premier Baseball Rocha 11/10/2024
Total 42 6
12 1 Texas Generals Baseball 11/10/2024
Total 54 7
William Breitbeil 24 0 Alamo Top Prospects (ATP) 13u Black 11/9/2024
Davis Cook 14 0 Alpha One 13U-Flores 11/9/2024
15 3 Texas Generals Baseball 11/10/2024
Total 29 3
Ryan Lester 22 0 Alpha One 13U-Flores 11/9/2024
82 11 Texas Generals Baseball 11/10/2024
Total 104 11
Ryan Silverman 66 0 Alamo Top Prospects (ATP) 13u Black 11/9/2024
Gavin Terrazas 9 3 Premier Baseball Rocha 11/10/2024
Humble Bulldogs Baseball 13U
2 Jacob Beasley 35 9 Premier Bohanon 13 11/9/2024
12 3 Cbc 13u 11/10/2024
Total 47 12
27 Madix Boudreaux 36 6 Premier Bohanon 13 11/9/2024
30 Mason Greene 72 15 Cbc 13u 11/10/2024
5 Jered Oneill 20 6 Pro Bound Ballers 11/9/2024
44 Isaiah Pina 47 6 Pro Bound Ballers 11/9/2024
Humble Titans
44 Ruben Armendariz 15 3 Marucci Elite Texas - Leger 11/9/2024
34 Diego Ballesteros 37 6 Houston Nationals - Townsell 11/9/2024
13 Alberto Kuri 60 7 Marucci Elite Texas - Leger 11/9/2024
1 Hayden Lecesne 33 5 Marucci Elite Texas - Leger 11/9/2024
2 Ethan Scroggins 59 9 Houston Nationals - Townsell 11/9/2024
8 4 Premier Bohanon 13 11/10/2024
Total 67 13
5 Andrew Vazquez 57 9 Premier Bohanon 13 11/10/2024
23 Jameson Willson 30 5 Premier Bohanon 13 11/10/2024
Magnolia Strikers Black 13u Murphy
23 Jason Briggs 84 10 Alpha One 13U-Flores 11/10/2024
1 Lucas Habrial 35 0 Texas Generals Baseball 11/9/2024
11 Tracen Jones 53 9 USA Prime Expos - Alpha Navy 11/9/2024
24 Easton Murphy 79 10 Houston Baseball Initiative-Sliders 11/10/2024
22 Joahua Plaisance 16 3 USA Prime Expos - Alpha Navy 11/9/2024
9 8 Alpha One 13U-Flores 11/10/2024
Total 25 11
5 Cloud Shipp 85 18 USA Prime Expos - Alpha Navy 11/10/2024
Jonah Worrell 59 7 Texas Generals Baseball 11/9/2024
12 2 Houston Baseball Initiative-Sliders 11/10/2024
Total 71 9
Marucci Elite Texas - Leger
7 Jaxon Ecke 69 12 Pro Bound Ballers 11/10/2024
24 Bentley Hurst 84 15 Houston Nationals - Townsell 11/9/2024
2 Rylan Leger 68 11 Humble Titans 11/9/2024
4 Emilio Martinez Jr. 25 4 Humble Titans 11/9/2024
Premier Baseball Rocha
Cainon Campos 12 2 Texas Generals Baseball 11/9/2024
Adrian Hernandez 21 1 Texas Generals Baseball 11/9/2024
30 3 USA Prime Expos - Alpha Navy 11/9/2024
Total 51 4
Camden Inman 35 2 Texas Generals Baseball 11/9/2024
Damian Martinez 30 4 Texas Generals Baseball 11/9/2024
Daniel Piccinini 22 2 USA Prime Expos - Alpha Navy 11/9/2024
Jaesonn Rocha 6 0 Texas Generals Baseball 11/9/2024
33 3 USA Prime Expos - Alpha Navy 11/9/2024
Total 39 3
Daniel Senteno 17 1 USA Prime Expos - Alpha Navy 11/9/2024
Premier Bohanon 13
2 Ryan Barrett 26 6 Pro Bound Ballers 11/9/2024
6 Michael Castillo 22 3 Humble Bulldogs Baseball 13U 11/9/2024
9 Hayden Kallmeyer 54 9 Pro Bound Ballers 11/9/2024
1 Case Newton 25 1 Humble Bulldogs Baseball 13U 11/9/2024
15 Caleb Romo 21 3 Humble Bulldogs Baseball 13U 11/9/2024
48 Caleb Trahan 30 3 Humble Bulldogs Baseball 13U 11/9/2024
32 Esteban Urbanich 19 3 Humble Bulldogs Baseball 13U 11/9/2024
Pro Bound Ballers
Kiran Bandoo 34 3 Premier Bohanon 13 11/9/2024
Bodhi Cockerham 23 3 Houston Thunder 13u 11/10/2024
Carson Cummings 31 3 Humble Bulldogs Baseball 13U 11/9/2024
Ryan Devlin 50 9 Houston Thunder 13u 11/10/2024
Hudson Heine 37 3 Humble Bulldogs Baseball 13U 11/9/2024
Bradley Morgan 36 1 Humble Bulldogs Baseball 13U 11/9/2024
Rowen Salinas 49 9 Premier Bohanon 13 11/9/2024
8 5 Humble Bulldogs Baseball 13U 11/9/2024
Total 57 14
Texas Generals Baseball
Logan Bernard 27 0 Premier Baseball Rocha 11/9/2024
Brady Holmes 22 3 Premier Baseball Rocha 11/9/2024
Eden Huff 39 6 Premier Baseball Rocha 11/9/2024
Adrian Loyola 74 7 Magnolia Strikers Black 13u Murphy 11/9/2024
Yash Patil 31 2 Ghost baseball 11/10/2024
Ryan Shi 5 1 Magnolia Strikers Black 13u Murphy 11/9/2024
Easton Stewart 64 13 Ghost baseball 11/10/2024
USA Prime Expos - Alpha Navy
Javier Bodden 17 3 Black Gold 11/10/2024
24 Gabriel Castaneda 40 8 Premier Baseball Rocha 11/9/2024
16 Ruben Castillo 30 4 Magnolia Strikers Black 13u Murphy 11/9/2024
2 Christian George 5 3 Black Gold 11/10/2024
8 Luke Holloway 27 4 Magnolia Strikers Black 13u Murphy 11/9/2024
36 9 Black Gold 11/10/2024
Total 63 13
10 Joe Valle 3 2 Magnolia Strikers Black 13u Murphy 11/9/2024