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Congratulations to BPA Rawlings on winning the inaugural PGBA 14U So Cal Turkey Chase Championship! 
Nov 25 - Dec 4 |  El Dorado High | Placentia, CA
Schedule/Scores Event Info   Pool Standings
All Tournament Team
BPA Rawlings27Anthony Aleman
Chino Hills Storm3Kyle Anderson
Chino Hills Storm6Jacob Badawi
West Coast Braves - Red12Michael Barrios Jr.
BPA Rawlings34Konrad Bohnert
Cal Select7Jevan Canada
Cali Rays16Julian Castro
BPA Rawlings29Emilio Corona
Samurai Baseball Club of Fullerton4Josiah Darden
Placentia Mustangs 146Nicholas Darling
Placentia Mustangs 1499Brandon Dordahl
BPA Rawlings40Cristian Enriquez
Placentia Mustangs 1422Christopher Fleckstein
West Coast Braves - Red44Nate Flores
San Diego Stars24Alex Gabaldon
Samurai Baseball Club of Fullerton15Pablo Hernandez
Cal Select27David Holden
Cal Select23Andruw Householder
Chino Hills Storm27Cole Howarth
Chino Hills Storm1Aaron Juarez
Chino Hills Storm10Cole Koniarsky
San Diego Stars10Marcelo Mayer
BPA Rawlings16Nick McLain
Cali Rays55Joshua Medina
Cali Rays99Alex Navarrete
Cal Select15Carson Olsen
West Coast Braves - Red6Matthew Polk
Placentia Mustangs 1439Joel Porter
Cal Select9Will Potter
Chino Hills Storm42Alexander Rico
Cal Select34Isaac Rodriguez
West Coast Braves - Red1Edgar Rosales
BPA Rawlings30Evan Rowe
Cal Select32Shane Stafford
Placentia Mustangs 1419Raidyn Steele
Placentia Mustangs 1466Luke Summers
BPA Rawlings38Paul Torrez Jr.
Chino Hills Storm5Johnnie Valdez
Chino Hills Storm33Elijah Zepeda