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Rules Amendment for this Tournament.
Mercy run rules for this event
9U – 12U – 15 run rule after 3 innings, 8 run rule after 4 innings.
13U – 14U – 15 Run rule after 3 innings, 12 Run Rule after 4 innings, 8 After 5 innings

13U OPEN & 13U AA

14U AA  - 14U OPEN 

Game time limits
Pool Play
9U-12U is 6 innings with no new inning after 1 hour 45 minutes (whichever comes first).
13U thru 14U will play 7 innings with no new inning after 2 hours (whichever comes first).

9U-12U is 6 innings with no new inning after 1 hour 45 minutes (whichever comes first).
13U thru 14U will play 7 innings with no new inning after 2 hours (whichever comes first).
Tie Breaker after innings have are reached. Last 3 outs go on base , continue line up with 1 out.

Championship Games are no Time Limit if time allows.
9U-12U is 6 innings. 
13U thru 14U is 7 innings.
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
FB Velocities
GameFACE Baseball Bryson Shea R85
Utah Dirty Birds Degan Rigby R84
Colorado Bombers Will Parsons R82
Gene Taylor's Baseball Club Lucas Weaver R82
Utah Dirty Birds Easton Goodliffe R81
Sn Tribe Jake Andreas R80
Colorado Bombers Kayden Frizzell R80
Capitol Athletics Landon Nix R80
Utah Dirty Birds Holden Potter R79
GameFACE Baseball Cole Casagrande R78
Capitol Athletics Braxton Harrison R78
Utah Crushers Brayden Elsasser R77
Utah Crushers Trayten Holliday R77
Utah Dirty Birds Gehrig Marble R77
Sn Tribe Zach Pedro R77
Utah Crushers Payton Smith R77
Pure Baseball Titans Ted Tsouras L77
SN TRIBE Johnny Villarreal L77
Gene Taylor's Baseball Club Josh Weaver R77
Colorado Bombers Keene Zhang R77
Gene Taylor's Baseball Club Joseph Black R76
Gene Taylor's Baseball Club Brock Hale L76
Colorado Bombers Jackson Lesyinksi R76
Sn Tribe Sebastian Montoya L76
OvO Owls Tommy Vibabul R76
Capitol Athletics Malachi Aulava R75
OvO Owls Emmanuel Esparza R75
GameFACE Baseball Adam Fulton R75
Sn Tribe Alex Gelb L75
Colorado Bombers Jake Goings R75
Utah Crushers Collin Haymond R75
SN TRIBE Jacob Mangold R75
GameFACE Baseball Roman Richard R75
Colorado Bombers Brayden Stufft R75
Colorado Bombers Wade Thewes R75
GameFACE Baseball Dylan Brown R74
OvO Owls Joseph Castaneda R74
OvO Owls Abner Cocon R74
Sn Tribe Cameron Dahlgren R74
OvO Owls Connor Goldberg R74
Pure Baseball Titans Tyler Lipka R74
SN TRIBE Tony Luna R74
OvO Owls Joseph Page R74
Capitol Athletics Cadence Stockton R74
Colorado Bombers Noah Whitaker R74
Gene Taylor's Baseball Club Ripp Lockhart R73
GameFACE Baseball Ben Mortimer R73
GameFACE Baseball Andrew Palfreyman R73
Pure Baseball Titans Adrian Salcedo R73
GameFACE Baseball Luke Scott R73
Capitol Athletics Jaron Spencer R73
Utah Dirty Birds Thomas Summers R73
Capitol Athletics Parker Van Buren R73
Utah Crushers Dylan Vea R73
SN TRIBE Beckham Butler R72
Utah Crushers Macrae Flockhart R72
SN TRIBE Gabe Giron R72
Capitol Athletics James Horsley R72
Gene Taylor's Baseball Club Dean Marsh R72
Utah Dirty Birds Andres Moreno R72
Sn Tribe Justin Pedro R72
SN TRIBE Randall Riley III R72
SN TRIBE Elian Ruiz L72
SN TRIBE Noah Sebastian L72
Pure Baseball Titans Jaime Adame R71
Utah Crushers Luke Garduno R71
Colorado Bombers Bradley Schrameyer R71
SN TRIBE Deleon Thomas Jr. L71
Utah Dirty Birds Jaken Petersen R70
Pure Baseball Titans Isaiah Alba R69
SN TRIBE Brandon Lord R69
Pure Baseball Titans Hayden King R68
Utah Dirty Birds Josh Stohl R68
Capitol Athletics Jackson Allen R65
SN TRIBE Conner Nelson L64
OvO Owls Jackson Lucero R63
Pure Baseball Titans Anthony Brown R61