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FB Velocities
Southeast Ia Allstars 16u Gold-Hall Saydee Plummer R62
Firecrackers IL-Adkins Caitlin Bunte L59
Texas Glory 07-Il Addison Seitz R59
Kennedy Cougars 16u Ella Brown L58
Southeast Ia Allstars 16u Gold-Hall Braylen Conlon L58
Southeast Ia Allstars 16u Gold - Jones Addison Gralund R58
Firecrackers IL-Adkins Riley Nelson R58
Firecrackers IL-Adkins Ava Wombles R58
Force Elite Hannah Uhles R57
Kennedy Cougars 16u Sydney Carlson R56
Force Elite Hannah Gibson R56
Kennedy Cougars 16u Brooklyn Gilchrist R56
Texas Glory 07-Il Arion Lonergan R56
07 Texas Glory, Il Red Mariah Rankin R56
Southeast Ia Allstars 16u Gold-Hall Molly Roe R56
Wnw Wolves Brylei Adney R55
06 Louisville Lady Sluggers/Arnold Sarah Hoshaw R55
Wnw Wolves Saili Reising R55
Heartland Havoc '08 Emma Woltz R55
Wnw Wolves Makenna Masters R54
06 Louisville Lady Sluggers/Arnold Mackenzie Nelson R52
Kennedy Cougars 16u Allison Vander Zee R52
Quad City Firebirds 06 Griffith Isabelle Reyna R51
Southeast Ia Allstars 16u Gold - Jones Hailey Rosonke R51
Quad City Firebirds 06 Griffith Sydnee Ganahl R50
Texas Glory 07-Il Avery Kennedy R50
Firecrackers IL-Adkins Avery Kennedy R50
Quad City Firebirds 06 Griffith Tatum Connelly R47
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