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The payment deadline for this event is September 11, however teams may be required to pay in advance of this deadline when division capacity is reached and/or a wait list is created.

All schedule requests must be received by the payment deadline. Requests received after the deadline cannot be accommodated. 

The tournament may start in advance of Friday at 6pm depending on event details/structure. 
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings 1 Event Article
FB Velocities
Midwest Speed 18u Nat'L Koltes Mya Tautges R65
Midwest Speed 18u Nat'L Koltes Riley O’Connell R63
Minnesota Renegades 18u National Emilie Sylvia-Cochran R62
Mash 18u National Josephine Wenzel R62
Cedar Rapids Reds 18u Lyla Canny L61
Midwest Speed 18u Nat'L Koltes Brooke Nesdahl R61
Tc Blitz 18u Lenna Britten R60
Minnesota A'S 18u National Florek Lucy Knutson R59
Midwest Speed 18u Nat'l Swanepoel Marni Koosmann R59
Mission 18u Gold Sally Leask R59
MN EL1TE Gormley Angela Proper L59
Minnesota Force 18U Megan Surgenor R59
18u Catalyst National Skluzacek Sylvia Vannorman R59
Minnesota Renegades 18u National Sophia Wallace R59
Minnesota A'S 18u National Florek Addy Wallschlaeger R59
Minnesota A'S 18u National Florek Jaimee Cook R58
Midwest Speed 18u Nat'l Swanepoel Stella Fritsche R58
Cedar Rapids Reds 18u Callie Luerkens R58
18U Catalyst National MN Ella Meyer R58
18U Catalyst National MN Cora Payne R58
Mash 18u National Aubrey Quern L58
Tc Blitz 18u Rubi Stapf L58
Minnesota Force 18U Jordan Brustuen R57
MN EL1TE Gormley Mackenzie Steele R57
18u Catalyst National Skluzacek Kara Farnsworth R56
Minnesota Force 18U Jorey Fry R56
Mn El1te Rubischko Eva Heinecke R56
18U Catalyst National MN Bree Holmes R56
Minnesota A'S 18u National Florek Josi Ordorff R56
Mission 18u Gold Emma Skibbie R56
MN EL1TE Gormley Mallory Held R55
MN EL1TE Gormley Mariah Renken R55
18u Catalyst National Skluzacek Katlynn Skluzacek R55
Tc Blitz 18u Maya Erickson R54
Minnesota A'S 18u National Florek Brianna Ness R54
Tc Blitz 18u Ally Pagel R54
Mn El1te Rubischko Devyn Welp R54
MN EL1TE Gormley Taylor Asche L53
Mission 18u Gold Bella Cordova R53
Mn El1te Rubischko Evelyn Erickson R53
Midwest Speed 18u Nat'L Koltes Maya Miller R53
Midwest Speed 18u Gold Gaston Sam York R52
18u Catalyst National Skluzacek Anna Christensen R51
Mn El1te Rubischko Caroline Pollard R51
Midwest Speed 18u Gold Gaston Kallie Dehn R48
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