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Metal spikes/cleats are prohibited on all turf surfaces, including turf pitching mounds. Please make sure your athletes have alternate footwear this weekend.

Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
643KC Black 12U
15 Wyatt Braswell 5 2 Redbirds 4/24/2022
34 Payton Brown 38 4 Warriors - Rosson 4/23/2022
58 Gus Elliot 68 8 Warriors - Rosson 4/23/2022
78 Caiden Glines 12 0 Warriors - Rosson 4/23/2022
6 Jacob Kluck 73 12 Mac N Seitz 12u Elledge 4/23/2022
35 Noah Kluck 29 3 Redbirds 4/24/2022
19 Cameron Lank 9 2 Mac N Seitz 12u Elledge 4/23/2022
21 Blayze Marsh 0 0 Mac N Seitz 12u Elledge 4/23/2022
69 10 Redbirds 4/24/2022
Total 69 10
2 Landan Schremser 38 4 Mac N Seitz 12u Elledge 4/23/2022
4 Colton Blasdel 50 8 Majors 4/23/2022
11 Kade Cary 102 18 Redbirds 4/24/2022
15 Logan Fast 14 3 Coffey County Mudcats 4/23/2022
1 Cole Hutchison 17 4 Majors 4/23/2022
20 Miles Orr 22 6 Coffey County Mudcats 4/23/2022
17 Isaac Robeson 23 1 Majors 4/23/2022
Building Champions - Stueve
7 Jonathan Ackerman 0 0 Express 4/23/2022
3 Victor Barker 12 3 Salina Spikes 4/23/2022
1 1 Express 4/24/2022
Total 13 4
10 Chase Comfort 14 3 Express 4/23/2022
28 3 Salina Spikes 4/23/2022
Total 42 6
25 6 Express 4/24/2022
Total 67 12
27 Tyler Glenn 0 0 Express 4/23/2022
12 Mason Hunter 0 0 Salina Spikes 4/23/2022
8 Beau Lanz 17 3 Express 4/23/2022
0 0 Salina Spikes 4/23/2022
Total 17 3
33 2 Express 4/24/2022
Total 50 5
4 Ryan Marinov 23 3 Express 4/23/2022
27 3 Salina Spikes 4/23/2022
Total 50 6
41 6 Express 4/24/2022
Total 91 12
5 Hayes Stueve 23 3 Express 4/23/2022
15 2 Salina Spikes 4/23/2022
Total 38 5
11 Evan Tucker 32 2 Express 4/23/2022
9 3 Salina Spikes 4/23/2022
Total 41 5
Coffey County Mudcats
9 Caleb Birk 17 1 Aeros 4/23/2022
40 6 Kc Blasters 4/23/2022
Total 57 7
24 2 Redbirds 4/24/2022
Total 81 9
28 Bodey Cheever 33 3 Aeros 4/23/2022
16 0 Redbirds 4/24/2022
Total 49 3
23 5 Salina Spikes 4/24/2022
Total 72 8
8 Jesse Durst 19 2 Aeros 4/23/2022
2 Shawn Mautz 42 8 Kansas City Monarchs 4/24/2022
62 13 Salina Spikes 4/24/2022
Total 104 21
1 Tyson Mullins 63 9 Kc Blasters 4/23/2022
46 8 Kansas City Monarchs 4/24/2022
Total 109 17
10 Max Pearson 14 1 Redbirds 4/24/2022
18 Sawyer Speece 42 2 Aeros 4/23/2022
0 0 Kc Blasters 4/23/2022
Total 42 2
28 2 Redbirds 4/24/2022
Total 70 4
0 0 Salina Spikes 4/24/2022
Total 70 4
24 Cooper Vahsholtz 19 1 Aeros 4/23/2022
22 Jack Dunlap 57 9 Kansas City Monarchs 4/23/2022
3 0 Kc Blasters 4/24/2022
Total 60 9
42 Christain Quijano 57 9 Building Champions - Stueve 4/23/2022
44 Ashton Sawyer 28 5 Building Champions - Stueve 4/23/2022
15 2 Kc Blasters 4/24/2022
Total 43 7
35 Jackson Wagner 16 1 Building Champions - Stueve 4/23/2022
3 Blake Wiss 27 6 Kansas City Monarchs 4/23/2022
74 11 Kc Blasters 4/24/2022
Total 101 17
17 Landon Worcester 30 3 Kansas City Monarchs 4/23/2022
67 18 Building Champions - Stueve 4/24/2022
Total 97 21
Kansas City Monarchs
30 Dalton Close 42 7 Express 4/23/2022
43 Caleb Foskey 26 1 Salina Spikes 4/23/2022
18 Cruz Garcia 37 6 Salina Spikes 4/23/2022
17 Andy Gray 29 3 Salina Spikes 4/23/2022
7 Liam Grover 42 8 Express 4/23/2022
36 5 Coffey County Mudcats 4/24/2022
Total 78 13
0 Liam Peck 35 8 Salina Spikes 4/23/2022
58 12 Coffey County Mudcats 4/24/2022
Total 93 20
23 Blake Williamson 20 3 Express 4/23/2022
Kc Blasters
27 Luke Bernhardt 46 6 Majors 4/23/2022
41 2 Redbirds 4/24/2022
Total 87 8
0 Andre Day 47 9 Coffey County Mudcats 4/23/2022
27 9 Warriors - Rosson 4/24/2022
Total 74 18
10 Gavin Ford 19 3 Majors 4/23/2022
32 6 Redbirds 4/24/2022
Total 51 9
9 Nick Hollingsworth 27 7 Redbirds 4/24/2022
19 3 Express 4/24/2022
Total 46 10
5 Carter Schlittenhard 44 9 Coffey County Mudcats 4/23/2022
42 5 Warriors - Rosson 4/24/2022
Total 86 14
34 Caleb Swan 24 3 Majors 4/23/2022
44 Brady Winright 21 3 Majors 4/23/2022
0 0 Redbirds 4/24/2022
Total 21 3
1 Blue Zambo 0 0 Redbirds 4/24/2022
70 12 Express 4/24/2022
Total 70 12
Mac N Seitz 12u Elledge
21 Beckhem Budig 78 15 643KC Black 12U 4/23/2022
35 Bryce Fisher 72 9 Redbirds 4/23/2022
7 Cooper Kilgore 68 8 Majors 4/24/2022
17 Henry Rittel 18 3 643KC Black 12U 4/23/2022
32 4 Majors 4/24/2022
Total 50 7
10 Wyatt Thornburg 42 6 Redbirds 4/23/2022
7 Broderick Breakfield 73 9 Kc Blasters 4/23/2022
34 3 Warriors - Rosson 4/24/2022
Total 107 12
42 Lucas Edington 34 3 Aeros 4/23/2022
2 Quincy Edwards 57 6 Aeros 4/23/2022
11 1 Mac N Seitz 12u Elledge 4/24/2022
Total 68 7
27 Cole Harris 30 2 Aeros 4/23/2022
15 Maddux Howard 72 11 Mac N Seitz 12u Elledge 4/24/2022
20 Jackson Oatis 58 6 Kc Blasters 4/23/2022
54 11 Warriors - Rosson 4/24/2022
Total 112 17
8 Cooper Harvath 58 9 Warriors - Rosson 4/23/2022
46 9 Aeros 4/24/2022
Total 104 18
23 Cj Messerschmidt 30 4 Mac N Seitz 12u Elledge 4/23/2022
41 6 Kc Blasters 4/24/2022
Total 71 10
4 Cooper Phillips 0 0 643KC Black 12U 4/24/2022
7 3 Coffey County Mudcats 4/24/2022
Total 7 3
0 0 Aeros 4/24/2022
Total 7 3
11 Nils Salmonson 64 6 Warriors - Rosson 4/23/2022
30 5 Coffey County Mudcats 4/24/2022
Total 94 11
6 0 Kc Blasters 4/24/2022
Total 100 11
30 Kiefer Sloan 84 14 643KC Black 12U 4/24/2022
0 0 Aeros 4/24/2022
Total 84 14
5 Lucas Sorell 43 5 Mac N Seitz 12u Elledge 4/23/2022
0 0 Warriors - Rosson 4/23/2022
Total 43 5
60 8 Kc Blasters 4/24/2022
Total 103 13
0 0 Aeros 4/24/2022
Total 103 13
0 0 643KC Black 12U 4/24/2022
Total 103 13
0 0 Coffey County Mudcats 4/24/2022
Total 103 13
10 Colten Walters 42 5 Mac N Seitz 12u Elledge 4/23/2022
67 9 Aeros 4/24/2022
Total 109 14
Salina Spikes
17 Ethan Gragg 15 4 Building Champions - Stueve 4/23/2022
1 Braxton Hall 57 10 Building Champions - Stueve 4/23/2022
6 Eli Kreighbaum 76 15 Coffey County Mudcats 4/24/2022
8 Grant Ostmeyer 26 3 Coffey County Mudcats 4/24/2022
13 Abram Perez 59 9 Kansas City Monarchs 4/23/2022
24 Gavin Phillips 38 9 Kansas City Monarchs 4/23/2022
Warriors - Rosson
42 Landon Atkins 16 2 Redbirds 4/23/2022
11 2 Majors 4/24/2022
Total 27 4
34 3 Kc Blasters 4/24/2022
Total 61 7
23 Kyler Benne 0 0 Redbirds 4/23/2022
30 5 643KC Black 12U 4/23/2022
Total 30 5
75 15 Majors 4/24/2022
Total 105 20
7 Kason Helms 83 16 Redbirds 4/23/2022
1 Barrett Jahnsen 37 2 643KC Black 12U 4/23/2022
0 Michael Rosson 33 5 643KC Black 12U 4/23/2022
6 Cooper Schaefer 37 3 Kc Blasters 4/24/2022
22 Lincoln Viers 30 3 Kc Blasters 4/24/2022