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Metal spikes/cleats are prohibited on all turf surfaces, including turf pitching mounds. Please make sure your athletes have alternate footwear this weekend.

Apr 22 - 24 |  Markey Park | Belton, MO
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
Perfect Game Youth Pitching Rules

Youth Pitching Regulations:

The MLB balk rule will be enforced. When a balk is called it is NOT a dead ball. Also, in the windup position, a pitcher is permitted to have his “free” foot on the rubber, in front of the rubber, behind the rubber, or off to the side of the rubber.

  • Daily Limits
    • 7U-8U: Daily max is 15 outs OR 50 pitches.
    • 9U-10U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 75 pitches.
    • 11U-12U: Daily max is 18 outs OR 85 pitches.
    • 13U-14U: Daily max is 21 outs OR 95 pitches.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the daily pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 94 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

  • Event Limits
    • 7U-14U: Each Player is allowed 24 outs over a 3-day period.
    • If a player records more than 9 outs in a day, they are required 2 days rest.
    • 100 Pitch maximum over 2, 3 or 4 day events
    • 140 Pitch maximum over 5+ day events
    • Players can pitch in more than one game in a day if they do not exceed daily limits.

The pitcher may finish the batter upon reaching the event pitch count limit. I.E. A 13U pitcher begins the batter at 99 pitches he may finish the current hitter then must be removed from the game.

Once a player has been removed from pitching they may not return to the mound in the same game.

No pitcher shall appear in a game as a pitcher for three consecutive days, regardless of pitch counts. No pitcher shall appear in three games in the same day, regardless of pitch counts.

The definition to be utilized for the purpose of the pitching restrictions for end of a day shall be any time of night or day that the facility is closed and teams have a break in playing prior to the next days games.

Pitchers who record outs or pitch in a game that is forfeited will still have those outs/pitches counted toward their limitations.

Pitching Violations:

The pitcher must be replaced on the mound immediately upon notice of a violation, not a forfeit.

No. Player # Pitches # Outs Opponent
Atco Outlaws 14u
22 Teagan Brunk 38 4 Kansas Commodores 14u 4/23/2022
25 Jadyn Geib 32 9 Bulls 4/23/2022
8 Dylan Lair 51 8 Bulls 4/23/2022
9 Case Millsap 16 3 Kansas Commodores 14u 4/23/2022
35 Carter Oswald 72 8 Kansas Commodores 14u 4/23/2022
14 Logan Twyman 18 4 Bulls 4/23/2022
84 15 Blue Jays 4/24/2022
Total 102 19
Blue Jays
4 Andrew Birnbaum 44 3 Atco Outlaws 14u 4/24/2022
1 Tyson Blancarte 92 15 Strike Zone - 14aa 4/24/2022
Alex Hawk 58 6 SOAR Academy 14u Laddish 4/22/2022
45 6 Atco Outlaws 14u 4/24/2022
Total 103 12
John Koenings 20 3 Midwest Dirtdawgs 4/22/2022
8 Brady Nixon 79 6 Midwest Dirtdawgs 4/22/2022
13 Brock Sperry 77 6 SOAR Academy 14u Laddish 4/22/2022
14 2 Atco Outlaws 14u 4/24/2022
Total 91 8
5 Cohen Wilson 15 3 Strike Zone - 14aa 4/24/2022
Elisha Guest 51 9 Atco Outlaws 14u 4/23/2022
Noah Johnson 8 1 Kansas Commodores 14u 4/23/2022
44 Caleb Menke 35 6 Atco Outlaws 14u 4/23/2022
43 6 SOAR Academy 14u Laddish 4/24/2022
Total 78 12
Kieffer O'Connor 41 6 Kansas Commodores 14u 4/23/2022
24 Keaven Ortiz 31 2 Kansas Commodores 14u 4/23/2022
Aj Payne 3 1 Kansas Commodores 14u 4/23/2022
Gavin Payne 21 5 Kansas Commodores 14u 4/23/2022
9 Logan Saenz 26 6 Atco Outlaws 14u 4/23/2022
32 3 SOAR Academy 14u Laddish 4/24/2022
Total 58 9
Homefield Baseball Academy - Reilly
14 Grayson Browning 55 9 Mac N Seitz - Meyer 4/22/2022
1 Dillon Darby 21 3 Pioneers 4/24/2022
17 Jackson Goldsmith 64 7 Pioneers 4/22/2022
5 Maddox Mugrage 14 3 Pioneers 4/24/2022
2 Jesse Neiner 36 5 Pioneers 4/22/2022
29 0 Pioneers 4/24/2022
Total 65 5
16 Pierce Tyler 38 9 Mac N Seitz - Meyer 4/22/2022
54 6 Pioneers 4/24/2022
Total 92 15
Kansas Commodores 14u
18 Ethan Babb 26 4 Bulls 4/23/2022
8 Cade Hancock 10 2 Bulls 4/23/2022
63 11 SOAR Academy 14u Laddish 4/24/2022
Total 73 13
10 Parker Lane 43 9 Bulls 4/23/2022
6 Kolton McElwain 60 10 Atco Outlaws 14u 4/23/2022
60 Paxton McLeod 23 3 Atco Outlaws 14u 4/23/2022
81 10 Piper Middle School 4/24/2022
Total 104 13
4 Nolan Warren 29 2 Atco Outlaws 14u 4/23/2022
49 10 SOAR Academy 14u Laddish 4/24/2022
Total 78 12
22 5 Piper Middle School 4/24/2022
Total 100 17
Mac N Seitz - Meyer
34 Nolan Frizzell 27 3 Homefield Baseball Academy - Reilly 4/22/2022
11 Max Goldstein 73 12 Homefield Baseball Academy - Reilly 4/22/2022
7 Brady Hawkins 15 4 Strike Zone - 14aa 4/22/2022
21 Owen Lawson 47 5 Strike Zone - 14aa 4/22/2022
12 Cale Regier 72 12 Prodigy Baseball Academy 14u 4/24/2022
20 Beckley Seaton 43 6 Strike Zone - 14aa 4/22/2022
30 6 Prodigy Baseball Academy 14u 4/24/2022
Total 73 12
5 Jonah Stolte 38 3 Homefield Baseball Academy - Reilly 4/22/2022
Midwest Dirtdawgs
12 Brady Braswell 43 3 Blue Jays 4/22/2022
30 Cooper Burnett 15 2 Blue Jays 4/22/2022
27 Wil Luebbering 17 3 Prodigy Baseball Academy 14u 4/22/2022
25 Michael McKeever 33 6 Prodigy Baseball Academy 14u 4/22/2022
16 Parker Smith 14 3 Blue Jays 4/22/2022
67 12 Topeka Flyers 4/24/2022
Total 81 15
6 Logan Sun 36 4 Blue Jays 4/22/2022
10 Nolan Wise 37 6 Prodigy Baseball Academy 14u 4/22/2022
59 9 Topeka Flyers 4/24/2022
Total 96 15
5 Reily Gillaspie 74 9 Strike Zone - 14aa 4/22/2022
33 5 Topeka Flyers 4/24/2022
Total 107 14
1 Pierce Gray 74 9 Homefield Baseball Academy - Reilly 4/22/2022
24 Rylan Holtgrave 16 2 Homefield Baseball Academy - Reilly 4/22/2022
30 Brady Seber 1 1 Homefield Baseball Academy - Reilly 4/22/2022
78 12 Homefield Baseball Academy - Reilly 4/24/2022
Total 79 13
2 Jaylum Serrata 25 6 Strike Zone - 14aa 4/22/2022
49 10 Topeka Flyers 4/24/2022
Total 74 16
Piper Middle School
40 Myles Finley 15 3 Yard Goats - White 4/23/2022
15 Jonathan Gregory 32 2 Topeka Flyers 4/23/2022
41 Dillon Kavanaugh 39 9 Yard Goats - White 4/23/2022
54 9 Kansas Commodores 14u 4/24/2022
Total 93 18
42 Carter Laird 61 9 Topeka Flyers 4/23/2022
33 5 Kansas Commodores 14u 4/24/2022
Total 94 14
29 Brady Martin 22 3 Yard Goats - White 4/23/2022
Prodigy Baseball Academy 14u
21 Harry Archer 34 9 SOAR Academy 14u Laddish 4/22/2022
55 15 Yard Goats - White 4/24/2022
Total 89 24
5 Dominic Cadiz 79 14 Midwest Dirtdawgs 4/22/2022
35 Logan Conley 81 18 Mac N Seitz - Meyer 4/24/2022
13 Hayden Meschon 30 1 Midwest Dirtdawgs 4/22/2022
3 Dillon Nutter 35 2 SOAR Academy 14u Laddish 4/22/2022
10 Wyatt Rhodes 27 4 SOAR Academy 14u Laddish 4/22/2022
SOAR Academy 14u Laddish
20 Cameron Buckwalter 62 9 Blue Jays 4/22/2022
24 Elliott Glidewell 21 6 Kansas Commodores 14u 4/24/2022
46 Evan Lehman 29 3 Prodigy Baseball Academy 14u 4/22/2022
6 1 Blue Jays 4/22/2022
Total 35 4
48 Drake McLaughlin 81 17 Bulls 4/24/2022
19 Giovanny Neale 23 0 Blue Jays 4/22/2022
27 Noah Shearer 37 2 Blue Jays 4/22/2022
13 1 Bulls 4/24/2022
Total 50 3
7 Ian Springer 75 15 Kansas Commodores 14u 4/24/2022
42 Davon Troutner 84 12 Prodigy Baseball Academy 14u 4/22/2022
Strike Zone - 14aa
Lincoln Bell 42 3 Mac N Seitz - Meyer 4/22/2022
22 3 Blue Jays 4/24/2022
Total 64 6
33 Thomas Kenefake 47 6 Mac N Seitz - Meyer 4/22/2022
22 Connor Musil 71 10 Blue Jays 4/24/2022
27 Luke Neland 49 6 Pioneers 4/22/2022
16 Aidan Penka 37 6 Mac N Seitz - Meyer 4/22/2022
Jackson Williams 50 9 Pioneers 4/22/2022
29 5 Blue Jays 4/24/2022
Total 79 14
Topeka Flyers
1 Jack Becker 14 1 Pioneers 4/24/2022
14 Peyton Christiansen 44 0 Yard Goats - White 4/23/2022
47 7 Pioneers 4/24/2022
Total 91 7
10 3 Midwest Dirtdawgs 4/24/2022
Total 101 10
34 Nolan Eastman 42 4 Pioneers 4/24/2022
8 Nathan Hill 46 4 Piper Middle School 4/23/2022
37 6 Midwest Dirtdawgs 4/24/2022
Total 83 10
7 Jacob Mills 43 5 Piper Middle School 4/23/2022
15 3 Midwest Dirtdawgs 4/24/2022
Total 58 8
10 Andrew Schulte 26 4 Piper Middle School 4/23/2022
27 0 Yard Goats - White 4/23/2022
Total 53 4
28 3 Midwest Dirtdawgs 4/24/2022
Total 81 7
77 Andrew Weir 31 0 Yard Goats - White 4/23/2022
26 6 Midwest Dirtdawgs 4/24/2022
Total 57 6
Yard Goats - White
13 Brett Browne 72 12 Prodigy Baseball Academy 14u 4/24/2022
44 Quinn Condon 15 1 Prodigy Baseball Academy 14u 4/24/2022
22 Nathan Cucar 32 0 Topeka Flyers 4/23/2022
0 Magnus Larson 13 3 Piper Middle School 4/23/2022
7 Jacob Mall 59 6 Piper Middle School 4/23/2022
5 Clay Rust 19 0 Topeka Flyers 4/23/2022
2 Zachary Sigler 47 6 Piper Middle School 4/23/2022
25 Will Stephenson 80 0 Topeka Flyers 4/23/2022