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Mar 19 - 20 |  Baseball USA | Houston, TX
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
FB Velocities
Houston Bengals-13u (Watson) Cameron Ford R76
ZT Elite Moreno Irvin Terrazas R76
5 Star DFW 13U- Cook Black J.W. Powell R73
5 Star DFW 13U- Cook Black Cross Rodriguez R73
God First Baseball 13u Aaa Ty Urban R73
God First Baseball 13u Aaa Tristan Galvan R72
Bay Area Express 13u Red Payton Ware R72
Banditos 13u Grosso Xavier Garcia L71
Banditos 13u Grosso Tripp Jones R71
Stix Academy - 13u - McMullin Sullivan Mulcahy R71
Brenham Chargers Ryder Biggs R69
God First Baseball 13u Aaa Cannon Boyd R69
5 Star DFW 13U- Cook Black Camden Wammack R69
Brenham Chargers Tyler Witt R69
5 Star DFW 13U- Cook Black John Cade Wrigley R69
Scorpions Team Easton (Black) Elijah Yow R69
Stix Academy - 13u - McMullin Tristin Cameron R68
ZT Elite Moreno Garet Hackenbruch R68
ZT Elite Moreno Derrion Jones R68
Stix Academy - 13u - McMullin Jackson McPhail R68
Five Tool Players--Orange Jose Alberto Garcia L67
Five Tool Players--Orange Jason Smith R67
Bay Area Express 13u Red Kellen Davidson R66
ZT Elite Moreno Grayson Swann R66
Scorpions Team Easton (Black) Christopher Thompson R66
5 Star DFW 13U- Cook Black Brenden Waldrip L66
Banditos 13u Grosso Louis Garcia R65
Five Tool Players--Orange Joseph Palomarez R65
Scorpions Team Easton (Black) Kaden Rosado R65
Bay Area Express 13u Red Will Shaw R65
5 Star DFW 13U- Cook Black Nickolas Widmoser R65
ZT Elite Moreno Moises Becerra R64
Stix Academy - 13u - McMullin Elliot Friou R64
God First Baseball 13u Aaa Noah Heninger R64
ZT Elite Moreno Jett McBride R64
God First Baseball 13u Aaa Owen Otto R64
Five Tool Players--Orange Alvaro Perez R64
Five Tool Players--Orange John Bell R63
5 Star DFW 13U- Cook Black Memphis Brandon L63
Brenham Chargers Brycen Carnagey R63
God First Baseball 13u Aaa Stratton Crow R63
Banditos 13u Grosso Christian Jara R63
God First Baseball 13u Aaa Evan Otto R63
Houston Bengals-13u (Watson) Connor Owens R63
Rc Snipers Christian Rivera R63
Houston Bengals-13u (Watson) Lincoln Salmon R63
Rc Snipers Cesar Vega R63
ZT Elite Moreno Anthony Amezquita R62
Brenham Chargers Ethan Aschenbeck R62
Houston Bengals-13u (Watson) Trevor Brown R62
Banditos 13u Grosso Landon Bruns R62
Scorpions Team Easton (Black) Caden Caminita R62
Scorpions Team Easton (Black) Corbin Cook R62
Stix Academy - 13u - McMullin Raimy Evans R62
Houston Bengals-13u (Watson) Wilder Kilpatrick R62
Brenham Chargers Braydon Martin R62
Bay Area Express 13u Red Luke Rose R62
Brenham Chargers Kyle Curtis R61
Rc Snipers Jesus Davila R61
God First Baseball 13u Aaa Brock Payne R61
God First Baseball 13u Aaa Cody Samples R61
Bay Area Express 13u Red Logan Villanueva R61
Rc Snipers Brennan Baker R60
Banditos 13u Grosso Valentino Deleon R60
Brenham Chargers Rueben Hollowell R60
Stix Academy - 13u - McMullin Noah Salazar L60
Banditos 13u Grosso Kooper Derusse R59
Rc Snipers Nathan Espinoza R59
Stix Academy - 13u - McMullin Benjamin Nguyen R59
Houston Bengals-13u (Watson) Jayden Ochoa R59
ZT Elite Moreno Josue Rebollar R59
Banditos 13u Grosso James Silva R59
Scorpions Team Easton (Black) Jacob Stanard R59
5 Star DFW 13U- Cook Black Joshua Jacobs R58
Rc Snipers Isaiah Rodriguez R58
Rc Snipers Avian Arredondo R45