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Payment is due Tuesday before the event! Payment is the only way to secure your spot non-payment will result to being waitlisted! Payment deadlines are only a thing if we are not at max capacity. If we are at max capacity, the first teams to pay in full are the ones that get to play! PLEASE PAY AS IT IS THE ONLY WAY TO SECURE YOUR SPOT IN THE EVENT...
Gate Fees:
These are at the discretion of each park and can change without notice

Baseball USA: $10/person CASH ONLY
- 18& under FREE
- Active Military & Veterans FREE with ID
- First Responders FREE with ID
- NO Senior Citizen Discounts

Premier Baseball of Texas: $10/person OR $20/Car MAX (CASH ONLY)
-$5 Veterans, First Responders, and Senior Citizens
- NO Coaches get in free. ALL coaches are required to pay the entry fee. NO EXCEPTIONS!

Schiel Road: $10/ Person CARD ONLY + tax
- 2 Coaches in Free (Required to check-in with Gate Employee)
- Military/First Responder $5 WITH ID
- Senior Citizen $5

Lone Star Sports Complex: $10/person CASH OR CARD

Catch 2 Dugout: $10/car - CASH ONLY

Big League Dreams: $8 CASH OR CARD
- 2 coaches free (Required to sign in)

Diamonds at Daily Park: $10/person OR $20/car MAX (CASH OR CARD)
May 20 - 21 |  Baseball USA | Houston, TX
Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
FB Velocities
Branch Baseball Gage Lindenberger R75
Bull Shark Baseball August Bernal R74
Texas Twelve Black - Woodlands Thomas Daigle R74
Channelview Crushers Juan Fonseca R74
Branch Baseball Currie Bechtol R73
BPT Hurricanes Peter Hebert R73
BPT Hurricanes Jackson Seel R73
Stix Academy - 13u Carlos Morales R71
Fritztown Reds - Self Tripp Barnet R70
Lions Gold Pearce Dennis R70
Fritztown Reds - Self Davis Lochte L70
Channelview Crushers Abbas Razvi L70
Lions Gold Liam Gutierrez R69
Osp Baseball 2028 Noah Newton R69
Marucci Elite Texas-Merchan Jace Hanks R68
Bull Shark Baseball Adam Khubieh R68
Fritztown Reds - Self Connor Simms R68
Osp Baseball 2028 Mohammad Ibrahim R67
Channelview Crushers Tyler Ruiz R67
BPT Hurricanes Jonathan Spring R67
Texas Twelve Black - Woodlands Kaden Dupaquier L66
Texas Twelve Black - Woodlands Henry Huxel R66
Bull Shark Baseball Rylan Lim R66
Channelview Crushers Adrian Martinez R66
BPT Hurricanes Connor Treadway R66
Channelview Crushers Joel Trevino R66
Stix Academy - 13u Colin Wardlaw R66
Texas Twelve Black - Woodlands Benjamin Cervantes R65
Texas Twelve Black - Woodlands Zach Draeger R65
Lions Gold Tyler Elam R65
Marucci Elite Texas-Merchan Ollie Hem R65
Stix Academy - 13u Jack Lawrence R65
Branch Baseball Jake Miller R65
Branch Baseball West Peacock R65
BPT Hurricanes Liam Raymond L65
Texas Twelve Black - Woodlands Justin Rebrook R65
Channelview Crushers Alexander Rodriguez R65
Stix Academy - 13u Andrew Hausmann R64
Osp Baseball 2028 Michael Mullagh L64
Fritztown Reds - Self Mason Self R64
Branch Baseball Micah Boutros R63
Branch Baseball Hutton Brown R63
Marucci Elite Texas-Merchan Nicholas Fernandez R63
Fritztown Reds - Self Travis Jenschke R63
Bull Shark Baseball Luke Ladwig R63
Marucci Elite Texas-Merchan Caleb Manrique L63
BPT Hurricanes Peter Banks R62
Channelview Crushers Roberto Colunga R62
Lions Gold Miles Kelly R62
Osp Baseball 2028 Tanner Kotlarz R62
Fritztown Reds - Self Kress Mohr R62
Marucci Elite Texas-Merchan Alex Sarvarian R62
Marucci Elite Texas-Merchan Hunter Bishop R61
Bull Shark Baseball Ben Chapin R61
Texas Twelve Black - Woodlands Zachary Holtgrieve R61
Bull Shark Baseball Connor Welch R61
Texas Twelve Black - Woodlands Hunter Colschen R60
Branch Baseball Landon Glazer R60
Osp Baseball 2028 Josard Steele R60
Lions Gold Sam Barrett R59
Fritztown Reds - Self Chapel Herber R59
Osp Baseball 2028 Lawson Leeser R59
Lions Gold Jude Mishlan R59
Lions Gold Adam Guy R58
Lions Gold Dave Sobba R58
Lions Gold Keller Parr R55