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15U 17U
There has been a change in location for Tuesday's games. All games will be played at Medford Athletic Complex Field 1. Game times remain the same. Please visit the schedule/scores tab for the updates. Thank you.

Tournament Director- Rich Lipscomb- rlipscomb@perfectgame.org

Schedule/Scores Brackets Event Info   Pool Standings
FB Velocities
Allstars Academy Futures 15u Kaiden McCarthy R94
Allstars Academy Futures 15u Seamus Keller R88
Body Armor Titans 2027 Jaxson Torres R88
Allstars Academy Futures 15u Pierce Byrne R86
Allstars Academy Futures 15u Braden White R86
PIttsburgh Premiere Aiden Catterall R85
BEAST 2027 National Dylan Frers R85
Showtime Select 2027 Fusco Andrew McCormack R85
Body Armor Titans 2027 Stellan Zangari R85
Showtime Select 2027 Fusco Connor Ackerman R84
Allstars Academy Futures 15u Jayden Henderson R84
Showtime Select 2027 Fusco Ray Kim R84
Sa Elite - National Gabe Lucca R84
B1 Ghost (Famiglietti) Nicolas Schwabe R84
Showtime Select 2027 Fusco Charlie Shapiro R84
Showtime Select 2027 Fusco Dylan Weinstein R84
East Coast Lumberjacks 2027s Matthew Zambriski R84
Allstars Academy Impact 15u Jason Bailey R83
Allstars Academy Impact 15u Ian Bruce R83
MVP New England 2027's 3n2 Jacob Budarz R83
MVP New England 2027's 3n2 Dylan Chamberland R83
5 Star National NY - 15U Terry Thomas Crawford R83
Sa Elite - National Daniel Ducalo R83
5 Star National NY - 15U Terry Brayden Franco R83
East Coast Lumberjacks 2027s Mason Gatchalian R83
Sa Elite - National Emmett Gleeson L83
Showtime Select 2027 Fusco Marcos Lopez R83
Sa Elite - National Kyle Magill R83
Canes Tri-State Ryan McAuley R83
Team Francisco Notorious 9 Prime 15U Jake Mora R83
B1 Ghost (Okon) Jake Ostertag R83
PIttsburgh Premiere Jacob Peterson R83
Allstars Academy Impact 15u Gianni Simone R83
Beaver Valley Red Colin Stofik R83
MP Citius 15u Connor Brice R82
Sa Elite - National Connor Crittenden R82
Allstars Academy Futures 15u Jacoby Dicranian R82
Showtime Select 2027 Fusco Collin Joy R82
East Coast Lumberjacks 2027s Drew LeGrady R82
Canes Tri-State Jayden Marte R82
Allstars Academy Diamond 15u Evan O'Connell R82
MVP New England 2027's 3n2 Gavin Rovinelli R82
Allstars Academy Futures 15u Jeg Sansone R82
Usg New York 15u Andrew Almonte R81
Ny Dynasty Anthony D'Acunto R81
Allstars Academy Futures 15u Carter Epting L81
MP Citius 15u Reid Glanville R81
Hudson Valley Select 15U Cody Hanson L81
Allstars Academy Futures 15u Kihl Kelly L81
5 Star Northeast 15u Breylan Kupp R81
5 Star National NY - 15U Terry Jacob Marcario R81
Sa Elite - National Wade Margolies R81
Ct Mets 15u Griffin McCarroll R81
East Coast Lumberjacks 2027s Liam McGinness R81
MVP New England 2027's 3n2 Harrison Mulready R81
Body Armor Titans 2027 Thomas Okpych L81
Sa Elite - National Sebastian Pitt R81
B1 Ghost (Famiglietti) Casey Quinn R81
B1 Ghost (Famiglietti) Jake Wilber R81
B1 Ghost (Stewart) John-Luca Antico R80
East Coast Lumberjacks 2027s Ryan Audette R80
Body Armor Titans 2027 Aiden Brescia L80
Showtime Select 2027 Fusco Aj Conza L80
Mvp Ny 2027 Chase Desantis R80
MVP New England 2027's 3n2 Declan Ellingwood R80
Allstars Academy Impact 15u Cameron Frazier R80
Allstars Academy Futures 15u Kai Graybeal R80
B1 Ghost (Famiglietti) ricalos guzman R80
Allstars Academy Diamond 15u Jake Hermance R80
PIttsburgh Premiere Hunter Horne R80
Body Armor Titans 2027 Mateo Lopez R80
Ghost Angels Sebastian Marthei R80
BEAST 2027 National Ryan Mitchell R80
B1 Ghost (Okon) Reno Pagiatakis R80
B1 Ghost (Okon) Krish Patel R80
Team Francisco Notorious 9 Select 15u Aiden Perry R80
MP Citius 15u Alex Piergiovanni R80
Allstars Academy Diamond 15u Griffin Reardon R80
Les Marquis de Montreal Jacob Reid R80
5 Star National NY - 15U Terry Brendan Rivera R80
Hudson Valley Select 15U Darren Russo R80
Showtime Select 2027 Fusco Connor Sheridan R80
Canes Tri-State Marcus Spataro R80
Allstars Academy Impact 15u Sammy Spector R80
Team Francisco Notorious 9 Select 15u Christopher Sultana L80
Allstars Academy Diamond 15u Teddy Tidgewell R80
Les Marquis de Montreal Matis Trahan R80
MP Citius 15u Ellis Wagman R80
Sa Elite - National Benjamin Wallace R80
Allstars Academy Futures 15u Daniel Weed R80
Allstars Academy Impact 15u Davian Williams R80
B1 Ghost (Stewart) Evan Williams R80
Allstars Academy Futures 15u Brayden Bull R79
B1 Ghost (Fiorino) David Cabrera R79
Canes Tri-State Jonah Carbon L79
Hudson Valley Select 15U Lewis Connor R79
LI Elite Prospects Savarese Jonathan Cruz R79
Team Francisco Notorious 9 15U Nicholas Failla R79
Allstars Academy Impact 15u Cameron Fruscio R79
Team Francisco Notorious 9 Select 15u Steve Gervasi R79
5 Star National NY - 15U Terry Vandorn Johnson R79
Body Armor Titans 2027 Chase Lordi R79
Beaver Valley Red Nico Marasco R79
Team Francisco Notorious 9 Select 15u Joaquin Martinez R79
B1 Ghost (Fiorino) Jonathan Moya R79
Beaver Valley Red Jackson Reese R79
Usg New York 15u Chris Rizzo R79
B1 Ghost (Fiorino) Tyghe Rowland R79
Beaver Valley Red Colton Temple R79
Les Marquis de Montreal Antoine Vezina R79
MVP New England 2027's 3n2 Luis Viruega R79
Ny Dynasty Justin Arenas L78
Allstars Academy Impact 15u Joseph Carrothers R78
Ct Mets 15u Leo Dottori R78
Team Francisco Notorious 9 15U Charles Ferrante R78
Team Francisco Notorious 9 Prime 15U Justin Frometa R78
B1 Ghost (Famiglietti) Noah Gross R78
Beaver Valley Red Jordan Haught R78
5tpdevelopment Michael Hernandez R78
MP Citius 15u Ryan Johnson R78
Team Francisco Notorious 9 Prime 15U Thomas Lobello R78
MVP New England 2027's 3n2 Neerad Narasimham R78
5tpdevelopment Jacob Pagan R78
Ct Mets 15u Stephen Vetro R78
Sa Elite - National Luke Walsh R78
B1 Ghost (Okon) Marek Williams R78
Ct Mets 15u Alexander Alvarez R77
Sa Elite - National Jaylen Alvarez L77
Team Francisco Notorious 9 15U Christian Biancaniello R77
B1 Ghost (Fiorino) Ben Bonadio R77
Team Francisco Notorious 9 Prime 15U Jack Buckley L77
Team Francisco Notorious 9 Prime 15U Anthony Cantara R77
Team Francisco Notorious 9 Select 15u Anthony Cantara R77
B1 Ghost (Famiglietti) Andrew Cucuzza R77
PIttsburgh Premiere Mario Cutillo R77
Ghost Angels Gabriel Diaz R77
Team Francisco Notorious 9 Prime 15U Gabriel Diaz R77
Team Francisco Notorious 9 15U Timothy Erwig L77
MP Citius 15u Justin Garcia R77
Mvp Ny 2027 Aidan Ging L77
East Coast Lumberjacks 2027s Noah Hubert R77
Allstars Academy Diamond 15u Austin June R77
Team Francisco Notorious 9 Prime 15U Joey Lionetti R77
PIttsburgh Premiere Demetri Lowe R77
B1 Ghost (Stewart) Dominic Macedonio R77
BEAST 2027 National Joseph Maxwell R77
Beaver Valley Red Brody McCullough R77
MVP New England 2027's 3n2 Jack McDougall L77
Les Marquis de Montreal Alessio Padilla R77
Team Francisco Notorious 9 15U Marco Palleschi R77
Allstars Academy Diamond 15u Christian Quinones R77
5 Star National NY - 15U Terry Matthew Reany R77
MVP New England 2027's 3n2 Cooper Saunders R77
MVP New England 2027's 3n2 Robert Schadtle R77
Ny Dynasty Jason Williams R77
Mvp Ny 2027 Connor Bletsch R76
Les Marquis de Montreal Jeremie Bouchard R76
Les Marquis de Montreal Matis Couto Vaillancourt R76
5 Star Northeast 15u Casey Daigneault R76
MP Citius 15u Luca Delconte R76
Mvp Ny 2027 Christos Dimitrakakis R76
PIttsburgh Premiere Paul Dzyak R76
5tpdevelopment Bryan Figueroa R76
Mvp New England 15u Ryan Fitting L76
Ghost Angels Romel Gonzalez R76
Allstars Academy Futures 15u Matthew Hand R76
Beaver Valley Red Eli Hartman R76
Mvp New England 15u Andrew Hatheway R76
Tri State Arsenal NY National William Herbert R76
Mvp New England 15u Luke Lagosh R76
Ghost Angels Lawrence Lanuza R76
Ct Mets 15u Ryder Livigne R76
Canes Tri-State Jonathan Mangeri L76
B1 Ghost (Okon) Ryan Moore R76
MP Citius 15u Landon O'Hara R76
5 Star National NY - 15U Terry Tyler Plugues R76
BEAST 2027 National Bryce Repetti R76
Team Francisco Notorious 9 15U Darell Sanchez R76
Usg New York 15u Alex Sangiorgi R76
Canes Tri-State Sebastian Santana R76
Allstars Academy Impact 15u Steven Thomas Jr R76
Ct Mets 15u Nicholas Westphal R76
Hudson Valley Select 15U Alex Young R76
Showtime Select 2027 Fusco Matthew Zammit R76
Ny Dynasty Christopher Allegretti L75
B1 Ghost (Okon) Brady Ayres L75
Mvp Ny 2027 Black Owen Bodkin R75
MP Citius 15u Izaeya Collado L75
5tpdevelopment Jeremiah Diaz R75
BEAST 2027 National Michael Diaz R75
MP Citius 15u Alex Dilorenzo R75
Mvp Ny 2027 Joseph Ferrante R75
LI Elite Prospects Savarese Connor Flynn R75
Mvp New England 15u Gavin Gentile R75
5 Star Northeast 15u William Heath R75
B1 Ghost (Fiorino) Matthew Judge R75
Mvp Ny 2027 Luke Krzemienski L75
Northeast NL 15U Dylan Lancberg R75
Team Francisco Notorious 9 Select 15u Rocco Liguori R75
B1 Ghost (Stewart) Brendan Ohl L75
Les Marquis de Montreal Napoleon Rivard L75
East Coast Lumberjacks 2027s Maddox Roberts R75
5 Star Northeast 15u Jiancarlo Romano R75
B1 Ghost (Stewart) Fionn Ryan R75
Team Francisco Notorious 9 Select 15u Tommy Stathopoulos R75
Team Francisco Notorious 9 Prime 15U Carlos Vazquez R75
Ny Dynasty Thomas Walsh R75
Ny Dynasty Christian Wiese R75
LI Elite Prospects Savarese Philip Bunt L74
Ghost Angels Christian Collado R74
5 Star Northeast 15u Cole Curran R74
Mvp Ny 2027 Black Joey DiMaria R74
Team Francisco Notorious 9 15U Cj Everett R74
Mvp Ny 2027 Black Jake Fragola R74
Sa Elite - National Xavier Gomez R74
Ny Dynasty Sean Hunt R74
BEAST 2027 National Ryan Long R74
Usg New York 15u Ryan Margolis R74
Allstars Academy Diamond 15u Everest Morehouse R74
Mvp New England 15u David Peling R74
Usg New York 15u Parker Romanowski R74
Body Armor Titans 2027 Johan Santos R74
Team Francisco Notorious 9 15U Andrew Solotoff R74
Mvp New England 15u Brendan Connolly L73
Usg New York 15u Christopher Davis R73
5 Star Northeast 15u Ares Deardorff R73
Les Marquis de Montreal Jayden Lalonde R73
Team Francisco Notorious 9 15U Chris Mangieri R73
Ghost Angels Cristian Miranda R73
PIttsburgh Premiere Matthew Musial R73
B1 Ghost (Famiglietti) Justin Nieves R73
Canes Tri-State Jaiden Sanchez L73
PIttsburgh Premiere Caden Stokes R73
B1 Ghost (Stewart) Sammy Sunshine R73
Mvp Ny 2027 Black Ryan Tucholski R73
Northeast NL 15U Jaden Urbaez R73
Ghost Angels Ronald Baez R72
PIttsburgh Premiere Finn Baird R72
Hudson Valley Select 15U Connor Bleichner R72
Body Armor Titans 2027 Jt Bonventre R72
Northeast NL 15U Erijah Britto R72
Hudson Valley Select 15U Jonah Colandrea R72
Les Marquis de Montreal Matteo Colavita R72
LI Elite Prospects Savarese Ryan Collins R72
Hudson Valley Select 15U Asher Fateman R72
East Coast Lumberjacks 2027s Asher Gorfain R72
5 Star Northeast 15u Eugene Kwon L72
BEAST 2027 National Julian Lange L72
BEAST 2027 National Memphis Lanier R72
Northeast NL 15U Mark Phillips R72
5tpdevelopment Jose Placido R72
Ct Mets 15u Christian Rouse R72
Mvp Ny 2027 Kevin Shannon R72
B1 Ghost (Fiorino) Cole Zuckerman L72
5 Star Northeast 15u Chase Haggerty R71
Allstars Academy Diamond 15u Aj Hencke R71
5 Star Northeast 15u Connor Landau R71
Mvp Ny 2027 Jesse Schoenfeld L71
Usg New York 15u Michael Van Allen L71
Team Francisco Notorious 9 Select 15u Mike Amato R70
LI Elite Prospects Savarese Joe Doherty R70
Ny Dynasty Shane Gordon L70
5 Star Northeast 15u Jonathan Leon R70
Northeast NL 15U Andrew Logue R70
B1 Ghost (Fiorino) Deven Makhijani R70
LI Elite Prospects Savarese Robbie Metzger R70
B1 Ghost (Fiorino) Nick Paluzzi R70
Ghost Angels Jadiel Quezada R70
East Coast Lumberjacks 2027s Jonathan Starvatow R70
LI Elite Prospects Savarese Chase Troiano R70
East Coast Lumberjacks 2027s Zachary Brittingham R69
Ny Dynasty Christopher Didonna R69
Tri State Arsenal NY National Cole Eichner R69
Northeast NL 15U Matteo Grasso R69
Tri State Arsenal NY National Daniel Hilton R69
PIttsburgh Premiere Brady Kennedy R69
B1 Ghost (Okon) Sebastian Logiudice L69
B1 Ghost (Famiglietti) Brendan Martin R69
Allstars Academy Impact 15u Anya Buhrmaster R68
Northeast NL 15U Danny Curich L68
Usg New York 15u Liam Quinn R68
B1 Ghost (Fiorino) Michael Scotto R68
Mvp New England 15u Brendan Vargas L68
Team Francisco Notorious 9 Prime 15U Matthew Wolanski L68
Les Marquis de Montreal Elie Bouthillier R67
Tri State Arsenal NY National Lorenzo D'Ambrosio R67
Northeast NL 15U John Eisenberg R67
Mvp Ny 2027 Black Mickey Gein R67
LI Elite Prospects Savarese Donovan Reid L67
Usg New York 15u Derek Wonderland R67
Mvp Ny 2027 Black Salvatore Amato R66
Tri State Arsenal NY National Jude Colon R66
Tri State Arsenal NY National Jake Bugliari R65
5 Star National NY - 15U Terry Tyler Groblewski L65
B1 Ghost (Stewart) Tom Licata R65
Tri State Arsenal NY National Mateo Ramos R65
Ghost Angels Ethan Tineo R65
Ny Dynasty Michael Burke R64
Ghost Angels Frainy Gonzalez R64
Hudson Valley Select 15U Gabriel Smith R64
LI Elite Prospects Savarese Colin Breen R59